Sunday 15 July 2007

Mel's Sunday Update

Wow! What a week!  I worked right up until 5pm Wednesday!  I am technically now unemployed until tomorrow.

Wednesday night was celebrating with P as was Thursday.  Thurs night was more celebrating with workmate A.  Friday morning was domestic duties followed by lunch out "with the girls".  During lunch I started to feel prickles all over my skin, and hot and cold at the same time, and a headache was starting so I left the rest of the days activities and just came straight on home.

By the time I got here I have a raging fever, pounding headache and barking cough so I took some aspirin for the fever and went to bed.  Got up sometime later, had some leftovers out of the fridge, some more aspirin and went back to bed.  I didn't sleep at all that night.  The fever wouldn't break and I was in a half asleep half awake dozing dreaming hallucinating state - like a daydream but filled with nightmares ...

When I awoke properly on Saturday morning I was in agony.  The skin prickles had turned into a raging horde of thousands of fairies pounding needles into every inch of my skin.  My skin was hot enough to fry an egg on, but I was still raked with shivering and chills at the same time.  Everything hurt.  All of my joints hurt, and all of my muscles ached.  An unremitting ache. All my muscles were tensed up,  I couldn't force my body to relax.  My eyes were puffy and red-rimmed, my eyelids blackened like I'd been in a fight.  My lips were puffy and chapped.  And the pain in my head was indescribable. Even my hair follicles hurt! I had a huge knot of pain at the top of my spine, base of my skull.  To move was agony, and I still had the barking cough.  I just laid there and cried tears of self pity for over an hour.

I eventually dragged myself out of bed and cried down the phone to workmate A who stopped by the chemist before work and got me some sinusitis and other tablets.  She brought me in some water, made me a cup of tea, offered to change my sheets etc - she was sooo sweet!  I just took the tablets and went to sleep.  Proper sleep for the first time.  I woke again when workmate A came back after work.  She bought me some fruit and some milk and made me another cup of tea.  And made me promise to eat some fruit every time I woke up and to keep my fluids up.  Which is basically what I did.

Its now Sunday morning, I still ache all over, though it is not as debilitating. Most of the pain seems to centre around my lower back / kidney area.  I have huge sinusitis problems all throughout my skull and it still threatens to explode every time I move.  The fever has subsided but not fully gone away yet. The skin prickles are still there. As is the barking cough.

I'm about to attempt a shower and some real breakfast and then its back off to bed with me for the day.  If the muscles aches continue to subside, and I can then actually drive, I'll go down to the chemist myself and get something stronger for the sinusitis.  I just hope it keeps getting better or I wont be signing up for my new job tomorrow....

Stitching wise I spent nine-ish hours on Archway, and nothing on Tracy's model job.  Have done no stitching since Tuesday night.


Natalie Mikesell said...

Yuck!!! Feel better soon! I wish I could send you some homemade chicken soup in the mail.

Melia Suez said...

EEP! Get better soon!

Karen R said...

Archway looks great so far! Gosh, I sure hope the new round of antibiotics gets rid of this for you! You've had a rough couple of months! Feel better - I want you to be able to enjoy your first day :)

Julie Nemitz said...

UGH, hope you get to feeling much better asap, Mel.

Rosanne Derrett said...

Good luck for today (even though it is evening Aus-time. Hope you feel a lot better today. Great progress too on The Archway.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone. I have a really congested chest that wont move, and a persistent barking cough that not actually moving any of the above said phlegm .....

and I am really really really tired!

But I got to my first days work and I'm up out of bed on day 2 to attempt to get there. Whoops that's the sound of the toast popping!

Donna Williams said...

Uhm, dear, I really hope you consider seeing a doctor, like yestereday! Worries me about the skin prickles. I had something similar going in my hands and feet a few years ago and that's when we discovered my thyroid was way out of wack. Please, please take care of yourself!

Paula Hubert said...

I hope you're feeling better... and I second Teegs with the "get thee to a doctor, woman!" Even the chest stuffs could be bad - wouldn't want you to end up with pneumonia!

Melissa Hicks said...

OK its Wednesday night. I'm still alive :) Still coughing and still fluey but I'm still going in to work - I hope to spend the weekend in bed sleeping and reading HP and doing nothing else !!!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Apart from feeling fluey, that sounds like a lovely winter weekend!! You sound like you definitely need the rest!

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