Wednesday 26 May 2010

Health Update

Well after two weeks of blood tests, I had the MRI this morning and saw the endocrinologist this afternoon.

The upshot of all of this is that I have a large sack of fluid (growth/tumor/cyst) growing on my pituitary gland. It is quite large and has distorted my pituitary gland all out of shape. However the gland is apparently still working quite well so if there were no headaches the endocrinologist would recommend leaving everything alone and checking on it in a year's time.

Unfortunately the headaches are real and ever-present.  So the endocrinologist is sending me to a neurosurgeon for a his opinion on whether surgery will actually alleviate the headaches. I see him next Tuesday afternoon.

I've also been referred to a neurologist to see whether the headaches are caused by Benign intracranial hypertension (BICH). I see him on the 10 June.

So at this present point in time, I've spent a lot of money, been in a lot of pain and we have a much bigger list of things I don't have ...

Its a process.  It will be fixed.  It will happen.


Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

Hang in there Mel!!! At least you're getting appointments in a timely fashion :-)

Karen R said...

Well, great news the pituitary is working correctly! Good luck hanging on and getting through the appointments - it will happen, and at some point afterward, you will forget the pain!

crabby man said...

I hope they find a way to control the pain. Constant headaches can really slow one down.

Paula Hubert said...

Hang in there- constant headaches are no fun.. but adding to the list of what it's NOT is some sort of progress!

Tracy H said...

{{Hugs}} Glad to hear they are taking care of you - It's tough, but you are on the track to feeling better!

Mariann Mäder said...


The problem is that it can't just be done and dusted. It would probably be much more dangerous for you if they didn't check that extremely well. Good luck for the next date with the neurologist.

Excluding things it's not is probably not such a bad thing, especially if some of those five things are of the more dangerous kind (which I really hope!).

Glenys Kendrick said...

prays to you and hope the days till the next appointmnet go swiftly
cheers Glenys

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone. I am quite frustrated that this is dragging on and we're not at the treatment point already.

I'm also quite thankful that they *are* studying all options and not immediately dismissing it as "nothing major" or deciding that surgery will automatically fix everything.

I'll send another update after the meeting with the neurosurgeon next Tuesday.

Kerry Dustin said...

Every negative point is still helpful. I know how frustraing waiting can be, but you want to be sure that when they do take action, it is the right, safe action.

Hilary Syddall said...

I hope they find the cause and a solution soon Mel

kay jones said...

Keep on in there Mel. Its good to know what it definitely isn't and at least things are progressing albeit slowly. I hope they find a quick solution to the headaches. I've had migraine since I was 13 and I know how debilitating it can be.

Will think of you Tuesday. Hugs...............

Sisu Lull said...

Good news about the pituitary anyway! I hope they find a remedy for the pain soon. I used to get severe headaches along with vomitting and seizures, so I know it is no fun. A good doc found my problem and I hope yours will be just as good with you.

Nancy Murdock said...

I hope you can continue to cope with the problems until they can figure them out. I guess I wouldn't want anyone jumping to any conclusion when it comes to my head and to check out all the possibilities.

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