Sunday 1 August 2010

Mel's Sunday Update

To start I'd like to say "I'm sorry" to everyone who has been expecting communication from me and hasn't been getting it.  The migraine pain is back despite the meds. Also despite the meds, the migraine has. never. gone. away.

The combination of the two has made me quite depressed and miserable. I'[ve been faking it well at work but I just don't have the energy to fake it at home, so I am sorry.  I will get to that backlog of correspondence as I can :(

On a happier note, I did force myself out in the sunshine yesterday and went to the WA Craft Fair.  In some respects it seemed smaller than the Craft & Quilt Show I went to back in May but the vendors and crowd here seemed to be more serious crafters.

There are apparently only two major craft fairs in WA annually.  Having been to both it seems like the May fair is the "oooh look honey, you always said you'd like to try X, lets get a beginners kit"  whereas the July Fair is "here's my shopping list of things I need and a notebook to jot down this year's trends".

I could be wrong but that's how it seemed to me.

I took a certain amount of cash with me and spent the lot, mostly on consumables.  A couple of hand-made food vendors were there - including a bakery opposite the ColoursDownUnder stall who was selling gluten free food.  I have enough GF bikkies now to last me a couple of months worth of meetings ...

Janine also had in for me the black afghan fabric required for Fantacat's DragonFeathers Afghan.  There was also some joking around about if I could get this one finished in time for the May Fair next year.  I stretched the fabric out this morning - EEP!  There are 32 blocks to be stitched on this - that's more than one block per week! Especially as I can't even start it until October!  And you know how hot Aussie summers are .... somehow I'm not sure this will even get started before May 2011.

The only other stitching related purchase was one piece of royal blue fabric big enough to stitch Golden Cat and Golden Peacock.  OH and I gathered supplies for another birthday gift, but can't talk about that here {grin}.

At present I'm frantically stitching Alison's (Best non-stitching friend) Wild Thing.  It suits her to a T and she's moving mid August back to Canberra, so this will be a combined 50th birthday present and housewarming gift.

Unfortunately I was disappointed yet again at the difference between the cover picture and the Real Thing.  The recommended fabric is Picture This Plus Cashel Heather.  In the cover photo the fabric looks a mottled blue.  When the fabric arrived, it was, as you can see in the photos, a mottled mauve/pink color.It did disturb me when I started because the cover pic was of cool tones and there is quite a bit of black and ecru in the border, but the warm Heather does seem to be quite fine so far ....

After that its onto a number of round robins (one current one and a couple I'm behind on) and then another birthday present and then I can start thinking abort stitching anything else :)

In the rest of life I'm just plodding along.  Stitching or in World of Warcraft when my migraines allow it, picking up any extra work I can to make the bills and then Gusty getting through each day.  Today I have been productive: I have stitched on Wild Thing, made a large batch of fried rice to take for lunches all week. Done the washing (its out on the line drying) and I have a loaf of bread in the oven.

The top photo is of Trubs protecting the bread as it is out in the sun to start to rise.  Yes it is covered in plastic so it wont dry out or get covered in cat hair :)

Just to mop the floors and change the cat litter and that will do for the housework :)  Tonight some of us from work are planning to go out to the Hare Krishna's Food on the Jetty. Lots of good vegetarian food, mostly gluten friendly and you pay what you can afford.  A few of us decided rather than going to a mid-range fancy restaurant, we would go here and spend the same amount of money and feel good that we are helping a charity. Apparently the food is superb and there's lots of it!

So that's my update.  Mmmmm - that bread smells ready to be taken out of the oven now :)


Melissa Hicks said...

I've updated the setting on the Wild Thing album so that anyone who can read this blog post, can also access that folder:

Paula Hubert said...

Sorry to hear about the continued head pain.. and I can totally understand how it would drag you down. I'm glad you got out and about a bit, well done on the purchases that you made. And I think I can smell the bread all the way over here.. :)

Julie Dollery said...

mmmmm...bread. Sorry about the head, it's been bad so long I'm surprised you're not just a little more crazy. That arghan is gorgeous. I know when I stitched one years ago, it went surprisingly quickly because the stitches are just so huge.

Melissa Hicks said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are correct :)

Laura Landis said...

Aw, Mel, sorry to hear the migraine pain continues. I hope you find some relief. It's amazing you're able to be so productive when you don't feel well. How was Hare Krishna's and what did you have? You have me curious now!

Melissa Hicks said...

Hi Laura, Sorry I'm so late in replying. This week has been much better pain waise - yay!

The Hare Krishna's was fantastic! The had a choice of about nine dishes plus two types of rice plus a sweet dessert and all the orange cordial you wanted to drink. All were set out up one end of the room in bain marie's like an all-you-can-eat buffet style. We had a reserved table for our group, but apart from that its turn up, collect a plate, cue up from left to right and then select whatever you want on your plate on the way past, collect your dessert and drink and go back to your table. Repeat as often as you want and pay what you can afford at the end.

Unfortunately none of the dishes was labelled and what I thought was safron rice (or tumeric rice) actually quite a bit of chili in it! I just grabbed my place and put a small portion of everything on my plate and figured I would find out what I liked. I liked it all. All the meals were very carbohydrate heavy, rice, potatoes, lentils etc. Very much designed to fill you up quickly.

But for what it was, the food was excellent! Anytime I'm in the city and feeling like Indian food i will go there and give them my money. Also with it being a Sunday night and the rest of the city closed it was a quick drive there and back. Most days i would'nt even contemplate driving to the city but Sunday nights are a breeze!

The company was great - I'm with a good crowd in the main branch of work now, so we ended up on a long discussion of why mermaids were always pictured with human female from the waist up when wouldn't sailors be more interested in a female part of the anatomy from the waist down. The conversation ranged over the censorship at the time of drawings of female genetalia, the influence of the Catholic church in the middle ages, how this compares to other bestiary drawings and we all (male and female) avoided the "smells like fish" related comments!

I could get used to going out with this crowd!

The next outing is brunch for my birthday next Sunday. Breakfast from 9-11 for us early risers and then coffee at the next place along from 11:00-12:30 for those with hangovers. At 12:30 I and two others have to leave to go to work for the afternoon.... the branch customers won't know what's hit them :)

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