Sunday 5 September 2010

Some days it doesn't pay to bite through the restraints

After a few months of migraine-induced depression and apathy I finally decided recently to get my act together.
  • I have created a budget that will see me debt free by end of October 2011.
  • I am controlling my eating habits rather than cravings controlling me
  • I am actively looking for ways to get fit that wont worsen the migraine
  • I've decided to de-clutter physically and electronically

Anything that gets the blood pumping makes the migraine explode. For days.  So does any music with a good beat, And sunlight,

I'm walking around the property for 30-40 mins whenever I'm home around dusk on the theory that something is better than nothing. If anyone has other suggestions, please let me know. This inability to do anything physical is frustrating the hell out of me.

I work best by setting myself small goals and measuring progress. Setting down a series of steps/milestones and then focusing on achieving them.  I have no idea how to do this over the next 12 months because the de-cluttering is such a massive undertaking,

So decided to start at my desk. A while ago Stephen and I set up Evernote to keep electronic clutter at bay; and turn paper clutter into electronic files. I finally get around to setting up the docking station so very kindly supplied for my new laptop and discover it don't fit :)  My fault for not providing the model number to my kind benefactor (or attempting to use it before now).

Oh well I have found the installation/driver discs for all of my peripherals (printers, scanner, camera etc).  After four and half very frustrating hours, I discover none of them will work with a 64x machine running Windows 7.

After downloading driver updates, viewing microsoft help pages, Canon support pages and various forums I have discovered that although Canon are slowly updating the software for their older machines to run on Windows 7, they are not planning on updating them for use in a 64x machine.

So I have documents waiting to be scanned and photos of my stitching waiting to be downloaded and I have to show for 4.5 hours today is a mounting sense of frustration and a full-blown migraine,

And now its time to get dressed and head to work for the afternoon.

I wanted to send out a happy "progress is being made" post today, and pics of my stitching but instead all I feel is mounting sense of uselessness and frustration at myself.


Kimberly Fawn said...

I read about a decluttering method that lets you do it little by little. Place boxes or bags at regular points around the house. Instead of sitting down to a massive decluttering session just go about your normal day and when you run across an item that you want to get rid of simply drop it in the closest bag or box. When the bag or box is full send it off to the local Good Will, or set aside for a yard sale or whatever.

Kimberly Fawn said...

and gentle *huggles* for the migraines. Can you swim? gently treading water maybe? Although getting to the swimming place and back... dunno.

Jim Westlake said...

Wish I had a constructive idea Mel. All I have is good wishes from the ooposite side of the planet for you.

kay jones said...

Loath as I am to say it but housework is good exercise - hoovering particularly so. Gardening, especially digging is good for the waistline and what about an aerobics class?

With regard to your de-cluttering, if you want so sell on some of your threads I can let you have a list of what I'm looking for and am happy to pay for them, plus postage:))

Good luck. I'm sure you will get there

Trish Froggatt said...

Hugs Mel. Walking is just as good an exercise as anything..keep it up!! I had/have tons of problems when I got my new computer with Windows 7...still trying to download pics from the camera (the only way I can do it is by taking the chip out of the camera and putting it in the computer directly). It's a PITA....and also had to try to download drivers for various things..grrrr. I too get overwhelmed by big jobs and find that chunking works well for me, i.e. I'll tidy up this little section, or I'll see how much I can get done in 20 minutes...wish we were closer, I'd come and help!!! Cheers, Trish

Hilary Syddall said...

Gentle Yoga or Pilates maybe Mel? Other than that good luck with everything else

Julie Dollery said...

:( (at the tech problems). I'll tell my kindly docking benefactor that he's an epic fail. I have a lurking suspicion why they don't match (which I can't explain here to protect the innocent). Send me the model & I'll see what the fairies can do (I REALLY shouldn't call the IBM boys fairies....that's RUDE).
I also suggest Pilates, even in DVD form might be a cheap way to test.

Mariann Mäder said...

Mel, maybe swimming would help. Water neutralises the feeling of weight, but still swimming will train your muscles well. And then there's water gymnastics.

Both in a moderate amount should not trigger the migraine too badly. What could do that though, is the chlorine in the pool - dang!

If you have a place to try that - do try. I always found swimming relaxing and while I had to pull myself out of the pool by the time I was done with my usual kilometre I always felt refreshed within minutes.

Mariann Mäder said...

Another idea - this time for the camera: ask your local dealer if they have a reader for you and get one for your particular flashcard. Canon was always difficult with their software. Using a reader turns your flashcard in the camera into a normal USB device and you can download your photos independently from camera, cable and drivers. Saved me loads of nerves when I bought my first digital camera in about 1998 (and it was a Canon IXUS). I'd read the manual and it warned of possible problems with the camera cable if there were already other devices installed on the computer - like printers and scanners etc. Couldn't really throw out my printer for a camera cable now, could I?

Flashcard readers are very practical for that!

I also have a Canon printer, but it runs under Windows 7 without any problem. As it's already over four years old, I don't think I have the newest drivers either.

If you have trouble with Windows 7 applications, rightclick on their .exe files or their icons and check the compatability problems. Sometimes you just have to specify in the dialogue that you ran them under Windows XP (or whatever other system) and it will be set to work normally!

Sisu Lull said...

Mild weight and/or resistance training is a good exercise too. Nothing heavy enough to strain your spine or joints though. Attach medium ankle weights and do lower leg lifts while playing WoW, use 1-2 pound small dumbells and do slow arm extensions for 10-15 minutes in the middle of a stitching spree, etc. Even small amounts of weight can help build muscle. Extra muscle burns extra calories. You may actually gain some weight, as muscle is heavier than fat, but lose size.
I can not do aerobic activities due to my anemia. Increased heart rate and muscle demands compounded with the bloods inability to carry sufficient oxygen means if my heart rate goes up, I start passing out. So I do the strength training stuff on the WiiFit. I didn't really notice much in the first couple months, but then people started asking me if I lost weight. I got on the scale, which I only do every 3 months or so, and I was down 10 lbs. I even got in my old clothes and found that my old jeans (like 6 years ago jeans) were snug, but I could get them on. Couldn't get them past my behind last time I tried. Shortly after that it occured to me that my back pain was much better. I can sleep again without muscle spasms. You don't even need to buy anything to start strength training. Hold a book in each hand and just go to bigger books as you gain strength. I am sure you can find a couple similarly sized books around you if you look hard enough, :) . And ankle weights? Get a pair of long tube socks and knot some pebbles or even loose change into them and tie them around your ankles. Add more as you gain strength. $1.00 worth of pennies on each ankle is actually a lot of weight with not much cost. Or go with dimes or quarters and when you lose x-number of inches (it is about inches, not weight with strength training), use your 'sock' money to treat yourself to a nice dinner out. I would not do any exercises that involve bending over as the increased BP to the brain would not help, but there are many strength building exercises that can be done while sitting or standing.
And keep up the walking. That is not only a nice mild exercise, but relaxing as well. Practice relaxation too. Turn off all noise makers (tv, radio, computer), close your eyes, breath slowly and concentrate on isolating each muscle that you aren't using, especially in the head and neck, and make that muscle relax. I used to use that method to put myself to sleep when I had a migraine.
Whew. Long reply.....

Julie Dollery said...

Talking Wii, has anyone had any experience with the NewU Pilates & meditation software? I have enough "fitness" discs, but this looked new.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone for your comments, suggestion and advice.

When the migraine is being "sensitive" like it has for the last fortnight, I cannot stand any form of loud noise, so a gym or indoor pool is simply out of the question from that standpoint. Put it this way, I've been showering in the dark because the noise of the air extractor sets off the migraines.

The idea of the pilates or or Yoga DVDs sounds good! I've been doing the stretching parts of the Wii fit with the sound off just working on the theory that anything is better is nothing. I have been wondering if I'm fooling myself with this, but your experience Sisu is giving me hope ;)

Julie, with the docking unit, it really is my fault for having it sitting around my desk for so long before trying to put it to use :( I'll DM you the specs.

Thanks for the suggestions regarding the decluttering. I don't live in one of those houses which has floor to celiing stacks of newspapers, I rarely buy anything unless its a replacement but I have bought a fair amount of books and hobby supplies over the years.

As I posted elsewhere:
I need to find somewhere to move most of my books to (sell would be preferred as it would help de-clutter & get debt-free) as I want to move my collection to eformat. I also need to go through my hobby stuff and move it on. A lot of this is emotionally difficult because I'm battling the "I'll get back to it someday" and "I spent a heap of money on this stuff at some point in time" so its difficult to just find a good place to donate it to.

Ditto with the old SCA stuff. There's still a lot of emotion and lost-dreams bound up in those partially made garments and strings of beads etc. I left the SCA nearly ten years ago - why am I still carrying all of this around both emotionally and physically?

Basically it cost Stephen & I nearly $20K to move our stuff across country. I want the least amount possible to ship back at the end of next year. I want to be debt-free and save up the moving costs before I move out of WA.

I guess I'm just being a wimp. I would really like:
a. a real life person who could hold my hand and help me sort through things
b. a realistic way to measure progress and achievable aims in a systematic way.

a. is not possible, but I'm hoping that b. can be.

Jim Westlake said...


There is no reason what ever why a can't be available to you or anyone else. I'll grant you that it's often difficult to believe that and that ones confidence needs a huge kick up the arse. But, and this is the thing, no one, let me repeat that, NO ONE is alone unless they allow themselves to be. It may not be happening at the moment and there may be issues that you need to sort, nut you can have want you want. I believe that because although we have never met in 'real life' (what ever that is) I have come to realise that you are fundamentally a decent human being and one who I am more than happy to call friend.

Melissa Hicks said...

Jim, I've forgotten to reply to you ...

First of all - hugest hugs for all that you have written! You are a wonderful person and I would love to meet you in person one day

Second - I have, as it usual these days, not made my meaning clear. What I would like is someone who knows me and knows my background with all of these issues to help me go through this stuff. Seeing as that is only a handful of people in this world, its not surprising that none of them reside here :)

However, I have visits from mum and Miss A lined up around Xmas time or January so I'll do a day of cleaning out and decisions making with each of them and that will help :)

Jim Westlake said...

Thought I'd offended your delicate sensibilities! Then I realised, she's from Aus, nothing delicate about an Ausie! lol

As for thew rest, taint nutin' just tellin ya how it is with me. ;-)

You take care of your self, things do have a habit of sorting themselves out for the best eventually I've found.

As for meeting, you never know, one day we get to visit Australia one day.

Julie Dollery said...

I'd love to be sitting next to you & sort, but I fear the two of us together would end up keeping everything & that's not the goal. I'd also love to say I could get over to WA, but everything I plan at the moment is on hold until NAB & IBM sort out who'll be employing me next year & for how much.

Melissa Hicks said...

LOL! Wouldn't happen :) I have stuff I want to get rid off - its the physical act of removing them from the house and deciding where/what to do with them that's the current sticking point :)

Julie Dollery said...

.......I'm no help at all. For all my "minimisation" kick..I'm no good.

Melissa Hicks said...

Sweetheart, you are very very good at so many other aspects to your life :) And you have a gorgeous tidy home!

Good luck with the work changes! I'll be thinking of you :)

Melissa Hicks said...

I wish I was able to help with the decluttering.

For the rest, I have some pilates & yoga ebooks I can send to you if you like.

Julie Dollery said...

mmmm..yes pls

Melissa Hicks said...

That wasn't me. Stephen have you been using my multiply account ???

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