Monday 2 October 2006

Mel's update

Well after the neighbours all night party on Wednesday night (well until 3am Thurs when the cops came) I stupidly went to work Thursday. Had a mini breakdown due to stress, sleep deprivation, hormones all the rest!

I didn't say anything at work but Alison thankfully fabricated some excuse and came out to see me - so she helped a bit. She gives good hugs! Then my lovely kitchen witch rang that night and advised some very good TLC suggestions. So after some pampering and a full night's uninterrupted sleep I was almost back to being myself again!

Went to work Friday and Saturday. Was going to go to DancingKauri's on Sunday but woke at 6am yet again by the damned neighbours and a very sore throat and a fever. Went back to bed. Emerged late afternoon to a pounding at the door. Paul had come for a visit - and for a change he had actually hopped on all the buses (on a Sunday no less) and got himself over here. Silly twit didn't actually check I was going to be here before he turned up though !!!

Anyway, he made me lots of cups of tea, and some dinner and even went so far as to push me into the bathroom and he re-coloured my hair. Then pushed me into bed and cuddled me all night.

Do you think he's trying to make amends?

Anyway I've woken up this morning - the fever is gone, most of the fogginess is gone, I still have a residual headache and a very sore throat. Oh and lots of snotty mucous!

I'll kick Paul out of bed in an hour or so, drive him home and then go to visit DancingKauri for lunch and take her PTP fabric I just *know* she's been hanging out for!

So no stitching update I'm afraid. I'm still so very tired!


Paula Hubert said...

Sorry you've been feeling poorly! Also glad that if Paul wandered out without calling first, that he made himself useful! Feel better soon.

Natalie Mikesell said...

Sorry to hear that the neighbor issue is not getting better :( But happy to hear that Paul turned up at a useful time and took care of you. Hope you are feeling even better now!

Melissa Hicks said...

No, I now have the flu :) But that's OK - at least I can't blame last night's sleep deprivation on the neighbours - they've been good since last Wednesday night's party [knock on wood]

Damn it was nice being cuddled to sleep though. I should find someone who wants to do that more regularly! Maybe find someone rich that can move in next door and then he/she can share my bed but still have their own place too. So my space is still mine.

Don't want much do I?

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