Monday 19 November 2007

Tales of a Lapsed Soap Maker Part 2

Its just like riding a bike - it all comes back so easily. 

Woke up all congested this morning - felt like I was trying to breathe underwater with tight bands around my chest.  All eased shortly after getting up and inhaling some eucalyptus.  Still feel like my head is stuffed with cotton wool.

Its weird I feel like I have an abundance of energy and I feel really restless, but then I fall over in exhaustion a short while later.

poor Paul - I've exhausted him and he's still sleeping.

Anyway woke up four hours ago, checked some emails and did the nose and chest clearing thing and then I made a second batch of soap.

One for the vegetarians.

Christmas Forest Soap
250gm Palm Oil
250gm Rice Bran Oil
250gm Coconut Oil
130gm Olive Oil
100gm Cocoa Butter
20gm Castor Oil
139gm lye
205ml water
30 ml Brambleberry Christmas Forest fragrance oil
1 tablespoon French Green Clay
1/8 teaspoon Chromium green oxide

As per usual, chop and mix oils and butters and set over a warm heat to melt.  after melted pop into a water bath to cool down the mix.  Soaping is best done when both oils and the lye mix are about 40-45 degrees Celsius in temperature.

Mixed the lye and water in a water bath in front of an open window - you do not want to ever inhale lye fumes.  Bad things!

Mixed the green clay in with the oils.  This clay is more gray then green - so I chucked in a touch of chromium green oxide (mineral colourant).  Its still going to be a grey green - but hopefully turn out a more like a mossy green.

Added the lye solution to the oils and clay.  Hit it with the stick blender until it came to trace (gained the consistency of a pouring custard).  Added in the fragrance. Stirred with a spatula and then began pouring.

Worked like a dream.  Just poured perfectly and consistently throughout the whole process.  I have 20 little bars of perfect uniformity and all perfectly poured.

And then I buggered up the tops when I wrapped the glad wrap over the top.  Oh well.

Anyone got a good method for putting glad wrap over liquids without it creating that crumpled look?

Anyway - I cleaned all that away, pulled out my baking stuff, made a loaf of gluten-free bread from a never-before-tried recipe.  That is proofing now.

Cleaned all that stuff away set off the dishwasher, came and sat by the computer again.

Whoops there goes the bell for the bread.  Off to pop that in the oven for 40 mins.  Time for a nap I think - I'm exhausted again.  The smell of the newly-baked bread will hopefully be yummy enough to wake up Paul nicely ....

Hugs all!


Marc Davis said...

Sure sounds like an awful lot of trouble making soap JUST to get it wetand use it....Heck at Hershey, PA where CATS was held they provide Chocolate soap...Yep..chocolate soap...(not to eat)....Use it and it leaves the washcloth looking like one wiped their butt with it....NOT a pretty site..BUT sure smells good...Soap NOT butt..... From your description I think I'll pass on even trying to make soap......

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm tired and sick and therefore making mistakes I shouldn't - its really no harder than making a chocolate pudding :)

a bit more dangerous - but not more difficult :)

I just ordered a couple more scent blends to play with over the next few weeks - I forgot how much fun I have making these ....

Bath bombs next week!

Melissa Hicks said...

PS the bread didn't rise as much as I'd like - but it is truly yummy !!!!! Eaten nearly half the loaf already and it hasn't had time to cool down yet :)

Nancy Murdock said...

Ok I almost blew my diet Pepsi all over my monitor when I read that.......

Melissa Hicks said...

So did I - but for the opposite reason - that's just bad soapmaking! I'll make you a decent chocolate soap Marc when I find my journal. I had a pretty good recipe worked out a few years ago - just gotta find my final tweaked copy of the recipe - ie My Journal.

Hilary Syddall said...

Marc I was very glad I had finished my soup! tomato soup and a laptop do NOT mix!!

Does the soap smell nice?

Karen R said...

Soap - that's something I've never tried. I wanted to try candlemaking once, but the stuff just to start up - too expensive, and takes up space I don't have. Someday....

Melissa Hicks said...

Both soaping and candle making are like stitching - you can just buy the basics of what you need for a simple project or you can go nuts and buy stash that overtakes the confines of a whole room .....

Hence why I've never started candle making ....

Paula Hubert said...

I do love those mornings when I get up and have ambition like that :). Thankfully now that we're in the house I can do more than I could in our last place, since the bedroom is upstairs, which leaves me the entire first floor to muck about in!

Melissa Hicks said...

Its fun to have mornings like that - and the time and space to actually indulge in them!

Gosh I wish I could win the lottery or something so I didn't have to go to work 5 days a week and then spend the next two morning s recovering before plunging back into it again.

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