Wednesday 16 August 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Botheration! Don't you hate it when you have a post mostly written and then you lose it? OK here's attempt two:

Happy Birthday to me for yesterday! I turned 35.

My mum cross stitched me up a bookmark (see previous posts). My friends all emailed or rung me! (sorry Claire for not replying to your email!) My work mates took me out for lunch - oooh yummy place called BodyFuel!  Paul came over and made dinner for me that night. He also gave me some jewellery and the 2-disc limited edition of Howl's Moving Castle on DVD. This is currently my favourite movie ever! I watched again it last night while he made dinner.

We had another "discussion" and this time he actually apologised for his behaviour on my moving weekend - so may be able to salvage a friendhsip ... maybe. Will see how it goes.

After dinner we watched another DVD he brought over - Bill Bailey's "Part Troll" - I love his work! Decided that I have to go see him live if he ever tours Australia.

Today I finally got in to see the doc. My sore wrist is a type of sinuvitis - an inflammation of the tendon that came from rotating the wrist while I was carrying something heavy - or so the doc surmises. She sent me back to work with a letter stating that I'm not allowed to lift, carry, pull, push, rotate my wrist or handwrite and I am to keep typing at a minimum and in short stints. Oooh that's going to make work interesting.

Home too - glad I've got a dishwasher.

Oh and today someone brought a Book Worm into the section - has anyone seen these guys - they are sooo cute! I want an Ebola - and maybe a Syphilis - but its pink - phooey! I can see I'm going shopping next pay for one or more of these guys.

Anyway, I'll be quiet over the next few days - my wrist should be better in a week or so - but *only* if I look after it now .... so I guess I'd better do as I'm told.

Time to get Trubby some dinner anyway :)


Natalie Mikesell said...

Happy Birthday Mel :) and take it easy for the next week with your wrist! You deserve the rest anyway!

Hilary Syddall said...

Sounds like you had a fun day :-)

I'm intrigued by the Bookworms though! Many belated happy returns and hug Trubby for me!

The Dragon

Donna Williams said...

Oh, Happy Belated Mel! Sorry to hear about your wrist, though. The Bookworms are cute and I suspect I'll be getting at least one soon. Hope you have a nice uneventful week so you can give that wrist a rest.

Mariann Mäder said...

Happy belated birthday, Mel! Sounds like you had a good one...

Hugs and best wishes for a quick healing of that wrist! Since I've had that tennis elbow (still sore sometimes) I know how that feels!

Michele Anderson said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! And I LOVE the microbes, they are adorable!!!

Take it easy on the wrist. Trust me, it takes 3 times as long for it to stop hurting if you ignore Drs. orders! VBG!

Melissa Hicks said...

Ok - not being too chatty today - typing with my left hand only is frustrating! I went work this morning and did too much. It was aching non-stop and the anti-inflammation gel wasn't doing a thing, so I came home. I think I'll lie down on the lounge and read a book or snooze for the day and hope it stops aching soon.

thank you all for your kind words and advice and yes I will listen to them - that's why I'm home :)

Donna Williams said...

Yeah, what she said! I understand how frustrating it is to not be able to use your right hand! I had CT surgery on my right wrist several years ago and I remember being very frustrated with the amount of "stuff" I couldn't do. You think "oh, no big deal, I can do that lefthanded... ".. HA! Simple, everyday things became quite a challenge. For the first couple of days I couldn't even drive my own truck! I didn't have enough strength to pull the gear shift from first to second. Lucky for me, I have two trucks and the other one is an automatic, but oh how frustrating! So, do enjoy your reading time, since that's about all you are going to get to do for a few days!

XXXX YYYY said...

Ok, so what about some type of strapping on the wrist?? Then people could see that it hurts. Sometimes people have to physically see a thing to realise that it's *really* bad. Trust me, I know THAt from major experience.

XXXX YYYY said...

Hey, no problem at all.....I just wanted to be sure you got birthday wishes from me.

Bill Bailey is not just part troll, he's part *genius*......he can be so funny. If you ever get the chance, try and find a film called "Saving Grace". He's a minor character in it but some of his lines are just the funniest. It's all in the delivery and he has it.

Melissa Hicks said...

Claire - I have all the three series of Black Books :) but I haven;t head of Saving Grace - Ill have to hunt it down. Thanks!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks for the comments about the wrist - I have a semi-rigid hand/arm guard that I was wearing at work - but "management" were immediately jumping to conclusions that it was RSI from typing and kept asking my to move boxes of books instead. I kept trying to explain that its not RSI and its the load-bearing gross movements that hurt more ... I even showed them the letter from the doctor - but people are strange when they have fixed ideas in their heads ... I gave up and come home with it aching abominably. Spent the afternoon sleeping on the lounge with Trubby! Also got the new Jasper Fforde book read. Will start on the new Jeffrey Deaver tomorrow.

Donna Williams said...

Is he the Fish and Game Warden? (or that's what we'd call him.. not sure what you guys do) That has to be one of my all time favorite movies.

XXXX YYYY said...

Nope, he's the druggy.

Donna Williams said...

Which druggy? The "doctor"? Craig Ferguson is the grower... (I just adore him, btw). Is he the one who takes Grace to the big dealer? Oh, never mind, I just Googled him... he is funny!

XXXX YYYY said...

Yes, he plays the hippy druggy who takes Grace to the big boss man.......

Kimberly Fawn said...

Happy Belated! My computer was down for a couple of days, this is the first time I've been online in 3 days. Oy! LOVED the giantmicrobes site! I'm definitely going shopping.

Paula Hubert said...

I'm sorry I missed your day, Mel! I was so behind with mail after being gone for a week, and overwhelmed at work that I pretty much just pulled in on myself for a bit. It sound like you had a good day, though!

Sorry also to hear about your wrist.. hopefully the doc is right, and after resting it (at least as much as possible) you'll be fine again, soon!

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