Monday 13 December 2010

Its been a good day :)

I've spent so long feeling drained and tired and headachey and yet not sleeping well - so today I said enough.

I have work reports that need to be handed in on Wednesday, so I worked all day Saturday and left them with various people to test and proofread for me.

So today I didn't touch work stuff. I got out of bed feeling miserable I put on the wii fit and for the first time in months, I managed to get all the way through my old workout without the migraine exploding.  In fact, I got my old endorphin rush so I was feeling happy!

God I've missed those endorphins!

Compiled and wrapped the last of the presents, grabbed all of the errands I'd been putting off (seemingly forever) and headed out to do them all :)

The post office hurt - but not as much as previous years so that's a win.  I claimed back a lot more on recent medical expenses than I thought - so win!

Used the medical rebate to buy work shoes (my old ones are an embarrassment) and a pair of slip-ons  so yes I replaced half of my shoes collection!  Both pairs were on special - so win!

I took the unexpected savings from there and faced facts that I am larger than I have been in recent years, I bought three pairs of shorts in larger sizes so I can be comfortable until my weight comes back down.  Get to the counter and find out that all three pairs of shorts are on 30% off sale - so all three came in at EXACTLY the amount I had left in the medicare rebate - WIN!

On the way home I bought expensive Abby cat food (budgeted for) hair dye (not budgeted for) and a chocolate muffin (splurge!)

So I have exercised, run all the errands, done some long overdue shopping, not hurt the budget and in actual fact still have some money in the bank to help get me through January.

A good day.

Ham and salad for dinner tonight.


Debbie Lord said...

All all in all great day, with some unexpected and pleasant little things - they can make all the difference sometimes, so enjoy :)

Hilary Syddall said...

Oooh good news on no migraine kick in from the Wii Fit and serious YAYs for the savings on shoes and clothes!

Jim Westlake said...

We all need good days like that! Hope the rest of the month and indeed the coming year are as good.

Melissa Hicks said...

Except for muffin the others were necessities that I just haven't been able to afford - so yeah lots of less stress now that I have them :)

Thank you for the Jacqui Lawson card btw - you have an oldfashioned card turning up via snailmail anyday now :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Yep it kicked in later instead :) Here's hoping that this trend continues as I really need to lose some weight. I've put on 16kg (35 lb) since moving to Perth.

Melissa Hicks said...

And the same for you dear Jim!

kay jones said...

Good news all round. There's nothing quite so satisfying as having a bargain; it puts you in a very positive frame of mind for the rest of the day. Good luck losing weight. I've managed to lose 2lb in the last three months but at least I'm now the lightest I;'ve been in 5 years :))

Mariann Mäder said...

Good to hear positives from you, Mel! I'm glad for each day that you can spend with less harm to your body and mind than you had to go through in the past couple of years. Keep that mending vibe going!!!

Hugs from cold, cold Switzerland (just powdered enough in snow that it might be a white Christmas this year :-) )

I've just run into an unexpected sale price myself the other day - seems like that happens quite frequently when I'm not on the search for downpriced items! That does give a good feeling - or the reality that they probably haven't written it down so far that they won't still make a little profit. - cynical mode turned on - Which means that most such things are usually sold too expensive in the first place. - cynical mode turned off again -

Sisu Lull said...

I hope you gets lots more good days. :) You really needed it.
I kinda got away from the Wii Fit again myself. Glad you didn't get the migraine from it.

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