Friday 21 April 2006

Stashing! From the ONline Needlework Show

Spent a few hours online last night perusing the online needlework show.  Bad thing to do ... verry bad !!!!

I've asked Laura at Crafty Frog if she can order the following for me:

*Livres Chat Rouge

**Mappemonde Colors

**Dragons Welcome**


**What part of cat don't you understand? (with charms)

**Do You See What I See? Illusions

**Flying Monkeys**

I'm waiting to see what she can and cannot get in for me - and then I think my wallet and credit card will be screaming for dear life!


Julie Balla said...

Terrible place isn't it!!! I've been slowly working my way through and you've picked out a couple that I noticed. I llove the mappemonde colours. Anyway, back to window shopping.

Melissa Hicks said...

It was the Livres Chat Rouge that got me. I *had* to get that chart. I didn;t have any option, I *must* buy it. And then when I found I could not order it in the usual manner but had to special order it - well the order just snowballed from there.

Julie Balla said...

I take it you like cats then???

Melissa Hicks said...

Who me? What makes you say that :) Yes I love cats, especially my Troublecat who currently trying to type on the keyboard with me. I've often been told I have cat-like qualities, sleeping in the exact middle of the bed, expecting the best of everything, adoring having my hair brushed etc ..... I'm a cat person. So whay about you - cats or dogs?

Julie Balla said...

I love both, I used to have a dog but now I've got 2 kids!!! They would love to have a cat but unfortunately I am allergic. I used to have a Canary too but since I developed asthma about 5 years ago I was advised to find it a new home for him. Maybe when we go to Algeria later this year, and it is a more outdoors life, I will let them have a pet. Many algerians keep Canaries and when you walk down some streets you can hear them all singing beautifully. A lot of people also keep chickens and rabbits (unfortunately they are more for eating than company!).

XXXX YYYY said...

Hey!! Did your stash arrive yet???

Melissa Hicks said...

Not yet - Laura informed me that she did get all orders in on time, but they did warn us it would be a few weeks to get all of the orders shipped - and then add in a few more weeks travel time to Aus .... well I'll give it another couple of weeks before worrying :)

And anyway, I'm getting stash off eBay all the time :)

XXXX YYYY said...

yeah, what stash then ? . I've been going a little nuts on ebay this last week or so. Just waiting for it all to arrive :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh my where do I start??

OK magazines - old issues of Cross Stitch Gold, Collect, World etc..

Also in the last couple of weeks I've bought and received:
Gargoyle 2 - Enchanting Lair
Pandora's Box - Dragon Fire Designs
Generations the Locket - Black Swan Designs
Spring Fantasy - Saturday Evening Post
Wine Queen - Enchanting Lair
Silk Parasol - Ginger & Spice
Esmeralda - Truswell Needlework
Dragon - Sarah May Designs
Celtic Angel - Barbara Baatz
Romeo & Juliet - Teresa Wentzler
1762 Canterbury Tapestry - Barrick Samplers
Fantasy Flight - Fanta Cat
Azure Fairy - Fanta Cat
Behold - Lorri Birmingham
Starlight Angel - Mar Bek
Imperial Phoenix - Serendipity
Imperial Dragon - Serendipity
Winter Lady - Passione Ricamo
Summer Lady - Passione Ricamo
Spring Lady - Passione Ricamo
Peacock Elegance - True Colours
Wine Dragon - X's x Oh's
Victorian Gazebo - Ginger & Spice
Trinity Cross - Vickery Collection
Celtic Sapphire Cross - Vickery Collection

OK that's about the last month's worth. I've truly been doing retail therapy to avoid/ignore problems with my neighbours. Not helping my finances :( But a lot of fun and most are great bargains - I don;t think I spent more that $4 per chart .....

XXXX YYYY said...

Wow, some stash :) Neat.
Mine has been jewellery on ebay. Old brooches mostly. I adore marcasite and have been collecting it again.
I just cleared up some stuff in the living room and the amount of xs charts I found, oy, did I really buy so much already this year??? OMG, my bad.

Paula Hubert said...

LOL I've been relatively behaved this year - bought 5 fat quarters of linen from Silkweavers and three charts last month - one of which is completed except for finishing into a bellpull, and one of which needs to be done for an August wedding. I was feeling badly till I read this! :)

XXXX YYYY said...

Yeah....but look who bought a house! House/ know which I'd rather buy this year and it's not the stash....

Melissa Hicks said...

Yeah well - guess why I've been buying stash - got told there's no way in hell a single person on standard wage can get a home loan in Australia unless you have a parent who already has a house use their house as collateral against yours! The only single person at work I know that has bought her place is 27 and has never left home, and every cent of her pay packet since she first got a job at aged 18 went into a deposit account for a house. She didn't pay a cent to her parents or in any form of bills or shopping out of her own wages.

Paula Hubert said...

I'm not complaining a bit, mind you! And honestly, Mel, even with two incomes in the house, without both of us working at our second jobs, it would have taken us close to 5 more years to get to the point where we'd paid off enough and saved enough to be able to afford the house. Either that, or we'd have been on a budget where we spent on the bare necessities and nothing else. I have to confess, though, that I was a bit embarrassed to actually see all of my stash gathered together - I plan on going through and sending the stuff that no longer appeals to homes where they'll be loved and actually worked on! (And thus free up some cash for my Chatelaine addiction!)

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