Sunday 13 August 2006

Mel's Sunday update

OK it will be Sunday (barely) when these pictures finally upload.

Had a bad bad week. Very depressing and tiring on a number of fronts - but ended on a better note. Went out with friends from work last night, was supposed to go out to dinner Thursday night and I'm out for brunch before work tomorrow so I'm back in a social network and well socialising again - its been a long time since I was this social.

Also went out to dinner with Paul this evening. Although we went back to our respective homes tonight, the dinner was good and a few words that needed to be said actually got said by both sides. So we will take it from here - but that discussion was overdue so I'm glad we had it.

Also I have, as you can see by the pictures, finished Part 7 of Mystery IX tonight. Will probably start Part 8 tomorrow :)

I also have most of the kitchen, lounge, my bedroom and the bathroom set up the way I want them - so my house is mostly looking like a home :) I'll try to take some photos if I can next week and see if I can upload them.

I tried taking piccies of the birds visiting my bird feeder stations yesterday, but I'm not sure how well the piccies will come out.


Natalie Mikesell said...

very nice :) And happy to hear that things are starting to get a little more "on track" for you.

Hilary Syddall said...

I like these! I can't wait to get on with Japanese Garden!

The Dragon

Gina Martin said...

This is looking quite pretty. I'm still too nervous to do a mystery.

Melissa Hicks said...

Gina - with your stitching skills - what have *you* got to be nervous about ???? You;d get it completed in your sleep!

Hilary - how's your stitching coming along? Starting JG any time soon?

Nate - I'm sure life is on track - its just that I obviously have the wrong timetable ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Gina - with your stitching skills - what have *you* got to be nervous about ???? You;d get it completed in your sleep!

Hilary - how's your stitching coming along? Starting JG any time soon?

Nate - I'm sure life is on track - its just that I obviously have the wrong timetable .... and the wrong platform :)

XXXX YYYY said...

,,,I don't think that not doing a Mystery is about fear of not being able to stitch it, I think it's all about not knowing if you're going to like it. I know that's my problem. Sure, I love the colour palette Martina shows first, but what if I don't like the design and it's cost me £££'s upon £££'s.....

Melissa Hicks said...

Ah! OK that makes much more sense! I guess for me, I've looked at her previous mysteries and liked them all therefore I was willing to take the chance for the bucks. If I only liked a couple of her previous designs then yes, I would be very hesitant too ...

XXXX YYYY said...

I always think the Mysteries look nice when they're finished but the only one I really love is what was Mystery II, now Convents Herbal Garden.

Melissa Hicks said...

Claire, in that case I wouldn't risk the dollars either!

However I have discovered the mysteries are more fun stitching than they are as a completed piece. Especially if you have non-stitchers around. They just go "oooh pretty - like the colours". Only stitchers, and the stitcher who is stitching it, can really see the myriad of specialty stitches and colour changes, one over one etc that really goes into making one of these work. I honestly reckon, you could remove most of the specialty stitches and use straight DMC and still get the same response from non-stitchers. But as the person doing the actual stitching, I'm enjoying playing with new stitches, and new threads. This is definitely a "enjoy while doing" project.

Just wish I could get back to it! Rotten wrist! And you are right Teegs, there's so much that is aggravating trying to do with your left hand. And some things are impossible to do one handed - washing up - making the bed etc... and I'm supposed to have the house company ready by the weekend - or possibly today - better ring and find out!

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