Sunday 14 November 2010

Life Update

OK here's all the info that was left out of the last update ...

After each design was finished the words "and then the migraine got bad again" should be inserted :(

I tried stitching a gorgeous little design for Claire's birthday on 40ct linen and discovered that I could not see the holes.  I literally could not see where to put the needle :(  I figure the migraine is affecting my eyesight - or the tumor has enlarged and is now pressing on my optic nerve (it was a bare 1mm away from it at the last MRI) - or I'm just too tired from work - or my eyesight is going ..... or all of the above.  At this stage I'm looking to outsource this project and see if I can find someone else to stitch it up for me as I think Claire would love it!

I stopped stitching for quite a few weeks in between projects, wishing my eyes would stop hurting and the migraine would settle down.  Then I realised that my stitching is part of my meditation and relaxation program. I need to stitch to ease the migraine. 

In between each of the canvas work pieces I keep trying to stitch on Kay's RR but my eyes give out after half an hour and then they hurt for the rest of the day.  I'll give it another couple of weeks and hope that my eyes settle down otherwise I may have to send it on unstitched :(

Kay and Sisu - let me know how long I can keep Kay's piece before you need it sent on regardless of what I have or have not managed to stitch on it - please? I don't want to put anyone else's stitching rotation out. The next rotation after this isn't sent out until 1 February.

In other news, I won a door prize at the Arelate Designs booth at the October Online Needlework Show and I treated myself to a couple of small Passione Ricamo designs and some Lilipoints designs at Colours Down Under Friday night (they were ordered back in April).  The rest of my tax refund went straight into the bills fund.

The good news is that although I've had a few setbacks, the bills are on track to be completely paid off by October 2011.  The next bill is my personal loan, which should be paid off by February, the last bill bill being the $5000 I owe Debbie for helping move Stephen and my goods & chattels to Perth.

Unfortunately the big plans for losing weight and de-cluttering my life have been derailed - but its all a journey.  I figure its like juggling, you get one ball moving well and then add a second ball, when you have them down quite confidently you add a third ball.  And then you drop them all, pick them up and start again.

the big issue that seems to be knocking everything over is the migraine.  It was supposed to be history now, but it is still here. Stress at work is not helping and both my supervisor and I are at a loss at to what to do about it.

I'm running a state-wide training course in social media and online tools for public libraries in Western Australia.  Course is here if anyone is interested ... If you have any constructive criticism, please let me know!

I'm paid to work 3 days per week. During that time I'm expected to run this course (which NSW State Library said took 8 people full-time, other State Libraries had similar manpower), plus all the cataloguing for my library, plus cleaning up the library database plus everything else I used to do that filled my time.

So I'm working 60-70 hour weeks and being paid 27 hours, The rest is supposedly being accrued as TOIL (Time off in Lieu) but all requests for taking that time have been denied until at least the first of February.

We wont mention that my base wage of 27 hours does not cover my expenses (I regularly eat only one main meal a day).

My supervisor is trying to deflect the heat from inside the organisation because I'm not managing to get everything done.  Meanwhile I spend hours a day (on my days off) helping library managers and workers in my library and other libraries playing advocate, mentor, encouragement, support system etc.  You know all the things currently being denied to myself and my supervisor {sigh}

So yeah a little stress. A little draining.  Any and all advice gratefully received. It's driving my supervisor mental seeing me through this and not being able to help.  And it hurts me to see the amount of flack she is taking - she doesn't deserve that!  So yeah, any thoughts (legal ones please - I'm not allowed to physically hurt the other managers in my organisation) let me know ;)


Rosanne Derrett said...

Outsorce to me please! I've got more than enough time and now my eye problems have stopped for the time being, I should be able to do it.

As for work - don't even get me started. Having been in the same situation, there is no winning. You have to decide what is best for you and your health. You are beyond breaking point now so how much more that can be safely asked of you is quite beyond me. Do you have a union?

Mariann Mäder said...

That sounds almost like slave labour! You're working more than twice the amount of hours you're paid and it still isn't enough to cover the responsibilities they've given you?

Have them draw up a specific plan of your duties and specify the time needed for each task in hours and minutes if you don't have that already. If you have it specified in percentages of your working time then have them translate it in hours or do that yourself and have them certify that this is the amount of work you're charged with. And then try to tell them exactly how much of that you can do on your assigned time of 27 hours plus maybe five to ten hours beyond (just so they can see that you're still willing to do more time).

What they have you do is absolutely out of the question of fair working conditions (especially since you ARE employed part time only!). As long as you play along they won't change that. I'm glad to see that your supervisor helps you, but don't rely on her too much. At some point she'll save her own skin rather than yours, everyone in their right mind would do that...

Other than have the situation in written and confirmed and certified I can't see how else I could help you. Because things are clearly not as they should be according to papers you might have.

It's just that I think it a bit over the top what they ask you to do when you're working part time...

Melissa Hicks said...

The library services boss and my ex-supervisor are playing their shit games again.

I'd been pushing to investigate running this social media training for over a year.
They finally said yes - but start it now.
State-wide library group says love it - we'll pinch your work 2 weeks later and present it as ours
Manager says we run it state-wide
I say - hang on a minute, this will require a LOT of Mark and my's time!
Boss ignores me and sends it out with mine and Mark's name attached to it

My ex-supervisor gets HR involved because I'm not managing all of my tasks.
I refer to original proposal document outlaying the timing and priority requirements that all library managers agreed to, to run this in-house
Boss says to Mark and I - you can't do this in your own time, you pull the pin. I have reputation and connections, you don't. Pull the pin and see who suffers.

Mark's wearing as much crap from the other managers as I am because they don't want him to "get above himself"

As it currently stands, Mark and I have agreed amongst ourselves and our supervisor that we have been used but we will do what it takes to get this course run, support our colleagues within the State who are crying out for training and have something great to add to our resumes. Mark wants to increase his exposure within libraries in WA and by keeping our dirty laundry hidden, he's achieving that aim.

For me to move home, I need a great reference and something pretty substantial to overcome the negativity still being generated in library circles by RMIT.

My current supervisor worked in Telstra for 25 years and plays these games waaay better than I can. She's keeping the other managers off mine and Mark's backs about the other tasks. At times I think my 3 year old nephew plays political games better than I do. Rosalie's trying to get me more paid hours to "catch up the cataloguing backlog" and she's getting some supprt for that. I only need one extra day's pay per fortnight for my budgetting to work - so as long as she keeps that happening for me the money side will roll along.

I've also discovered today just how much ground support Mark and I have from the rest of the staff at Midland. Just about every single clerk has taken some of our desk shifts without us knowing, offering to assist where possible, intercepting incoming phone calls and running first line technical supprt for us. It was really gratifying today to realise what's happening. And quite humbling.

Mark, Rosalie and I have certainly learned some lessons through this. Lessons we should have already known, but lessons we are going to put into practice. This will not occur again. None of us can afford the strains on our health (and in Mark's case his relationship with his girlfriend) and for such scant pay.

We were caught this time because the three of us passionately believe in this training and beleive in supporting other library workers throughout the State. These people are years behind their counterparts in other states because the local State Library couldn't care less.

We also know that our boss will quite happily use us all up and is convinced we can't touch her. She will use our passions for her ends. It sounds trite and it sounds self-obvious but I really didn't think she had it in her.

She does, because Mark, Rosalie and I are newcomers. We're expendable and we don't have her decades in the "old boys" network.

Melissa Hicks said...

Hey sweetie, I might indeed take you up on that - the project is just so perfect for Claire that I don't want to just drop it altogether :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Saw doctor again this afternoon. She doesn't know what to do about my migraine. We're doing all the textbook things but the stress and hormone levels override the medications.

So I've just had a 3 year implant to control the hormones (its a progesterone only slow release capsule) and I'm to relax more, not get so wound up at work and see a physiotherapist weekly for shoulder/neck/scalp work inc ase there a physical component to the migraine and of course the relaxation benefits. Check back in 4 weeks to see if anything has worked.

Julie Dollery said...

What a complete and utter load of BS. How dare ANYONE say that each individual doesn't have a reputation to uphold. I've never heard anything so demeaning in my life.

Laura Landis said...

I don't know what to say other than to agree with Mariann and advise you to document, document, document. Smarminess abounds, doesn't it?

Sisu Lull said...

I agree with documenting the hours you are working on it. To ve paid 27 hours for 60-70 hours work is flat out illegal in this country, if you can prove it. Even salaried people (paid by week instead of by hour), are limited to the number of hours they can be made to work.
Send the RR along whenever you can. No hurry. But can I ask you to de-hair it as much as you can before sending it along? My cat allergies have gotten so bad that my arms welt up and my face and eyes swell when I am working on the RR's this year. Not being snarky, but since the dog died, everything else seems to set off the allergies easier than before. Of course, day to day life I feel 200% better, but outside factors are worse. It is a balance I guess. :)
If Rosanne doesn't do the 40ct piece, I can. My near vision is still great and I am done with my spiders for the year.
Anyway, I am glad to hear the bills are on track. Eliminating the financial stress will help ease your load my dear.
Hugs from abroad (or is that A Broad? LOL)

Sisu Lull said...

I agree with documenting the hours you are working on it. To ve paid 27 hours for 60-70 hours work is flat out illegal in this country, if you can prove it. Even salaried people (paid by week instead of by hour), are limited to the number of hours they can be made to work.
Send the RR along whenever you can. No hurry. But can I ask you to de-hair it as much as you can before sending it along? My cat allergies have gotten so bad that my arms welt up and my face and eyes swell when I am working on the RR's this year. Not being snarky, but since the dog died, everything else seems to set off the allergies easier than before. Of course, day to day life I feel 200% better, but outside factors are worse. It is a balance I guess. :)
If Rosanne doesn't do the 40ct piece, I can. My near vision is still great and I am done with my spiders for the year.
Anyway, I am glad to hear the bills are on track. Eliminating the financial stress will help ease your load my dear.
Hugs from abroad (or is that A Broad? LOL)

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