Saturday 7 October 2006


the world doesn't need illicit chemical substances!  We have cough syrup!

Wheeeeeeeeee !!!!

OK  here's where I ruin my street cred and admit that I have *never* touched illegal substances.  Ever. 

But what I'm feeling now on this cough syrup - must be something akin to what some of those things can dooo ......

And I'm at work - and I can't walk straight ....  la la la ....

Oh I'm going to be so embarrassed I've admitted all of this tomorrow!




XXXX YYYY said...

OMG....on that little note of insanity, I'm going back to bed.

Babes, have fun!!!

Natalie Mikesell said...

LOL! Mel, enjoy it while it lasts :) The best part about it is that it is legal!

Melissa Hicks said...

Th worst part about it is that it did absolutely nothing for my cough! I am sooo sick of this - and I've got work again this afternoon - I might try to take tomorrow (Monday) off work again.

If I enjoyed my work more, my immune system wouldn't be so suppressed therefore I'd be up and active and shrugged this off therefore I would be at work more and more productive .... management couldn't care less.

XXXX YYYY said...

Sigh, you and Natalie, what a pair.
I hated my work (banking) and was so relieved to be forced into giving it up, one good side of being sick.
Would they consider moving you again?? to somewhere you enjoyed??

Melissa Hicks said...

Ah no. I annoy management by being competent - well actually by being very very good at my job and by *not* playing political games.

They all suck at their jobs but are very good and very interested in playing politics to secure their power bases.

I've been chucked out to Purgatory aka Nappy Valley because its a small branch and I can be ignored. I was attracting too much attention while I was in Technical Services because I was literally doing the work of three people - and that didn't suit the empire building aspirations of the library manager.

He's also told me on a number of times that he doesn't fire his workers, he simply makes life intolerable for them until they quit.

So guess who's job hunting?

XXXX YYYY said...

He's an asshole. I had a boss like that and boy was it a nightmare. I cried every day.

Good luck, tons of it with the job hunt.

Donna Williams said...

Oh, good luck Babes. I had a boss like that when I was doing A/R for the hotel. I got lucky and went running liked a whipped puppy right back to my "old" job a the desk, where they loved me (for the most part, anyway). Right now I'm caught between helping keep the manager at the truck stop there (he was thisclose to quitting and he's the glue right now) and wondering if I can survive the older woman I'll be working with two of those three days a week.

And about that cough syrup... uh... enquiring minds wanna know... what is it? Just curious, doncha know....

Paula Hubert said...

Heh - that cough medicine sounds like good stuff lol. And good luck job hunting.. I had a situation where I knew a boss was keeping until he made sure that I had trained a backup in every part of my job. I started looking and was able to jump ship before they got rid of me. (Of course, the entire company was on its way out, too) It was miserable, though, while I had to be there... so lots of understanding and hugs headed your way!

Melissa Hicks said...

It was Robitussen Dry Cough Forte.

Today I went to a different chemist and got another opinion and now have Lemsip Chesty Cough.
This one works well :) Unfortunately it doesn't send me loopy but also doesn't last as long as it claims on the bottle. ....

Oh well - anything not to have the night of constant coughing like I had last night ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all for your good wishes with my job hunting!

Donna Williams said...

Oh, well.. rats.. was thinking you must have latched on to that wonderful cough syrup we have here in the States that has codiene in it. I'm glad you're feeling better.

And yeah, good luck with the job hunting!

Melissa Hicks said...

Can't take codeine - I'm allergic! Just found a job to apply for in Acquisitions at the University of Technology in Sydney - I'll write the application on Friday if I'm over this cold. Had the third "Night of Constant Coughing" in a row. Feeling very tired and lethargic and my chest hurts.


Donna Williams said...

Pity about the codiene allergy! I seriously believe it's what allowed me to survive childhood! Slept through most of 6th grade, but survived. Course, I was also taking adult strenght sudafed when it was still a prescription drug! Any wonder I slept?

Paula Hubert said...

I thought I was the only person in the world allergic to codiene! Good luck with the application - I hope you feel better enough to be able to get to it!

XXXX YYYY said...

That makes three of us then....I used to be fine with it but that changed a year or so ago. Codeine in any form gives me hives now.

Melissa Hicks said...

No I don't get hives - I just projectile vomit.

XXXX YYYY said...

That's just so lovely to know!

Melissa Hicks said...

[grin] Sorry! I'm always blurting out stuff like that without thinking .....

Donna Williams said...

Well, actually, it is nice to know that I can't just hand our Goth one of my pain pills, if and when she ever gets to visit me in the middle on nowhere!

Melissa Hicks said...

Your Goth knows quite well to ask to ask "what is it" before putting anything in her mouth ....

Or perhaps "when did you last shower" ..... this celibacy is getting to me!

Donna Williams said...

Darling, I think I've gone beyond (is there such a thing?) celibacy! I'd be happy to have a .... hhmm... how do you say it politely? .... casual, occasional, no strings attached type thing...

Melissa Hicks said...

I can't do those - I've tried and failed miserably each time. I enjoyed what I had with the last one, weekend visits and intimacy and then go away and leave me on my own during the week. It was perfect!

Unfortunately I can't risk being intimate with anyone until the doc finds out what's wrong with my anatomy - not risking making things worse.

Donna Williams said...

I've never done the casual thing, either, but even though I know I'm supposed to move on, I just can't see having another long term thing like I had with Vick. We were just so good together that I know it would be like Katie all over again. I lost Vick and Baron (our chow) within 5 days of each other. About 9-10 months after, I got this wild hair to adopt a type of dog I'd always thought I wanted that was entirely different in nature from chows. Katie was a husky/shepherd mix and couldn't have been as different from Baron than night is from day! I had so little patience with her, I'm still ashamed of myself. I'm afraid if I were to try another long term relationship, I'd be constantly comparing him to Vick and he'd come out the loser. So, the desire to have a %&@K buddy appeals a bit.

Melissa Hicks said...

Teegs, forget the whole *should* bit - you'll "move on" if and when the time is right for you to do so ....

as for the buddy - well that's kinda what I want, someone for some intimacy and a companion to out to see movies coffee etc with, but not someone to move in and live with full time. Of course someone perfect (who thinks I'm perfect) may drop in out of the blue and rearrange my life forever, but its not what I'm looking for or hoping for.

And for much the same reasons - I think anyone who's ever been in a long term relationship and then starts another one catches themselves making comparisons every now and then - I think its human nature - its how we deal with that that determines how the new relationship will go.

I had my first Night of Constant Coughing on Saturday night - Paul came over and stayed with me on Sunday night and Monday night - and I kept pushing him to go home. Why? Because even though he was being really wonderful and kind and considerate and cooking for me and being nice and caring for me, I kept waiting for him to snap and yell at me and tell me to get over it and for gods sake stop coughing.

But he never did - it took me until Monday afternoon to realise that he wouldn't. It was my ex husband that used to do that behaviour and I was expecting Paul to do the same thing. I've had three other relationships and two years of celibacy in between my marriage breakup and Paul - and yet here I was subconsciously making comparisons.

Now I know that was comparing the new person positively against a negative memory, and you would be doing the opposite - but I guess I'm just trying to say its human nature and if you find someone (oe some dog) you like, don;t let that get in the way.

I'll go stop rambling now - time for lunch and more cough medicine.....

XXXX YYYY said...

It's impossible not to compare people, even years on after a relationship is over...for whatever reason.
It's what we do. You compare your current experience to past ones in almost every situation. That's probably why the unknown so often makes us nervous or gives us *butterflies*....nothing previous to compare it to and think that you know how to deal with a situation.
Right after a girl has her first boyfriend or date the comparisons begin.

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