Tuesday 23 October 2007

Lothario - the update

When we last left our heroes, the little cat was ensconced in a new home and convalescing.  He hadn't met the rest of the four-legged members of the new house hold yet.

a reminder of part one can be found here ....

Well four days into his convalescence (Thursday night), he escaped. 
He decided he felt better so he wanted out and he broke the screen away from the window frame and escaped. Alison didn't actually dare tell me until he didn't return Friday night - then she told me.  He was microchipped and had a collar now and still had stitches still in him so we really really hoped someone would find him and take him to a vets who would find the chip and ring Alison.

No word.

Day after day no word.

Then last Thursday night while chatting to mum on the phone, I heard a meow at the back door. I ran and opened it and there he was!  A week later and he had come the 15 kilometres from Alison's place to mine.  I let him in and gave him a feed and hung up from mum and rang Alison.  Oh the relief!

He'd not been mauled again, he hadn't died of septicaemia !!!!  Oh such a relief! 

That night I locked him inside inside my house.  Alison and I planned to take him to the vet the next morning to get the stitches removed and get him thoroughly checked over, and I wasn't having him back to his old routines of disappearing for a day or so.  So I locked him in the house.  He had the same kitty cat curfew that Trubs has lived under for many years.

He didn't like that idea.  He howled to be let out.  And howled. And howled. And then finally fell asleep around midnight so I left him be and started locking up the house to go to bed myself.  Just as I was heading in to the bedroom Trub came out and meowed to demand to know why I was up so late - so of course that woke Lothario and started him off again.

He settled down and I finally got to sleep at 5:51am, just as the first rays of proper sunlight flooded my bedroom.  He stayed asleep until I walked in with the pet carrier at 10:30am.  I oth the other hand was very used to getting up around 5am - so I got no sleep at all!

(I am never having a newborn child or a kitten)!

The vet said he was in remarkably good condition. His eye had completely healed and his wounds were not infected.

Alison took him home to her place again and we decided to give it one more shot.  If he ran away and came back to me again we would see his point of view and I would care for him and figure something out with my landlady.

I actually spent quite a few pleasant hours there with Alison and Lothario and her daughter Jane.  Lothario seemed quite happy when I left and he was purring and curled back up in "his" new house.

I was informed the next day that he did not howl to be let out !  Not once !!!!  Nor did he try to escape.  I can honestly say I felt a bit miffed!  I got *no* sleep and yet he didn't try anything at Alison's ??????

Well since that time, things have indeed settled down,  He has been introduced to the dogs and the other cat and trhere are no issues.  He and Bandit (the other cat) are a bit wary of each other but no hissing or outright blows yet.  And the older of the two dogs has been protecting Lothario.  When Bandit hissed at Lothario, the dog moved herself between the two cats and stared down Bandit.

So I think Lothario is fine and quite quite at home now .....

Mind you I did receive an email today saying that he started howling last night to be let out .... so maybe there's still a wild streak in him somewhere. 

I'll visit again on the weekend.


Claire EJ said...

Hmmm, I wonder if he was missing *his* Gothy! and Trubs too? What a clever boy, making it all that way back to you.
I hope he can settle with Alison. It would make life easier for you, but if not, I also hope that over a large bottle of wine, the LL would let you keep him.

Best of luck with it all, honey and thanks for the update. I am so glad to know what's happening before I go in. I could have died never knowing [evil grin].

Melissa Hicks said...

Nah - I've got the whatisname board ready and I know you'd come and haunt me !!!

Anyway you can't "pass on" until you open your present! Teegs on the other hand will pass on very soon if US mail doesn't deliver my parcel !!! I'll go postal!

Gina Martin said...

I sure hope the little guy stays put this time! And believe me, kittens are a lot of work and no sleep! I've just nursed 3 of them from 2 weeks old to weaning age.

Karen R said...

Glad to hear he's healed; I hope he finally feels enough at home to call it home. Sometimes the regular meals make it click, and other times, they are just to used to roaming. He's so cute, he needs to have people look after him :)

Tina Starke said...

Don't send Lothario over here! I have 2 new "houseguests" - baby mice! I found them on my lawnmower yesterday. I must have scared off the mother when I moved the mower out to do some yardwork. I didn't discover the babies until I was in the front yard and the mower kept stalling. I looked at the motor and realized there were 2 baby mice under it. Eeek! I looked around the mower and didn't see any other mice (or remnants thereof) so I'm assuming there were only 2 or any others might have fallen off between the shed and the front yard. My son is delighted. The babies are about 6 days old (maybe the length of 2 US dimes), eyes still closed, and I'm feeding them diluted kitten milk replacer through a medicine dropper. Their home is 2 washcloths in a plastic cage on top of a heating pad in DS' room. No cats allowed! We'll see if the little ones make it. They survived the night and they're quite squirmy (makes it hard to get breakfast into them when they won't hold still!)

Hilary Syddall said...

Wow Lothario had a bit of an adventure! More to the point you had an awful night (sending lots of calm, sleepy vibes to Oz ready for the GothTiggers bedtime), here's hoping the young man gets settled in quickly!

Mariann Mäder said...

Quite the little adventure there for Lothario!

Melissa Hicks said...

This morning's update from Alison:

4-legged family getting along fine, no lunging, snapping or snarling from anyone to anyone else. Trying to feed up Lothario a bit, trouble is Bandit helps herself as well, who doesn't need the extra! Lothario worked out there are 2 doors on both front & back, tried to pre-empt me last night by sitting next to the door I did not go out, failed to consider I may look in before opening the door!

Paula Hubert said...

Well, I'm glad he's safe and sound and getting along - I hope he chooses to stay at Allison's! Cats can be such funny creatures...

Melissa Hicks said...

I actually went over to Alison's that night - and shared a couple of glasses of bubbly! Alison handed in her resignation that day !!!!! She has a new job starting in Sydney so will be commuting like me (only her commute is *this* side of the city so it is a little quicker than mine). YAHOO!!! Another escapes the old workplace!

Anyway I was there for a few hours and Lothario was smooching with both the dogs and the two cats were doing the "oh is there another cat here, I didn't see them" at each other. So yep I'd say he's fitting in quite quite well !!!!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Great news on all fronts then - I can imagine that Allison is just as thrilled to have a new job as you were!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh definitely - she's been dancing around on Cloud 9 for days !!!!

Hilary Syddall said...

I'm glad to hear Lothario is settling in well! and great news on the job front :-)

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