Actually they are real seeds so I might plant them in my new garden and see if they will grow. Yes I was finally approved for a small cottage last night at 5pm. Now just to confirm with the removalist and I should be moving in the next two weeks.
Difficult when I'm also working two jobs, but Stephen is helping a lot with the organisation and packing so that is really making life easier.
Also it appears that my usual run of luck is running true to form. I seem to only win prizes when I cannot use them ....
Last year at a library conference I won dinner and night for two at a swanky local hotel. I don't actually have anyone to share such a prize with.
Now I find I have won two prizes in the Menu for Hope raffle. One is a $100 gift voucher for a swanky bakery in Melbourne and the other is a dinner for two at a high class restaurant in rural Victoria. Again I have no-one to share such a prize with, I cannot eat at a bakery anyway and I'm over the other side of the country.
So a certain friend who is currently having her kitchen remodelled may have to take care of these prizes for me :)
Time for bed and dreams now. No-one can stop me dreaming - except the cats and the neighbours :)
Ewwww, can't wait to see what comes up :) :) :)
Great prizes - your luck sounds a LOT like mine - which is why I just don't enter into things knowingly anymore - I can't handle the disappointment! LOL - kinda
I'm glad the customs folks didn't confiscate the seeds. I was worried that Bachelor Buttons might be some non-indiginous daaaangerous species. It seems like forever ago that I sent them - I was worried it might have taken the path of your October package.
Don't plant too many at once! You might not be able to handle the outcome. Best wishes at the new flat - I guess a new plant is appropriate. :o)
I'm glad you've found and been approved on a new place :). And I can't wait to see what those seeds grow into! LOL
I'm so chuffewd for you, enjoy the new place.
Mel, happy to hear you've found someplace. I hope it all works out well for you. Can't wait to see photos, especially of how the kitties explore the new digs.
Your luck sounds similar to mine. I usually end up using my wins as gifts so I suppose it is lucky in a way -- for more than one of us!
I'm so glad you've found a place to live! That should make things a lot better! A cottage sounds nice! The cats should be happy to go out as well.
Nice seed package. Look forward to what grows from them.
Where is your cottage Mel. I am really pleased for you.
I think I speak for all of us when I say "send me the address"
I hope the boy toy seeds grow well. :)
Steve and I got to spend a weekend at the Chicago Hilton, Lake side room, overlooking the park, because the voucher was won by friends of ours who live 2 blocks from there, LOL.
OK I've sent an email out to those who I think would like the address the most. If I've missed anyone, drop me a line and I will pass it on.
New theme befitting the cottage, eh? It's cute! Can't really believe you're doing cute though, LOL!
Great news on the move. Hope everything goes smoothly.
If you end up with more "end product" from your seeds, just remember who your friends are:))
I just had an image of Mel at the local Farmer's market trying to offload her "surplus produce"...LOL
Surplus? 4 to carry her divan, 2 to fan her, 1 to announce her, 1 to bring her refreshments, a couple to train as masseurs, the cream of the crops her personal pet. Hmmm. Nope, I am not seeing much in the way of surplus, LOL.
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