Monday 4 April 2011

Things Mel Discovered This Week

Things Mel discovered this week:

Sitting down
   (I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning)
Closing my eyes while sitting down
   (like a whirlpool, it never ends)*
Opening my eyes while sitting down
   (Wham - migraine)
Standing up
   (Vertigo is not just the name of a Hitchcock movie)
Bending over
   (how to pass out without alcohol)

   (the knock-me-out drugs are out of my system)
Sleeping in a single bed
   (I forgot how many bits of me could hurt at once)
Sleeping in a single bed with my ample body
   (there is very little room)
Sleeping in a single bed bed with my ample body and a determined geriatric cat
   (did I mention the lack of room - or is this related to the sore body parts)
Sleeping in a single bed with my ample body and a determined geriatric cat and a determined elderly cat discussing dominance issues
   (perhaps sleeping is the wrong word)
Sleeping in a single bed with my ample body and a determined geriatric cat and a determined elderly cat discussing dominance issues on my body
   (oh fer crying out loud!) **

Are there too many ads on daytime TV?
   (don't bother answering that)
Are there too many insurance ads on daytime TV?
   (and why are the same ones played incessantly at strange times of the day)
Are there too many types of insurance ads on day time TV?
   (and do they all need to use scare tactics to sell their product)
Is it healthy for me as an ill person, temporarily home bound, to see an ad for funeral plans every five minutes?
   (my DVD collection arrives in 4 days!!!!)***

All however is not lost. I only spent one day reduced to relying on daytime-TV for pain/disorientation distraction. Yesterday mum and I went for a walk and bought some plants for the garden. I was quite worn out by the trip, but it was an improvement.  I was even gracious enough to encourage mum to buy the marigolds she was favouring instead of the carnivorous plants I was lusting after.

For an hour today I could not only follow a conversation, I could add meaningful suggestions and help make plans before the fog of pain and disorientation descended.

Its going to be a long journey, but it seems that we're heading in the right direction and that the encouraging bit.

*apologies to Vic Reeves
**  at this point I should mention that Abby, being the sensible young cat she is, avoids all of this, by sleeping on mum's Queen-sized (heated) water-bed each night, stretched out in luxury!
*** for those who comment about why I have the TV on in the first place, for the above mentioned vertigo/dizziness I cannot read for long periods of time and for noise-related issues I cannot listen to audio books or music - hopefully all of this will soon change


Mariann Mäder said...

Here's hoping that this hour of relief is increased by an equal amount each coming day, hon!

Just saw that my elderly neighbour was fetched by the ambulance this morning. He has a severe pneumonia and will spend time at the hospital for a while :-( I caught his partner and offered her tea for a bit of a distracting chat... Minou added consolation by coming and taking his usual seat on the sofa (the new one allows space for more than just me and him, LOL)

More gentle hugs!

Karen R said...

Yikes! I've had vertigo, though mine was viral and thankfully very short-lived - and I can live my life with never having it again! And mine didn't have any pain associated with it, so I can only imagine how awful it must be for you. Hang in there, Mel - the answer is coming (taking it's sweet time, yes, but it's coming)!

Melissa Hicks said...

I'll be honest - it's not been a fun week. But I have mum here - and she's stopping me from being too much of an idiot and pushing myself too much and beating myself up too much for being incapable. Or well she tries. And she puts up with me :)

Paula Hubert said...

Well, I hope that your hour of the day extends itself in a natural progression.. and I'm glad you're with Denise where you're safe and have someone to help you.

Sunshine Stitches said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Hilary Syddall said...

Ooh I hope things improve soon! (and can you lock the cats out at night - out of the bedroom I mean!)

kay jones said...

New drugs always take time to act properly. Hopefully things will settle down and get better and betterer. Just take each day as it comes. At least you've got your Mum there to lean on both figuratively and positively.

Hugs from me .......

Melissa Hicks said...

Each day is showing improvement.

And if I slow down and took things more easy instead of always pushing my brain and body to the limit each day it would probably impove faster {rueful grin}

Laura Landis said...

Oh, Miss Mel, I do hope it all gets better soon. You need some relief!

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