Monday 2 February 2009

Mozzies and Mood Swings

With the recent insane heat wave, I've also discovered I'm being swarmed by mosquitoes.  It could be coincidence, or it could be because most of the doors and windows in my place do NOT have fly screens - but I'm currently getting eaten alive most nights (and not in a good way).

I don't like spraying man-made chemicals, and for obvious reasons I'm not interested in candles or any other incendiary or electrical plug in devices.

So does anyone have any other ideas or recommendations for better ways of getting rid of mozzies? 

Also I've had horrendous mood swings today - from abject depression to an intense desire to get blind rotten drunk (which believe me is so unusual as to be quite concerning) to a bout of euphoria on the way home (including singing and dancing in the supermarket while buying fruit).

Of course my period is about due.  Again can anyone suggest or recommend something to even out the mood swings?  I'm not after anything drastic like anti-depressants or valium or any prescribed medication.  I'd just like some ideas on how to avoid the excesses of ups and downs during the next few days.

Thank you.


Sisu Lull said...

Skeeters supposedly are attracted to sweat and perfumey things, so all I can suggest is take a quick shower before bed and wash with no scented stuff. They are also weak flyers, so if you can tolerate a fan blowing on you (I can't), it may help keep them off. I have also heard that upping your B vitamin intake makes you unappealing to them, but have not seen anything to back up that claim.
As far as the mood swings, PMS is the biggest cause of them. If you want to try natural, turkey and bananas have natural chemicals that act similar to seratonin. The suggestions I saw to regulate mood with diet said eat fresh fruits and veggies, healthy carbs (like whole grains), and avoid excess sugars, including alcohol, which can trigger a mood collapse after-effect.
Exercise can promote the release of feel good chemicals in the body too, but don't push too hard or you'll feel worse afterwards.
I don't get PMS mood swings. I just get mean and stay mean for a few days, LOL.

Mariann Mäder said...

Mosquito nets are just about the only things that come to my mind. Good suggestion from Sisu regarding a quick shower - the problem is only that you will go back to get warm in bed - so that will be evened out...

As for the mood swings - I have learned to stay away from most people when I don't have to be with them helps me to get through them best - but I'm not a people person in general, so avoiding the annoying other humans is my way of avoiding most nasties. Just remain aware of them and consciously count to ten in your mind every time you want to blow up. And then tell people to best leave you alone until you give them the green light again after your period :-)

Karen R said...

I'm no help with the mosquitoes - they normally don't like me much.

As for the mood swings, my doc told me to take St. John's Wort during PMS. I did for awhile - 6 honking capsules a day; don't know if it made a difference, or not, but since I'm not a big fan of pills of any kind, I stopped.

Paula L said...

I see you've already gotten some good advice, but I would also suggest citronella plants or candles near the open windows to keep the mozzies at bay. Good luck!

kay jones said...

Eating plenty of garlic (will also keep the workpeople away) and citronella oil rubbed in, sprayed etc. seems to work.

As for the mood swings - the herbal remedy is apparently yarrow. The homeopathic one is Nat Mur. Tiny tablets which you mustn't tough with your hands, taken under the tongue. Not necessarily a quick fix but effective in the long run.

Tina Starke said...

When it comes to certain types of vermin (mosquitoes most definitely included), there are no environmental conditions greater than my desire to wipe them out of existence!

Kerry Dustin said...

pyrethrum (sp?) daisies can help too

Melissa Hicks said...

If I could justify taking three-four days a month off for this, I would! It *would* make life so much easier :(

Nancy Murdock said...

Bats eat 1,000's of them every night........ get a bat house :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

That really would cement my reputation as a GOTH tigger ..... or maybe a VAMPIRE tigger ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Ah - I hadn't heard this one - thanks Kay!

Mariann Mäder said...

Yup, I can't either. Best thing is to just duck down and reduce human contact on the possible minimum :-)

Mariann Mäder said...

Bats are a great idea. AND about 99% of them are really, really cuddly! Talk about soft fur and friendly disposition.

and forget vampires

Mariann Mäder said...

While I understand the sentiment I have to say that it would have some consequences I wouldn't like either - mainly about half the birds would be gone because they don't have any mosquitoes to eat :-)

Rosanne Derrett said...

Two little words - Agnus Castus. I know from esperience that this works as I was a knife wielding maniac with PMS for almost a week a month and quite irrational. I took the Agnus Castus PMS tincture for three months and became a fairly rational almost human!

Karen R said...

Never heard of it - wonder if you can get that here???? Healthfood store? Can't say as I've ever been in one, but I could in a pinch - I think.

Melissa Hicks said...

Never heard of it. Will go and look it up - thanks.

Ah ooops!

"Please don’t take Agnus castus, or Black Cohosh, or any other hormone-balancing herb if you are using hormonal contraceptives, such as the Pill, the mini Pill, the contraceptive injection, the coil, or an implant."

That lets me out.

Rosanne Derrett said...

But I was taking mine straight after my Mirena was fitted because my hormones went badly skew-whiff. I took it on the recomendation of a friend who was on homone therapy for PCOS. I got no problems what so ever apart from people being nice to me again!

crabby man said...

Sorry on both accounts.

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