Thursday 18 February 2010

Classic Stress Dream

Life has been interesting lately.  Yesterday the packers and removalists pulled out on us claiming miscommunication on timings and payments - which was bollocks. A stressful few hours later Stephen had found replacements, but now the packers and coming today so the move wont happen until after lunch.

Last night after a break from packing at 10:30pm we drove out for a bite to eat and I discovered one of my car's wheels is making a strange noise - I need to get that looked at this morning before anything else happens.

After wanting us out with two weeks notice in January, the owners are now playing hardball with us breaking the lease so I will be paying double rent now for at least the next four weeks.  We've held two open houses and not a single application has been put in yet.  How the hell I can afford to pay rent on both places when the reason I am moving is I cannot afford the rent on this place alone is frankly beyond me.

I'm working my guts out at work, taken on higher duties, put myself back into a supervisory role and of course management want to use me to sort out a branch with a poisonous culture. I've spent at least five hours of personal time this week counselling staff.  I was up at 6am yesterday morning writing confidential reports to management.  This is over and above the normal stresses of meeting the deadlines of two different jobs simultaneously and all for a lousy $200 over my normal pay packet.

I haven't slept more than 4 hours a night this week. I've been getting weepy at the drop of a hat here at home.  Is it any wonder this morning after being awake for hours I dropped off into a small stress dream.

I was four years old and at a huge family picnic. I was holding a plate of food and looking around. All the adults were doing a multitude of tasks at the same time, one aunt had a baby on her hip and was serving lunch to another child; an uncle was getting drinks while keeping an eye on some kids swimming etc etc. And the noise was deafening. Kids screaming with laughter and playing chaseys the adults all yelling to be heard above the din.

One aunt looked down at me and asked of I would like pepper on my lunch. I looked at my plate and most of the food (including all of the really good bits) were gone.  I looked up and wailed: Where's My Lunch ?????

I woke up crying.  Tears streaming down my face, huge sobs wracking my body, my cheeks and mouth quivering like chipmunks .... even now I have tears rolling down my face just writing about it, it affected me so much.

If I had the time and energy I'm sure I could analyse the dream into the losses in my life, feeling overwhelmed etc etc.

But to be honest, I have neither the energy nor the time.  Its now time to turn the PC off, pack it away, and start sorting out the kitchen before the packers come to do the fragile bits. At 8:30am I can ring the garage and take the car down and hope its nothing major.

Catch you all when I have internet again.  My phone is still working so I can txt and twitter.


Glenys Kendrick said...

hi there is always tomorrow
sorry about the really hard time you are have
huggs and lots of peace sent your way

Glenys Kendrick said...

Glenys sends the hugs and peace for tomorrrow

Karen R said...

It will get better! Hang in there!!

Jodie Hill said...

Hang in there!! This will soon be a distant memory...

Trish Froggatt said...

Wow - sounds like a stressful time for sure! Huge hugs to you.
Entered some key words for you, and this is what I ended up with:
To dream that someone clears away the food before you finish eating, foretells that you will have problems and issues from those beneath you or dependant upon you

To see your aunt in your dream, represents family characteristics and values. It is a connection to your own heritage. The aunt may also represent aspects of yourself that you like or dislike. She can also be seen as a substitute mother.

To see an uncle in your dream, represents some aspect of your family heritage and traits. It may also symbolize new ideas and emerging awareness. Consider the idiom "say uncle" to mean surrender or admitting defeat.

To see children in your dream implies your desire to return to a more innocent time where you are not burdened by problems or troubles of the adult world. You want to be free of responsibilities and obligations and just enjoy life. Perhaps there are goals that you regret not being able to achieve. You should allow this child to develop and see if there is some aspect of your life that needs to flourish.

Jim Westlake said...

I hope it's now done and dusted and by the time you read this things have returned to a more normal level of stress.

Anita B said...

Hope things have smoothed out for you by now.

Julie Dollery said...

Eastern seaboard hugs sweetie. Hope the move goes well & that, at least, is sorted out

kay jones said...

Sending great bundles of hugs. Hang in there girl. It WILL get better. Thinking of you.

Laura Landis said...

Aw, Mel, it HAS to get better!! You're too great for it not to all turn around. I just keep thinking everything happens for a reason. If you're being tested, just know you're passing with flying colors. Big HUGS!

Melissa Hicks said...

Life is still just as manic but I'm getting there. Work is still insane but I'm getting lots of encouragement and support from my boss.

The house is not unpacked and a LOT more of Stephen's stuff is here than I thought would be :( He's also here longer than we had hoped. He's helping with some of the housework and a lot of the heavy lifting and moving and setting up of electronic equipment so that has been a benefit.

Its just another couple of weeks. Another couple of weeks and I'm back to doing one job instead of three and I will have my house and my pay-packet back to myself (and the cats). I wont get any of the benefits of the extra money I've earned, its all gone into keeping a roof over both our heads and food in both our stomachs, but I've finally stopped going into further debt this pay.

OK time to get back to unpacking. I have a full day off and the weather isn't as insanely hot as it has been for weeks, so I might actually get some stuff done.

I might even get some stitching done sometime next month .....

Mariann Mäder said...

Mel! Good to hear from you, and it's good to know you've dropped the anchor in your new home. I so hope for it to work out for you (once you're alone with the cats, of course .

The best is that you're not accumulating any further debts! I know you'll do your darndest to reduce that as quickly as you can.

Halt dir senkrecht, as they say in Berlin - Hold yourself up straight, and you'll get through the last stretch. How long will Stephen still be there?

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