Monday 21 August 2006

Father's Day

In Australia Father's Day is the
first weekend in September. Although I finished Mozart back in
February and intended to give it to my Dad for his birthday in April -
life didn't work out that way. Basically dad stayed with me for the
month leading up to his birthday so I couldn't get Mozart to the

Dad *did* see another of the composers that I was planning on doing and
he did help me pick out a frame and mat that he liked for them. So
just before I moved house, I took the frame, mat and Mozart to the
framers and got him to frame it for me. I was going to do it myself,
but well, this way it got done, and Mozart wasn't lost in the move.

(It looks like Snowflake Sampler is amongst the missing - probably in an as-yet-not-unpacked box - I hope).

Anyway, here's a pic of Mozart in the frame and matting that Dad chose,
and I will be posting him off later in the week to Dad for Father's Day.

Just thought I'd share.

(and now I'm soo tired of typing one-handed so I will go and reward myself with some dessert).




Paula Hubert said...

The framing is great for this one. Congrats, and I'm sure your dad will love it :). I'm sure Snowflake Sampler is with you somewhere... We packed all of our stuff ourselves and I still have a couple of things that are hiding in boxes other than where I was SURE that I put them!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Yes, the frame and mat are perfect for this! I know he will love it :) And I am sure that you will find Snowflake Sampler. I moved last September and just this weekend found a box full of stuff I had been missing hiding in a closet. Go rest that wrist and remember that Snowflake will be found when it is ready to be found :)

Tracy H said...

The oval mat was an inspired choice. Mozart looks great - your dad will be tickled. Is he a big classical music fan? My DH and I recently ate at Cafe Mozart in Leavenworth, WA (a whole town done up in Bavarian theme). Your Mozart would have fit in nicely with the decor and the hundred or so other portraits of him and the continual music. Take care of that wrist!

XXXX YYYY said...

Wow, doesn't Mozaer look just wonderful all matted and framed. What a difference the right setting makes.

Hilary Syddall said...

That looks stunning! and I hope you track down "Snowflake" soon!

The Dragon

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