Saturday 19 December 2009

Life Update

Just a small update for those who are interested :)

In the end I'm not moving for a few months.  I literally cannot find anything suitable cheaper than where we currently are and at least here, Stephen was still paying most of the bills.

Stephen is currently unemployed. His last contract ended last Friday.  There's nothing on the horizon for him here.  He is flying out to Singapore next Tuesday for a job interview and he has applications in for Melbourne.

I'm enjoying the technical side of my job but I still don't suffer fools gladly. This is something I need to work on :) At least I do most of my venting on Twitter instead of allowing it to show at work in front of the customers or colleagues.  Although there are a few colleagues who seem to think I'm a good listener and use my when they need to vent aloud or as a sounding board for ideas.  Ironically I'm pretty good at keeping team morale up.  I use the old adage "you can't be angry when you're laughing" to deal with most issues.

I was told yesterday "I can't believe you've been here such a short time Mel, the place just isn't the same without you"  which was nice.

I've also had meeting with management on going full time for three months next year to work on more special projects.  I've also got an expression of Interest in with Curtin University for 6-12 month contracts starting next Feb-Mar.  If I could pick up one of the 12 month contracts at my usual rate of pay (instead of the pittance I'm getting now) move to a cheaper place and then spend the 12 months clearing out all the extraneous guff I'm carrying about I should be perfectly set to afford to move back to Sydney or Melbourne when the contract runs out in early/mid 2011. The employment opportunities in Syd/Melb would have improved by then too.

On a personal front, I'm slowly starting to professionally network more and meet a few people outside of work or at least through work.  I'm starting to go to more conferences and professional events and chatting with other librarians.  Also through Janine's stitching group I'm starting to make some friends there so I'm not a social hermit :)

I'm going out to a property in the Perth Hills for Christmas lunch. Clara, a friend for work collects all the "orphans" at her place for lunch and she insists that there are some people coming who I will really get along with so some new friendships might come out of that.

Boxing Day is supposed to be hideously hot or hideously cold with massive storms, depending on which weather service you listen to.  If its the former I'm spending the day at the cinemas even if it means watching 4-5 movies back to back.  Thankfully there are lots on that I'm interesting in going to :)

The Monday public holiday I'm spending at Janine's shop with some of the other stitching girls. So that looks like fun :) And Tuesday I go back to work.  The library is only closed for the public holidays.

I have no plans for New Years Eve, but then I never have any plans for New Years Eve.  I'm not a big party girl so I'm always more than happy to spend that one at home with the cats :)

So I wont be alone on Christmas Day (this apparently is a big deal to some people) and I am getting out and about and I am deriving satisfaction from my work.

So all in all, I think the stage is set for a good 2010.  Not at all what I envisaged this time last year .... but well life is in the journey right?


Claire EJ said...

Ooh , pretty background..I like.

The coming year may well not be as planned a while ago, but it does sound good! You have a plan, you have friends, and there's someone to make sure you enjoy Christmas too which I am glad about.

New Year's Eve...we never go out. Every year we get asked somewhere and each time, we politely decline.

Paula Hubert said...

I like the background - reminds me of warm weather, which I'm definitely looking forward to :).

I'm glad you've got plans for the long weekend; it sounds like you'll have fun! I'm looking forward to a peaceful weekend after Christmas with some snuggling in with Miss Molly and stitching. And I really am happy that you're getting out and networking and making more connections; who knows where any of them might lead?

I'll be thinking good thoughts that things work out for you to make a more comfortable move back to Sydney or Melbourne. It sounds like there are some decent options for you now.

As for things being very different than you had envisioned a year ago.. well, move over, I'm sitting right next to you on that particular sofa :). I'm mostly ok, though, and have had some truly incredible moments on this part of the journey already. I'm truly not sure that I'd have noticed them at all if it weren't for the changes of the past year. Ironically, I was chatting with a good friend yesterday who has also been through some major changes and he reminded me of the truth in "if you want to hear God laugh, tell him(her) your plans". Keep the faith.. there are plenty of good things ahead for you, and you might have missed them if you'd stuck to your personal plan! :)

Mariann Mäder said...

Not only is life a journey, it's one that goes up and down heavily...

I'm glad you have prospects, especially on the professional side. You should be able to go back to something more demanding, which I know you will master! And better pay, of course :-)

Good to have such plans, and while I myself don't really care if I'm on my own on Christmas, it's always nice to look forward to something friendly, so enjoy!

If you can - and if it will help you - I do hope you can get back to where you feel more at home and start over. Look forward to a 2010 on your own again and on your own two feet.

Good to read how you plan to go on!

Julie Dollery said...

I've never been big on Xmas get togethers & we usually spend New years eve at home (which freaks people out because its my birthday).
I dearly hope that 2010 is more "your year" than 2009 ended up being. Whatever happens, I'll still be here for you to vent whenever you need

Melissa Hicks said...

Strangly enough I would have been perfectly happy to spend Christmas Day here with the cats and some DVDs and making a few phone calls.

But that seemed to upset and outrage so many people (family and work colleagues) that I agreed to one of the offers of lunch on Xmas Day just to make them all feel better.

Sisu Lull said...

There is no growth without change my dear! Sounds like Mel, in a manner most cat-like, is all set to land on her feet once again! Big hugs and all the best for the new year!

Melissa Hicks said...

Well its still going to be a hard slog until I get there. Just found out Stephen spent the entireity of his last paycheck on the Singapore trip so I'm paying for everything as of right now.

Considering the rent is $860 per fortnight and I earn around $980 that doesn't leave anything for other bills, food, petrol etc. I'll make it work but it's going to be very hard. Also Stephen started doing his sleep 22 hours a day depression thing again so I'm getting no help from that quarters in making practical arrangements. Very tired but I know it will get aranged one way or another because it has to.

Paula Hubert said...

Hoo boy!! Lots of good thoughts and hugs headed your way. In the meantime, make sure that you take care of *you* first. Set things up as they work for you; if someone else doesn't like your handling of things, tough.. since there doesn't seem to be much assistance being given at the moment.

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