Wednesday 25 February 2009

Happiest Little Vegemite

I  was fired this morning.

Or more to the point I was informed by my Manager and the relevant HR person that  I am "not best fit for RMIT culture" and they would be recommending to the deputy vice-chancellor that my probation be terminated.

Relevant procedures and processes have not been followed during my five months; they could not fault my work; and I was attempting to bring reports of bullying, harassment, favouritism and ostracism against my supervisor.

This evening I feel giddy with happiness.  My stomach has untied its knots, I feel hungry for the first time in days, I have energy for the first time in weeks.  I might even sleep tonight. I want to hug everyone I meet.

I am just so happy to be out of that situation.

The flip side is that sometime in the next few days the financial aspects will probably impact.  So I need to start looking for work very very soon.

If anyone here knows of a job coming up for a librarian, or a supervisor specialising in small teams (under 20 people) or need a supervisor specialising in change management - please let me know.  In Melbourne, Perth or surrounding environs please.


Jim Westlake said...

Oh Mel, I don't know if I should be happy or sad for you. Best of luck with the job hunt.

Melissa Hicks said...

At this stage happy. This job was seriously impacting on my physical, mental and emotional well-being.

I'll start to change my tune depending on how long it takes me to get another one and how the financial situation goes.

Julie Balla said...

If you are feeling so relieved to be out of the situation, it was obviously not the right place for you to be. I hope you find something better soon.

Shirley Roach said...

I had to have some time off work for 'stress and depression' recently. I had a one to one with my [remote] manager to find out what the problems are.

The problems are the supervisors - who bully and harass the more vulnerable members of staff for fun and for their egos.

In the three years I've been there I know of two people who have asked for transfers and two others who just left because they couldn't take the constant jibing.

Examples of the bullying and harassment are:

Cornering a member of staff whose sister in law had just committed suicide, and asking, in an office full of staff, 'So, why did your sister in law kill herself then?'

Constantly sexually harassing a young, visually disabled employee, indicating that he fancied an older female supervisor [because his mother knew her].

Humiliating a young man off in front of the whole office, telling him he was stupid. He was just very shy and not sure of himself. He married an African woman and brought her to England where she had a child that was obviously not his. He was constantly questioned about their relationship in front of everyone.

There are more ...So, who exactly can I complain to?

Natalie Mikesell said...

I am happy to hear that you are feeling better and that this is a good move for you. All the luck with your job search!!

Trish Froggatt said...

Wow Mel - I don't know what to seem happy though, and that's good enough for me! Now, hit the pavement running girl LOL

Melissa Hicks said...

I don't know your country's laws. Here I would complain first to the HR department and the Manager of the section. Also the Union. Here that level of harassment is also illegal so we can take that to the industrial relations commission and/or the administrative appeals tribunal.

Melissa Hicks said...

Not quite yet. Taking a day or two to recover and will start the running on Monday. Will do some prep work tomorrow on Friday but I wont go into full-scale job hunt mode until Monday - I need to take some time out first for my health.

Trish Froggatt said...

I kinda meant 'away' from that place, not 'to' something else but both are good!! You'll definitely need some time first for yourself and to regroup. Keep us posted. Cheers

Karen R said...

Woot? Yeah, sounds like a Woot! I am so sorry that place turned out to be such a hole - leaving the Sydney situation (and the commute) to land into this worse place has to incredibly tough. But hopefully this will just be a very minor financial setback, on your road to that much better situation that I know is out there for you!!!! Get your head back into the right place, and the rest should fall into place...

crabby man said...

I will keep an eye out for you. Go luck in the job search and I hope everything works out

Rosanne Derrett said...

Industrial Tribunal! If he company sees nothing wrong with this culture and refuse to address it if they do, the Tribunal process is often the only way forward. In one job I had to listen to the company owner blatently sexually harass his receptionist many times a day which is illegal. In another the owner of the company was the problem, picking on staff until they left. I had him into tribunal over the harassment and only lost because I stuck out my notice period. When I finally left, my doctor advised me I was a matter of days from a full breakdown. It is no fun being in these situations. The best part is that when you finally stop, there is such a feeling of utter bliss that the pain is no longer there!

Claire EJ said...

Definitely happy.
These people have been playing fast and loose with Mel's mind and it just ain't fair so being out of it is the best thing even if in a couple of weeks time it may not seem that way.

Steve whined at 1.15am when the phone buzzed under my pillow. I said, " sorry love, been waiting to hear news from Mel"..He said "oh, that's ok then"...LOL...

Rosanne Derrett said...

Mel, these things happen for a reason. You are meant to be in Melbourne, but the job was a means to an end. There is a much better job coming you way.
So glad you can now feel the relief of the end of an intolerable and insoluble problem. Time to start looking up again!
With much love from a fellow survivor!!!!

Claire EJ said...

It's such a common thing.
I had the same. It was denied and ignored and I felt like the smallest piece of dirt under his heel.
I was lucky enough to be transferred out of his "care" and when we met at times after that, he said he missed working with me and was always polite, friendly and amusing. I just smiled and did what I had to do and stayed way out of his radius.
Most times, it isn't that "easy" to get out of but yes, I really was lucky back then.

Nobody should ever have to go through that.
Hugs to those of you who have/are.

Tina Starke said...

Jeez Mel, this is both good and bad. Did they at least give you some severance pay? I hope something much better suited to you comes along very soon!

Lori M. said...

Mel, when one door closes, another opens. While it's terrible to be out of a job, I think that it will be so much better for you to be out of that place. I wish you all the best finding another job!!!

Jodie Hill said...

Like Rosanne said, all things happen for a reason... Glad you are out of a terrible situation and best of luck finding something quickly!!

Kerry Dustin said...

Given what you've been though, I'm going to offer you congratulations on being fired! Here's sending you lots of good thoughts for the job hunt. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling less stressed now. That's the best news. (P.S. Love the new Multiply theme.)

kay jones said...

Great news that its all over at last and you can start getting back to your normal bouncy self. I'm sure there is a great job out there waiting .

Have a good rest and get yourself back together again. Survival rations being posted out tomorrow

Melissa Hicks said...

I find that out when I receive the official letter next week. Legally they are required to pay me one week's severance pay and I have one week's annual leave to be paid out.

In the meeting yesterday they verbally mentioned paying me a couple of weeks more severance pay - but I will wait until I see the letter before I believe it.

Melissa Hicks said...

Somehow crabby, you might be a teensy bit too far away to visit for an interview :) :) But if I could - I'd definitely help you with that beer fridge of yours!

Anita B said...

Mel, it's good to hear you happy again. I agree with others that something better is just around the corner for you, and I'm eager to hear what it will be! Good luck on the job hunt, and definitely take some time to regroup and rest up!

Laura Landis said...

Mel, I was telling my husband about your situation and I told him I felt like that place just took all the Mel out of you! You're on my list and will be until you don't need to be any longer. Enjoy your weekend!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh and just to top it all off - I spelt last night for a full eight hours. First time since I went back to work after the Christmas break!

Mariann Mäder said...

Was going to say something along these lines as well, Mel!

Obviously it wasn't the right thing, even if you thought so at the beginning. The vindictive side of me hopes that your successor will meet with the same difficulties!

Job search is a desperate situation, I know how it felt - twice! But you're strong, even if they were able to weaken your defences, you do know your worth, and you'll get out of this!

Being dismissed mustn't be a disadvantage for your job search. They couldn't find fault in your work, they had to resign to you "not fitting into the culture of the..." - that gives you the freedom to be frank when you get an interview. You're wise enough not to badmouth them while at the same time giving the right kind of image of your last work surrounding (new employers don't really care about your feelings of your last employers and if they sense your negativity they'll fear you'll do the same to them!)

Mariann Mäder said...

And I'm so glad that it relieved you - more than scared you :-))

Allow yourself some time to recover from the ordeal, just don't go overboard!

Blog Terrorist said...

Are you sure you want another job? Can't you become a lady of leisure and stitch all day?

I can highly recommend doing nothing - but it's not as easy as it looks...

Nancy Murdock said...

Mel, it sounds like this was what you needed....that situation was just dragging you down and making you miserable. I really hope that something wonderful comes from this.....good luck!

crabby man said...

You are always welcome to stop by for a beer or three

Melissa Hicks said...

Laura I think that is the best description yet! And very accurate. Its good to get back to just being me.

Melissa Hicks said...

Love to - unfortunately the bills still need to be paid .....

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