So my Year in Review .... here's the list I posted last December .... today's comments come after the -- in each post.
OK well here's my list of anticipated realistic finishes for 2007:
Dutch Beauty -- didn't get much done on it at all
Rainmaker by Mystic Stitch -- no longer needed to do
2 more of the Ross Egyptian profiles for mum -- nope - got one done
The Castle (TW) -- insert insane laughter here
Cirque des Cercles -- nope
Mystery IX -- not finished
Midi Mystery 1 -- not finished
Midi Mystery 2 or 3 -- not finished or even started
Black Beauty or Something in Red -- not started
Catherine of Aragon -- yes one anticipated finish
I also expect that I will finish or be well on my way to finishing ...
a few Kats by Kelly -- nope. Didn't even get one started.
Frederick the Literate -- nope got four stitches in.
another InkCircles design (I have a few to choose from - depends on my
mood when I finish Cirque) -- Yep started and finished Dogwood Square. Also THOM is *mostly* finished.
St Sophia -- not started
Fire Flower -- YES! Finished !!!!
one of the FantaCat charts I have -- nope.
Another of Henry VIII's wives -- nope.
and the list goes on from there - from that point onwards the list is
huge and will depend on my mood, other commitments, other new designs
coming out etc etc. I aim to get the first list completely finished.
This is my goal. Everything in the second list will be wonderful but
unrealistic - anything in the unlisted third list will be wonderful and
will probably bump something off the second list to do it :) Bit hey -
I'm a Leo I'm allowed to change my mind - or completely fall in love
with a new design and have to stitch it NOW !!!
-- And that's exactly what happened! I also finished this year four unplanned stitched gifts, Silent Night for Sisu, C for Claire, D for Donna and Late Shift for Hilary. I did two Moonflower smalls, Gothic and Stellar, and some smalls model-stitched for Inkcircles Hanky Pysanky. Also two blackwork dragons and of course Party Cat. Pics of all of these can be seen here:
So although I didn't get many BAPs finished (OK not one) I did better than most years in that I finished five items for gifts, my first ever model stitch jobs *and* eight pieces for my own walls.
Fourteen pieces is an outstanding number for me.
Now looking forward for 2008.
My anticipated finishes for 2008 are "b*ggered if I know"! I am not writing lists, I am not planning, I am not setting up a rotation that I will just break. I will work on what I feel like when I feel like as I feel like and I will *not* feel guilty about this in any way shape or form.
Except I suppose I'd better get a few stitches into my TW's The Castle and my The One project or a certain Darth List Mum might skin me alive ....
Oh and the pic above is yet another new unanticipated start - Spotted Butterfly by Szulet Creations.
14 finishes is amazing!! I have....well....1 finish for 2007 so believe me, you did wonderful :) And good luck with the no rotation approach. A lot less pressure!
Lots of finishes all the same! I found myself in the same boat getting off track stitching a bell pull for a retiree, stitching a sampler for the baby arrival etc. We never know what to expect so we have to be flexible LOL. I'm hoping to work on White Nights for awhile but I know something will come up to steer me aside. We stitch 'cause we love it, does it matter if things get finished???
I kinda laughed at my list when I read it, too - but the one good thing that came out of goal setting for this year was that I did get a *ton* of stitching done! :) As did you - congrats!
14 finishes, whether they are the ones you thought they'd be or not, is a good stitching year, I think, considering you did have a major job change in there! Well done!! And your new start is very cute!!
LOL, but you finished some things not on your list so that's all good. Best of luck to you in 2008 Mel, and Happy New Year's!
Know the feeling girl. I was very disappointed in that I only finished ONE, Yes ONE actual piece but on the other hand I've got quite a few that are well on the way so watch out 2008/ This COULD be the year. I did do 19 gifts tho. which was good and this year I want to do more. A very happy new year Mel. May 2008 be a fantastic year for you.
PS do you have an office? and does it have a door?
Thanks everyone for your congrats and well wishes for 2008 - I was frankly astounded when I counted up my finishes - mum counted them up with me a second time just to make sure I counted right {LOL}
Don't forget, most of them were smalls with a medium (Dogwood Square) thrown in. No BAPs.
Kay you got 20 finishes this year - they may be gifts, but they definitely still count as finishes.
And no I don't have an office - I'm in a cubicle - Karen's the one with the office door and the fantastic humorous posters on them :)
Information stored and noted. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wondering how I would skin myself alive too.....You had a great stitching year, superb finishes.
I did finish FireFlower and something else...think I finished something else, but dunno what LOL.
Happy new year Gothy!
**Ok, just checked....Catherine Agnes, Medley and Fireflower...three finishes, not bad :) And a pile of knitted stuffs too. Just had my last finish of the year and it was a pair of glove thingies for me:) **
You had a fantastic year. Not only stitching finishes but you also knitted 4 shawls. Anyone who can do that in my book is great.
Happy New Year
Five shawls, two hats, three pairs of gloves, two tank tops, a Chevron top and a partridge in a pear tree.
Did you have time to sleep in between times?
LOL! I think I only had finishes this year. I know I finished 2 tooth fairy pillows, the VS Gingerbread House Sampler and I only work to support my stitching habit. If I finished anything else, I don't recall it.
Who, me?? I sleep so much it's ridiculous but I do knit fast.
I envy you dear. I used to but if you could see the state of my finger joints these days. Yuck.....
Pics of the partridge please ????
{ducking and running as fast as I can}
You all are so funny, I just love reading the replies here!
Congratulations, Mel, on an awesome year! And anything you didn't finish rolls onto next years list - it's not like they start molding or go bad :-D. I read that "tomorrow" is one of today's greatest labor saving devices. How true.
Will a Robin in the Mallow do for now?? hehehehe....
I definitely agree with the "b*ggered if I know" thoughts. I'm not aiming for finishes this year. I'm aiming to get stuff done..any progress will be good progress.
I am so fed up with stressing over what I don't get done. It will not apply to my stitching ever again. The only person who sets the deadlines is myself apart from RR's and I'm happy with the times set for that. So, no more stressed deadlines, simple.
TW's Castle: well, 2007 being the 10th year since I last stitched on it, it was a huge success. Thanks Mel and all for forcing me to work on it again. I think we all had pretty great progress there.
The One: Um, yeah....Ah what the hell, it's still "the one" for me and I do love it but it's not going to add to my stress unlike I feel forced to work on it and I'll get there when I'm's not today.
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