Sunday 3 October 2010

Catharsis - I haz it!

Late last week I was asked by a work colleague if I had any craft items I didn't want.  Her mum is going to East Timor on Tuesday as a volunteer to help  Kirsty Gusmao with her Aloha Foundation.  I asked what type of craft items and was told that although these women had originally been concentrating on making and selling their traditional crafts, many want to now branch out and learn new skills.

So on Friday morning, I opened 13 sealed boxes (many of which have been sealed through many moves) and I gave away two packing boxes of materials - lots of old braid and ribbons and trimmings, and my entire bead collection from my SCA days, plus a pile of Aida I had lying around, around 100 skeins of Anchor I had won on eBay a while ago, some needles and full set of Cross Stitch Magic and the kits contained within.

Most of the cross stitch stuff was items I don't use (except maybe the Anchor - but I was feeling generous and they can be replaced). However, the big AHA moment for me was the SCA stuff. I'd been lugging it around year after year. I didn't even look in my bead carriers, I just threw them in the boxes without backward glance.  All the braids and trimmings were items I dislike or had bought for projects I had (once upon a time) planned to make for people who are no longer in my life.

I looked through every one of those 13 boxes and found things I didn't know I had, and a heap of things I was happy to move on. Anything I hesitated over I kept and will go through again at a later date. 

I feel so liberated and free from that stuff. I have had an occasional twinge about maybe I should have looked through the bead carriers, but you know - if there were things in there I needed, I would have found them by now, or I can find a replacement.

I felt such joy in sending these items on as:
  • I don't need them, I don't want them
  • They are going somewhere where they can do some good and be appreciated by the recipients
  • In a small way I'm helping others have a better life

And you can't get better than that!


Jodie Hill said...

Doesn't it feel good to get rid of things you know you won't ever use? I went through my craft room for the first time in 8 years at the beginning of September, and I got rid of a ton of stuff I know I will never use. I'm still at SABLE by about 175 years, but at least I started getting rid of stuff... I plan on going through about every 6 months to continue weeding things out so eventually I'll have a more managable stash... although if my kids have anything to say about it I'll never get rid of anything...

Claire EJ said...

Oh good for you love! That SCA stuff has been costing you money with every move you make!
So glad you found a cause to give it to rather than just chucking it out.

Rosanne Derrett said...

Yay, it really is a good feeling letting go of useless things. It's even better when you know that will be useful to someone else.

kay jones said...

Great work honey especially since it will now that its going to a good cause and will actually be used

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone! The fact it was going to a good cause helped me get over the fear of feeling like a failure. I finally igured out that's what stopped me opening those boxes. I'm still carrying around emotional baggage from 10 years ago! Now just to finish the job and find other charities for the rest of the SCA-related stuff.

Julie Dollery said...

Good going. The SCA stuff is interesting. Hubby & I worked out a few years ago that although we liked the SCA, we liked the IDEA of the SCA more than the actual reality. In fact, some of the people who are still involved we , quite frankly, wouldn't cross the road to crap on. 13 boxes gone...YAAAYYY

Karen R said...

That's so great to hear - I know you've been hanging onto that stuff, trying to come to terms with it, so it's good that it's moved on, so now you can, too!

Paula Hubert said...

Good going ! That's a great feeling - and you had the opportunity to purge some things that you needed to without any of the guilt that comes with just throwing things away.. you got to donate to a good cause!

Mariann Mäder said...

There must have been a time when you bought these items because you wanted to do something with them, but you don't relate to these anymore.

It's dropping off ballast that weighed heavy on your feet, so - WELL DONE!!!

And you're indeed giving things away that others can probably use, so well done again :-)

Sisu Lull said...

I gave about 40 lbs of old crafting materials to the church for their youth program last year and it does feel good to 'lighten the load'. We also have a local 'junk man' who takes any household items. He has contacts in several area police and fire departments and puts together sets of stuff for people who have had fire or flood damage. We gave him a 1940's stove and washing machine. They both still worked, and might have been worth something to sell, but it felt better to give them to him knowing he would find someone who needed them.

Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

I'm sure they appreciated it all Mel - way to go!

Laura Landis said...

I've been doing some cleaning/sorting/purging so I understand what you mean. Isn't it amazing that we haul around all this stuff instead of using it or recycling it? The crazy part is, I still have more stuff than I know what to do with!!

Good for you, Mel!

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