Sunday 23 January 2011

Mel's Sunday Update

Well I spent the majority of this week with a migraine, so not much output.  Also going back to work today so oh well, holidays are always fun while they last :)

One big personal milestone for me this week was making the final payment and closing the personal loan I have had for nearly 10 years.  The loan was first taken out to finance my car, one month before my marriage ended. Not the nest timing in hindsight. It's also been rejigged to cover various house moves, interstate moves, furniture acquisition etc, but now at long last it is gone from my life.  Now to pay back the interest-free loans and the credit card. The plan to be debt-free by October is working.

Also I have lost another kilogram (2 pounds) this week. So far, the diet and exercise are working; I'm not following any particular diet, just eating meat, veggies a little fruit, dairy and nuts. I've removed all processed food from my diet and combined with getting on the wii fit each day, this is working to the extent I need it to.

Another milestone was my first finish for the year.  The Britty Kitty piece annoyed me so much (Listen to Auntie Mel: NEVER put your pieces away with the mistake still in it, ALWAYS frog out your mistakes!) that I spent far too long in frogging and putting it right as it turned out there were multiple mistakes and in hindsight (glorious hindsight), it would have been easier and faster to have just started the project again!  Anyway once it was back in shipshape I decided to devote another day to it, and I finished it off. This project will plague me no longer!  The progress album is here and my 2011 Finishes album is here.

THe majority of this week, I was stitching on Rosanne's Round Robin.  Code named Big Blue Beast it certainly is big and has gorgeous blue/green floss choices.  I'll include a pic when I have more stitched on it.

While at Colours Down Under on Friday an order from a supplier than had been sent sea freight had finally landed.  So I bought a couple of charts and kitted them up there and then - so that was my splurge for paying off the loan.  No chatelaine's, just a couple of charts I admired from an Online Needlework Show last year,

One of them demanded to be started right away, so it now has a couple of stitches in.  I'm currently trying to smother it down the back of the lounge while I'm working to get the Round robin finished and onto the next person, but it's screaming loudly.  Anyway the floss toss is here in case anyone would like to guess what it is :)


Kerry Dustin said...

Whoo-hoo! Congratulations on paying off the loan. We really need to follow your most excellent example re the credit card. Always, just as we start making some progress, the next unexpected expense shows up. I'm so delighted for you. It must be a good feeling to have both the loan and the kitty piece off your shoulders.

Michele Anderson said...

Awesome on having that loan paid off!! It feels so good to get rid of a chunk of the weight off your shoulders so to speak!

Also, way to go on losing some more weight! I bought a Wii Fit Plus right after Christmas but have yet to even set it up. I really need to do that. Stitching is taking up my free time right now. I have about 6 Clean Eating cookbooks and various magazines on Clean Eating. It is the only way I will cook anything. I made stuff chicken breasts the other night - stuffing was spinach, onions, tomatoes, and whole wheat bread crumbs. Yummy. Up next is veggie lasagna! Then Dijon Turkey Cutlets.

Paula Hubert said...

Well done on getting the loan paid off and on the weight loss! I peeked at the floss toss, but can't place it yet.. I'll wait for some stitches :)

Julie Dollery said...

OMG happy dancing all over the place at clearing the personal loan. Such a huge step & you should be justifiably proud. Also cheers on the BrittyKitty finish. Cute-as. If you get bored with the WiiFit, yell out. We have a couple of fitness discs for the Wii that we're not using now we've moved to dancing on the Xbox (obviously not ON the Xbox....that'd break it).We'd be happy to send them over for some variety to your workout.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone - I really am pleased that the loan is gone. I keep logging into my online banking, just to see that account is not there any more!!! Silly isn't it, but it has given me the confidence to keep going - October this year is the goal!

Chele - so glad to hear you sounding so positive and upbeat - you will love your wii fit - it makes fitness fun! I love that I get so caught up in the games that I don't realise the amount of exercise I've done :) So tell me, what is Clean Eating?

Jules, if any of your fitness discs are as much fun as the wii fit, then yes please, I'll try anything once :) However I did try a different one last year and it was just like grinding through the exercises, so I gave it away ... can't even remeber what it was called ... sorry!

Karen R said...

THAT'S an awesome update!! Congrats on all of your accomplishments! Boo that the migraine was back - but hopefully very short-lived!

Hilary Syddall said...

Fantastic news on having the loan gone! and wonderful that you splurged on stash to celebrate *grin*, I'm sorry that the migraine came back though :(

Michele Anderson said...

Mel I just made a separate post about clean eating on my page so that this wouldn't get side tracked!! LOL!

kay jones said...

Well done you on getting that loan cleared. Nothing like money worries to give you stress = headaches = etc. etc.
The weight loss is impressive too, nice and steady loss wehich you should be able to maintain. Plus you finished the kitty. \You are certainly on a roll. Hope the migraine is temporary.

Kimberly Fawn said...

*huggles* for the head and a BIG, HEARTY Congrats on paying off the loan. I know how good that feels and I'm so happy for you :) And congrats on the weight loss, that is fantastic :)

Trish Froggatt said...

Great news Mel on the loan and the weight loss and the goal to be debt free by October! I have a Wii Fit also - it's tons of fun but the Wii has recently found it's way to the basement where Son 2 has been living. Hopefully I'll get it back one day......

Melissa Hicks said...

Well I survived my first day back at my desk today. I spent the day cataloguing music CDs :) Did you know that Michael Jackson has produced a posthumous album featuring rappers Akon and 50 Cent? The only CDs I cataloguled today that didn't have queues of reservations were the recent winners of Australian Idol and Australia's Got talent ..... my customers are finally becoming discerning ????

I also ate only the healthy food I took with me - I ran the gauntlet of the tea room a number of times but did not touch the chocolates or cakes or other nummy foods.

Had some beef skewers for dinner tonight. I ummm went a bit heavy on the vinegar and mustard in the marinade - so they were a tad spicy. I got to eat about a third of my portion - trubs loved them and ate them all up - now I know what to do when she stops eating next!

However, I did have a house inspection today and I came home to find a couple of Trubs "special" messes. I just hope she made them after the real estate agent had been {sigh}

Also when I got home I did my exercises before dinner and I've cleaned up and got everything ready for breakfast in the morning - I'm feeling so virtuous!

In recompense for my good behaviour today I get to work from home tomorrow (Australia Day Public Holiday) and get all the Web 2.0 training files up-to-date. Our web guy nearly wept when he saw I was back at work today. He begged me to take control of the course again, blubbering something about "how do helpdesk staff stand doing this every day"? I had to giggle - I couldn't help myself. Dear, back-office dude, welcome to customer service!

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