Friday 25 March 2011

We're heeeeere!

Well the last week has been a blur, but we are all here, back in NSW and settled in.

The garage sale went OK. I was very disappointed in the book side of the sale, but a friend bought the best pieces of my fabric stash so her payment will help with the medical bills (when the money comes in).

We ended up bringing more boxes of stuff over than expected, we had a packer who's girlfriend had dumped him the night before and two movers who had to come down from the nearby  RAAF base - so there were a few complications, and extra costs .. but we are here now.

The cats survived the trip quite well and are settling in fine.  We lost Abby for quite a few hours yesterday.  It was a cold, wet, drizzly, dreary day yesterday. We opened the back door a little in the morning and she vanished.  We didn't even see her go out.  Every time we were outside, we called and called. We thought we heard her a few times, but we couldn't see her.  Eventually we crawled under the house, and up the manhole into the ceiling (two of her favourite haunts). Finally around dusk I saw her come out from a niche under mum's bed.  Mum has a water bed so Abby had curled up in the warmest part of the house.

Trubs is doing OK - a bit stiff but again is just curling up on mum's bed to sleep, or under the heater in the lounge room.

There have been a couple of territory issues with Hemingway, but Hems is such a laid back cat that there's no cat fights, and barely any hissing.

We have the first specialist appointment next Tuesday. So just a relaxing weekend planned until then ....

So what else is happening in the world?  What did I miss?


Mariann Mäder said...

I'm so glad you've reached home well, Mel!

Will be thinking hard of you next Tuesday! Hope that they might come up with some better treatments than you had so far or that at least you get some relief from all that pain! It can't go on like that...

No cat fights, yay! Trubs will be glad for the heater with her arthritis I'm sure :-)

And a hail to Hemingway! What a nice homeowner to more or less welcome the intruders. But they're both girls, so he'll probably be kinder :-)

Kerry Dustin said...

So glad you and the cats are safely back in NSW.

Debbie Lord said...

Glad you're back, will give you a call tomorrow, Hugs Debbie

Hilary Syddall said...

Glad you, Trubs and Abby moved without too many problems and I hope the appointments go well

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone :) Contrary to her name, Hemingway is also a female. So three female cats and two female humans now inhabit the house. No males anywhere ...

Jodie Hill said...

Glad to hear you and the girls made it home OK. Hope the appointments go well. Have a nice relaxing weekend!

Mariann Mäder said...

That's an even greater praise to Hemingway then :-)

I know that my female cat doesn't like to have any other female intruders. Males - no problems - females - not a chance :-)

kay jones said...

So far so good then. Will be thinking of you on Tuesday and anxiously awaiting report. Glad the cats are OK. Thats
Thats one worry less for you.
Try and have a worry free weekend. Hugs from warm and sunny Devon

Karen R said...

Glad you made it and are settling in. Good luck Tuesday!!

Paula Hubert said...

Good luck on Tuesday! Getting moved and settled with everyone in one piece is a job well done.

Melissa Hicks said...

its been 3-4 days now and I'm happy and confident that both cats are comfortable inside the house and out in the yard. They have completely settled into their new home and found some favourite spots already :)

Michele Anderson said...

So glad the move went well and that both cats have adjusted to the new house and kitty! Keeping my fingers crossed for you on Tuesday! If your able after the appointment, send out an update! Hugs to you, Mum and all the critters!

Sisu Lull said...

I hope everything goes well Mel. Glad Abby turned up and that the kitties are amicable. Get some rest and de-stress, let mum do what mum's do best, and have a great day.

Laura Landis said...

Mel, I'm so glad to hear that the move went fairly smoothly. I hope everything else goes well and the girls continue to behave themselves. Thank goodness for Mum's!

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