Sunday 5 August 2007

Mel's Sunday Update

Well I'm finally getting the hang of my new job and a handle on stitching on the train - unfortunately I've not yet completely adjusted my body to the new going to bed earlier time.  I can do the wake up at oh god o'clock - I just can't seem to get to sleep early enough so by Friday I'm in serious sleep deprivation mode :)

In stitching news, I finished off the ornament for Tracy.  This is ready for pics to be displayed and the model job posted to her as soon as she gives me the A-OK.

I also did nine hours on a RR for Mariann.  I wont bother posting pics until I've completed the whole 15 hours.

I did about three hours in total on Party Cat on the train this week.  Pic shown here !

I also received my kit for Chatelaine Anniversary Castle Sampler from ECC in the mail today.  I plan to spend this week finishing Mariann's RR so it can be posted off - then the remainder of the week on Faïence.  Next week on Archway for The One, and the week after starting the Anniversary Castle Sampler.

So I'm kinda back into the swing of stitching with the new routines :)


Michele Anderson said...

Glad you are started to be able to get into a routine stitching wise again.

I spent about 4 hours down in my craft room today. I found where I have Celtic Christmas and The Quiltmaker stashed away. Plus 2 other projects: 1. A Winnie the Pooh piece, and a set of strawberry border placemats that I have been working on for years now. I got another little section of the room done. Got all the quilting stuff put away and/or organized. I am getting a little closer to being able to put the 24 boxes down on the floor so I can file and catalog all the new stuff. I will have all day tomorrow. I might get to stitch later this month yet . . . . LOL!


Melissa Hicks said...

Woo Hoo !!! Well done on the organization! My craft room looks tidy, but that's only because I shoved things willy nilly into boxes and piles for my house inspection last Friday. I have *no* idea where anything is in that room. I'll organise it at some point - perhaps over the Xmas break ?????

Claire EJ said...

Glad you're going so much better than me on the RR's. I believe yours will be up next for me and that's on aida so I will be able to focus on that one and see to stitch it.

Hah, so Faience will get a little bit of an outing this month. Go you :)

Mariann Mäder said...

That's a nice bit of progress, Mel! Party cat looks smashing.

I hear you about being able to sleep earlier! I'm an early morning and late evening awake type, I seriously have this same problem. Some days I get so tired that I actually can go to bed at 9pm and also sleep, but then that's telling me how much I needed it. You'll get there, too!

Looking forward to see how far Rose of Sharon got by the time it comes back from Laura! Will need to get back to it and finish it then...

Been doing something over 8 hours on Claire's and want to do a few more still...

Michele Anderson said...

Thanks Mel! I have all day today down there too since my friend still hasn't called me back for the get together this weekend. It is one of 3 things - her Mom got worse and she is out of town, 2. She forgot to charge her phone again, or 3. She is doing family stuffs and forgot about getting together with me (again). She has done it before! She is so busy most of the time. I don't know how she finds her head in the mornings!! LOL! Kitty looks great! So bright and cheerful!


Melissa Hicks said...

Mariann - Don't get too hopeful! I'm very disappointed by the small number of stitches I got done in the 10 hours I've now done. I'll do some more in the next few days and see if I can finish off the section I want to do before I run out of time again :) :)

Claire - Faïence *may* see the light of day - I only got one hour in on Mariann's RR yesterday so now I've still got five hours to go and usually only one hour of stitching time per night ..... so we will see!

Hilary Syddall said...

The only two I have out at the moment are Mel's UFO (that is this weeks project!) and Mel's Fantasy RR. I do not want to risk backing these away and risking them getting lost in a move

Melissa Hicks said...

Hilary, You are going to very busy very soon with the packing and moving - please feel guilt-free about packing these up and moving them on. If you are getting stressed, move them on regardless of how much you have or haven't done - you have more important things to think about right now.

Hilary Syddall said...

I do want to work on them Mel - hopefully after this week things will calm down a bit! we have just put an offer in and it is higher than the other offer they received :-)

Donna Williams said...

Party Cat looks great, Mel. I still can't imagine commuting the way you are, but if you are getting the hang of it, that's great. I'm not a morning person either, so if I'm up at 6am it's because I've been up all night. You'll get there eventually, though, I have faith in your strong will.

Paula Hubert said...

Party Cat looks great! And I'm sure you'll get yourself settled into a routine with your sleeping. I seem to have to just crash one day every couple of months or so to reset my sleep requirement.. and then I muddle through again. I've never gotten to be able to go to sleep early unless I'm totally worn out!

Karen R said...

Glad to hear the new schedule is starting to work for you. And I know all about not being ready to go to sleep when the clock says I need to; I've always been a nightowl, but I've had to start work at 7-7:30 am for so many years now, plus the whole have-kids-don't-sleep bit, that on the rare occasions I do see past 11:00, it messes me up for days to come. I have just come to accept that I will be tired for about 8 hours of every day, and a few days here and there, more like 10-12 hours. Of course, those hours just happen to coincide with when I am working or doing chores.... Party Cat is gorgeous!!!! Can't wait to see the next update!

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