Sunday 18 November 2007

Mel's Sunday Update

Well stitching wise I got in about five hours on Friday while watching the cricket with a head cold. However its for a present so I can't show the pic here - even if there was enough progress for a pic.

Had a heck of a week this week.  Lots of stress. Paul was over every single night until Thursday.  And then was back again yesterday. I've been helping him write job applications and supporting him in getting a new job.

Most days on the train I spent supporting and encouraging my old workfriend Alison who started a new job this week.

And at the beginning of the week I was up from 3am keeping an eye on an email group where the owner had diaappeared without a trace.  As this was attached to the group owners shop and shop purchases were not being sent out or communication being returned - well you can see why a few people on the group got a little agitated.

I help the group together as best I could until the owner came back late Thursday.  The same owner sent me an email this morning saying:

"I am back and I hope to be able to moderate the group. If you want to stay on as the Accidental Moderator, then I would love to have you, but on the other hand if you don't then I'll be fine with that too."

Am I right to feel slighted by that?  I kept her bloody group from descending into civil war and outright name calling but its all OK now because she's back and she doesn't give two hoots if I stay or if I go?  Her whole attitude is a bit cavalier considering she's been ignoring her shop and her group for over a month!

Maybe I'm just too  tired to think straight!

At work I had many challenges including one of my staff who came back from leave on Wednesday and then promptly put in a grievance against me because by 10:30am I hadn't walked over to her cubicle and asked how her holiday was.

On Thursday I had a meeting with same staff member as I had with all my other staff while she was away.  We are down on staffing levels so I have re-prioritised every body's working loads to just the high priority stuff and I'm allowing some of the other processes we do fall away until we recruit more staff.  Most staff were fine - but this one was hostile from the outset - calling me names, being derogatory about my age and even insinuated that my mother worked at McDonalds ... WTF ?????

Thursday I came home and collapsed.  Woke up Friday morning with a head cold.  Spent Friday on the lounge watching the cricket sleeping and a little stitching.

Saturday I felt a bit better, made some soap, went out with Paul and walked along the beach and ended up serendipitously watching a local percussion band The Rhythm Hunters.  They teach drumming too - might be interesting to go along for a class or two.

Last night I ate a lovely yummy salad plate put together by Paul - slept on the lounge until put to bed and cuddled by Paul.  Woke up this morning with snot oozing everywhere. Too hot.  Should be illegal to have a head cold in summer.

I feel rotten - I'm off back to bed.


Terri England said...

Sorry you are sick and sorry about that nasty staff member. Hope you get better soon

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Terri! Its nothing too major- I'm just feeling like a sook and having a whinge.

Just a heap of little niggerly things all happening in the same week. I think if they happened one at a time or if I'd have managed more sleep I wouldn't even have mentioned most of this.

Mariann Mäder said...

I hope you're getting better now, Mel! That was quite an ugly week for you. When things sum up like that we just have to take a time-out, I hope yours brings you back even better than before :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

Hi Mariann - I am quite convinced that this flu was my body's way of saying "that's it - time out", and as such I'm also taking tomorrow off to get rid of all lingering symptoms. Ordinarily I would go back tomorrow, but this time I'm listening to my body and getting fully rested first.

Paul's gone home tonight and I'll spend tomorrow just resting up before plunging back in Wednesday.

Karen R said...

Glad you seem to be on the mend! Thanks, Paul - we need our minion in good health!!! :) Rest and feel better - and hopefully the snitty coworker will be horribly, horribly ill upon your return. Oops, was that mean? Tough - some people have it coming.... {knocks on wood}

Paula Hubert said...

I'm glad you're feeling better - it definitely sounds like you had ENOUGH! Remind me about that "listening to my body" bit when I need to do it, will you?

As for the list owner; well, I'm not sure she realizes exactly what all you did.. at least saying "thank you" would have been nice!

Claire EJ said...

No, I don't think she realises how much you held it all together. You did good and she's an ungrateful whatsit.

Melissa Hicks said...

My body decided last night that I hadn't taken enough of a time out and it decided to let me know by voiding itself of every skerrick of anything in my digestive system from 11ish pm until 3am. Could be considered poetic if it wasn't so darned painful!

I'm not at work today. Instead its cool and I'm making some progress on stitching.

Thanks ladies for your comments on the other listowner. I waited until she was back and fully in charge and then I removed myself from the list. I didn't want to leave the list members in the lurch but frankly the listowner did nothing to show she cared or appreciated the work I did so stuff her. I've left :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Do it - because if you don't listen hard enough - your body will make itself more plainly known. Mine did last night!

Melissa Hicks said...

He's come down with it himself now! He wants me to visit but I'm not up to arguing with the Mum from Hell about how could I do this to her little boy.

So I'll see him on the weekend when he comes to my place again.

I'll make his favourite icecream for him.

Karen R said...

I was married to a MIL like that once...

Hopefully, you'll both be over it quickly :)

Janine Smith said...

Mel Sorry to hear that you are ill. I hope that you are feeling much better very soon.

Melissa Hicks said...

Hey Janine - I'm mostly over the cold - and not suffering too many after effects from last night's exuberances. How did the trade show go for you?

Paula Hubert said...

Ugh Mel - I'll definitely try to remember your lesson.. and I'm happy for you that you were pleased with the outcome of the elections!

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