Sunday 14 October 2007

Mel's Sunday Update

Well this week I spent most weeknights exhausted from work and helping a friend care for a little black stray called Lothario who we took to the vet and my friend is adopting.

Stitching wise I did five hours on Laura's RR last Sunday and then a whopping 10 hours concentrated stitching yesterday (and another couple today).  And the irony is that you have to look really close to see what I did.

Well I finished off the little girls skirt on the right hand side - that was five hours.  Then I went back through the bottom right quadrant of the chart and I filled in all the missing stitches so that quadrant is completely done.

Then I still had some time left so I went to the left hand bottom quadrant and filled in all the gaps.  Then I filled in the bright spots on the skirt and then I spent an hour and half poring over the bottom portion of the chart making sure that I picked up every last missed stitch - regardless who stitched the rest of that bit.

So I feel I can confidently send this back to Laura with the bottom part completely finished!


Karen R said...

Looks great - I can imagine that it probably took a bit of time to go figure out where it had been left off from; going back and filling in your own work after time has passed is hard, but filling in where someone else has worked - not the same. Excellent work!

Claire EJ said...

Wonderful stitching, honey. Puts mine to shame. It's amazing how this piece swallows up the hours and looks like such a small amount of work.

Hope you feel heaps better this week. You'll find me on text :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks ladies! This one was indeed a time-swallower but that's OK I'm glad I got enough done to be happy to send it back to Laura.

Karen, the difficulty in filling in was the main reason that I did this for Laura - to help make it easier for her when this project returns home - but boy that part indeed time consuming :)

Claire - as for my health, no the symptoms are worse than ever - and extremely uncomfortable. Not a happy Tigger !!!! I'm back at the docs tomorrow to get the results of tests. I'll txt you with an update then .....

Claire EJ said...

Aaarrrggghh...was hoping for better news on that side of things but realised from the "quietness" that it had to still be yucky.
Big big hugs for that and you know I'll be waiting for that text.

Natalie Mikesell said...

It looks a lot different. Good work Mel!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Nate !!! Where have you been hiding - give us a blog - tell us how the teaching is going !!!!!!

Michele Anderson said...

OK now I can't see pictures in your blog! It is blank but when I put the arrow over it and click, it goes to a second page like it is suppose too. I see a black outline of where the picture is suppose to be and then poof - all gone! Weird. I was just on PJ's blog and it was fine. Cue the Twilght Zone music here! LOL! Hope this goes away soon!


Melissa Hicks said...

If you click on the highlighted "Laura's RR" in the text - it will take you to my photos page which has the same pictures in it.

Michele Anderson said...

Well that page loaded but when I click on the picture to see it bigger it goes poof again. Just your pages so far are doing the disappearing act on me. Everyone else's pages are still working. Too weird. I can't even see your lust list anymore, it just comes up with empty rectangles with the words underneath.


Paula Hubert said...

Wow - this is one of the few L&Ls that I have that I still want to stitch... but seeing how it sucks up the hours, now I'm not so sure! :) Having said that, however, I did notice right away that you'd finished off the bottom right part.

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