Thursday 28 September 2006


sigh .... nothing funny here today guys ... move along nothing to see here ....

Here in Australia in the suburbs we have a nighttime noise curfew.
10:30pm Sun-Thur and midnight for Fri and Sat. Last night was
Wednesday night. You can see where this is going ....

My f***wit neighbors started a
party last night at 11pm. Had at least 2 dozen cars blocking all
driveways up and down the street.

I called the police anonymously four times before they finally came out at 3:05am and shut it down.

My alarm went off at 6:00am - I've been awake since 5:45 am.

I feel like crap. And we have story time today - I can see a repeat of yesterday coming on.



XXXX YYYY said...

Sheesh, less than three hours sleep is not good {{{{{You}}}}

Donna Williams said...

Oh, poor Mel! Wish there was something I could do for you from here!

Tracy H said...

Deja vu all over again! Sorry to hear that. Hope you can catch up on your ZZZZz.

Gina Martin said...

That sounds like where we used to live. It was awful! I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all! I had a bad case of the weepies all yesterday and most of early evening - but some good advice from my nearest and dearest kitchen witch sent me for a long soaking bath with Roarke and McNabb (hunks in the JD Robb series' of books) followed by being curled up on the lounge with a tall glass of Milo and milk and watching 2 hours of Bones. Then a short phone call by Paul (who was in the middle of a beer drinking session) followed by falling asleep in the lounge during Stargate. I woke up at 6am when the neighbours decided to have a screaming match between the car park and the house - I swear at least two of those girls are part harpy! Then again I suppose I was at that age too!

Some self-sustaining TLC and decent sleep has done wonders to slow the progression into depression.I think for the first time this week I can face going into work without throwing up first - and I might get through the morning at least without crying. As I recognise that this is a serious slide into depression that I'm on, I'm making an appointment today with a work-sponsored therapist.

So for those that are keeping up with Stargate, last night's episode saw Baal (I think? the one who cloned himself a few episodes back) brainwashing members of the Jaffa council so they would not move to democracy because he thought democracy would give too much power to the Aur'oi. Oh and whatisname, the Jack replacement, was visiting a friend in hospital who was dying of a brain tumor. How did that play out? What happened int he rest of the episode?

Hugs to you all

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