Friday 23 June 2006

Daily update

Had a good but frustrating day. Got the house partially clean, got some of the washing done, looked at a couple of potential houses (very disappointing) and then spent the rest of the afternoon shopping at our local mega mall with Paul and his mum. Sigh. So I didn't get to the framers. But here's a pic of it all washed and cleaned and ready for framing.

Going to curl up on the lounge now, watch 4 weddings and a funeral - an oldie but a goodie! And get back to work on Mystery IX



Natalie Mikesell said...

Love that movie (WH Auden's poem at the funeral makes me tear up every time) and your snowflake is so cute! It looks like it just pops from the fabric.

Paula Hubert said...

Hope you enjoyed the movie! I'm being productive at work, but I'd rather be home being a whole lot less productive .

Melissa Hicks said...

Yeah I'm a soppy romantic at heart - that movie was the first time I had heard the poem and it still tears me up every time I see that scene. I've always wished I could find someone to feel that passionately about. Then again I;ve always wished I could go comfort John Hannah! Ooooh yum!

As for stitching, well I basically did the same four stitches over and over. The last stitch I did, before sliding the thread under some stitches and snipping, turned out th be wrong, so I'm playing with this tiny tail of floss trying to redo the stitch - took me over half an hour to get it done and get the tiny wisp threaded back under - and then I realise that I've put it in another wrong place. I put it away (so I didn't throw it against the wall)! Had a cup of tea and then spent another half hour getting it right.

And the silly thing is I *know*, even last night I *knew* it would be so much easier if I had pulled out those 15 stitches and just did them all again with a fresh piece of floss.

Sigh ............ Paula you day would have been *much* more productive than my night!

XXXX YYYY said...

The poem never sounds or feels the same without being read by John Hannah. And don't get Donna anywhere near started on the subject of the Scots boy. She's a huge fan.

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh so am I! P can do a very very good imitation of JH's voice - and he knows it makes me swoon!

Paula Hubert said...

LOL Scots doesn't get to me quite so much as a nice Brit from either Jersey or the Isle of Wight. Used to have an ambulance partner from Jersey (too bad he moved back home!) and James has made friends with another local amatuer radio guy who hails from the Isle of Wight - I could listen to Jim talk all day long! :) (And James TOLD him that!)

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