Tuesday 27 April 2010

OK I give up

Have been slowly working a new stitching project this month as my headaches allow.

Yesterday I had a very relaxing day and stitched on and off almost doubling the size of the stitched area. Discovered late last night I had made an error right back at the beginning of that morning.

Its a symmetrical sampler motif design so yes it needed frogging and restitching.

This afternoon I undertook the mammoth task of frogging the whole area I had stitched yesterday.

Tonight I have attempted to get past the mistake site eight times. EIGHT TIMES I had to frog it again.

I don't know what it is but my brain with these headaches just cannot deal with counting to four.

So I've frogged it one last time and put that project away.  I'll come back to it after I don't need headache painkillers!

Tomorrow night I'll pull out a different project and see if I can work on it instead.


Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

Mel - maybe try something very simple - maybe only one color on white fabby or so?

Tracy H said...

Sorry to hear about the plague of frogs. I dare say you have a lot on your mind in all senses, so take care and don't stress over this. Hope the meds are helping. {{HUgs}}

Donna Williams said...

Well, yeah, what they said. I can't offer any stitching advice since the gods only know the last time I picked up any of mine. I do hope the headache meds help and you get some relief at least occasionally.

Karen R said...

8 times? I'd have launched across the house after 2 or 3! I know, I've done it - and not even with a good excuse like you!

Let it go, try something else, and let the frogs move out on their own - that piece clearly doesn't wanted to be touched right now!

Julie Dollery said...

I think I heard you say something about tablets with Codeine in them in your last post. That'll screw up your counting lovie, every time. It's why they have those "don't operate heavy vehicles" on them. If you're really struggling, speak to your doctor about options, there ARE options (but they aren't thrilled with offering them, I'm allergic to Codeine, so have faced this before)

Melissa Hicks said...

Julie, I can't take codeine either so we are making cocktails out of the drugs I can take. We'll find the right cocktail soon.

Karen, I have a very broad streak of stubbornness in me. I was NOT going to less this beat me. After eight times I finally allowed myself to admit defeat. Good thing I'm not a boxer, I'd be the stupid one that keeps trying to stand up again.

Lyne, the irony is that this project *was* one colour on white linen ...

Paula Hubert said...

GAH!! I feel your pain - I'm facing a huge frog session on Fish City - with no good excuse other than I aparently cannot count! Be patient with yourself.. the only defeat will be if you never pull it back out again!

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