Friday 22 September 2006

Mel's Health

As some of you may know I've been having health issues lately.

A couple of days before I moved house, I went to the toilet and had a
completely unexpected episode of bleeding. It was non-menstrual,
but it was brackish and chunky. I went into shock - literally, I
could not stand up, I felt nauseous and thought I would faint
etc. Initial reaction was that I just had a miscarriage.

It was a one-off episode but the doc went looking for causes. I'm
35 and my periods have always been regular as clockwork - I have never
experienced mid-cycle bleeding etc.

It was 72 hours after the episode before I could get to see my
doctor. The pregnancy test came bank negative, but she could not
rule out that it was a miscarriage. She says that because I was taking
oral contraceptives (ie The Pill) and it was 72 hours later, the
effects of the pill could mask any hormonal changes in my body, and
therefore give a false negative to the test.

She decided to be on the safe side and send me for other tests. And then more tests, and then an ultrasound.

I do not have any STDs, tears or problems with my cervix or the lining
of my uterus. I do however have one non-developed ovary and one
enlarged ovary covered with growths.

The up shot of this is that I have either polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS), or tumors, or ovarian cancer. We are waiting on more
tests to come back.

One thing is for certain is that I cannot conceive. I cannot
produce eggs - which I guess means I didn't have a miscarriage :)

I found this out a couple of weeks ago and it affected me really
badly. I couldn't understand why because I've never wanted
children of my own, but then I had lunch with a friend yesterday who
spelt it out for me - I was grieving for the loss of choice.

I had chosen to not have children, but I have now had that choice taken
away from me. I no longer have the option to change my mind.

The good news is that although I haven't bothered telling management at
work, my co-workers know and they run all of the library pre-school
story times for me. I just can;t face doing them.

In amongst all of this a few weeks ago I started developing an ache in
my side, just inside the point of the hip. I thought it was the
enlarged ovary playing up. It aches all the time, day and night and
does not stop.

The doctor had a look and its not my ovary (its on the wrong side -
the pain is on the side of the undeveloped ovary) Its coming from just
inside my large colon.

More tests. I have either diverticulitis, an infection, a tumor,
an ulcer or bowel cancer. We ware waiting on these tests to

The doc doubts it is diverticulitis because I have an extremely good
diet - I drink 2-3 litres of water a day, lots and lots of veggies and
small amounts of protein, very little processed foods. I'm gluten
intolerant so there are very few processed foods I can eat. I
also eat organic whenever feasible most of the time.

She is putting her money on an ulcer or a tumor. There is a very
very strong history of bowel cancer in my family. Normally she wouldn;t
even test for cancer at this stage, but because of my family history
she has. We are waiting on test results.

So current knowledge is that I cannot have children.

Worst case scenario I have two different forms of cancer, which means
they may have to look for more and I may have to really review my
stitching schedule for the next year, and the Secret Stitcher's
Mausoleum up and running.

Most probable case is that I have PCOS and a colonic ulcer.

I've been doing some personal research myself (sometimes there's a
benefit to working in a library :)) and I suspect we will find that I
have PCOS, I have too many of the other symptoms and usual
responses. We'll see when the tests come back, but for now, I'm
being very careful with what I eat, lots, of water, lots of fibre, low
carbohydrates and no processed junk.

And I'm being silly on lists and getting on with my stitching to keep my mind off it all :)




Hilary Syddall said...

Hugs Mel

I hope you get some good news soon - well done for keeping yourself busy (and kudos to your co-workers for helping out!)

Donna Williams said...

Having that choice taken away from us is a very painful issue to deal with. Been there, done that. I spent most of my late teen years (16 on) pregnant and miscarrying, with the final shot being to finally carry full term only to have a stillborn. Never been pregnant since and from my early 30's on, knew it wasn't going to happen anyway. But I was SO very mad at God, Mother Nature, any fertility Goddess you can think of for so long. You do have to grieve the loss of choice. Everyone handles it differently and you've done a remarkably good job, near as I can tell.

As to all the other health issues, all I can do is think good thoughts and hope that it ends up being the lesser of all the evils.

Many, many hugs to you, sweetie!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks, as I said to dancingKauri tonight I feel silly and embarrassed for grieving over a choice of something I had never chosen to do. But just because I've gotten to 35 years of age without finding someone that I wanted to have a child with, didn't mean that it might not happen one day.

Thanks, yet again Teegs for understanding. That's what friendship is, understanding what you're friends are going through - that's why Dancingkauri and I have been friends through think and thin - and I might even get her to join BAPXS one year! Maybe when I see her next weekend and we are both fondling our new PTP stash (if it has arrived by then).

Paula Hubert said...

{{{Mel}}} Don't feel silly at all - it's a perfectly normal thing to grieve for something like this. And as for the other "stuff", thinking lots of good thoughts for you; that it's the "best case" (of the options, anyway - none of it is fun!) and that you can get things taken care of soon. I wondered a bit after a post I'd seen from you somewhere yesterday (not sure if it was one of the yahoo groups or where at the moment), but figured when you were ready to talk, you'd let us know.

Gina Martin said...

Oh wow! So much at once.....I hope the news is not cancer though. Too many people have it these days. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

Tracy H said...

Hey Mel, I'm not a praying person, but I am sure sending good thoughts your way! It sounds like you are taking things in stride or at least making a good front to that effect. It has to be very hard, but you are tough and you have many people that care about you. And you certainly have a hobby to keep your hands and brain from becoming too idle and start worrying for the worst. Take care of yourself! -Tracy

Donna Williams said...

Hey, sorry about quoting your whole post, Mel! Either it was my connection or Multiply messing with me.

Honey, I went through my twenties claiming I wanted nothing to do with having any kids, his daughter was more than enough for me, thank you very much. However.... when I hit my thirties and discovered kids were out of the question, I was SO angry cause I knew then that I wasn't ever gonna have the chance to have one of his kids for my very own. I think we'd have made a great kid. Maybe not a stunningly beautiful kid, but I think we'd have done good. But ole Mom Nature apparently knew better. And you really do have to mourn that loss.

And again, like I said, I'm hoping for "whatever" to being the lesser of all the evils.
Hugs, Honey!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Yes Mel! Whatever happens, you know we are all here for you and we are all sending positive healing thoughts your way! And your emotions are totally valid. We never know how we will feel until we go through it. {Hugs coming your way}

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks so much guys! I have had an ongoing argument with Paul as he doesn't understand the nature of e-friendships. He keep asking me "Why are you telling complete strangers private stuff? That's confidential! Why would you blurt it out to people you haven;t met and you don;t know who they truly are!" He really cannot/will not understand.

Part of it is that we haven't met in real life - I don't start thinking, oh so and so's got too many problems, I wont burden her with my hassles. And with this written medium, you guys don't need to provide an instant response - or indeed any response. You can read my posts and then delete them, or dash off a quick message of support or send a detailed heart-felt message - the ball is completely in your court with no recriminations for any responses you choose to give (or not give).

And I do feel that we here (ie the people on my contacts on multiply) are friends. And as such, if I say anything upsetting or inappropriate I hope you will speak up and let me know :)

Thanks for all of the cyber support and cyber hugs!

Mel - getting very mushy now!

Donna Williams said...

Oh, trust me, I do understand how much we come to rely on our cy ber friends. I have one pal who's gone back to work after being a SAHM for all the years I'd known her before. We chatted every day. Even though, bless her heart, she was a burr under lots of people's skins, I miss her more than I ever would have thought! If I don't hear from Claire in more than four days, I worry. We get so attached because it's so easy to spill out the things that we might not say out loud to our ... physical friends. We can share our most private thoughts and fears and because there's no immediate facial expression to either comfort or censure us, it's so much easier to share those supposedly confidential things.
Okay, time for ME to trot off to bed cause now you have me getting all philosophical....

XXXX YYYY said...

Two days with nothing and I miss you. Five days and I get into a blind panic.
Apart from three or four people, I have met my closest friends all thru the net. I would be utterly lost without them.

Donna Williams said...

Uh.. Mel... dearheart... how'd ya get that cat background? I WANT IT!!!!! I love it! Absolutely adore it!

And yes, Claire, I was being generous when I said four days. I worry if it's anything more than two.

Melissa Hicks said... Its a group you have to join and then they tell you how to download any of the themes you like .... Now if only I could learn to add extra stuff on my web page like Claire has done :)

XXXX YYYY said...

Doncha just adore the AutumnCat!!! I found it , hah, but can't get it quite right, sigh.
It's in the Multiply theme group. You should be able to find it from youe explore page.
If not, remind me later and I'll link ya thru.

Four days LOL. Blind panic is such a horrible thing. Thank goodness for text!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Mel, I'm lucky in that James has as many cyber-friends (or friends that he met initially online) that he understands. And for me; it's so much easier to keep in touch this way (and/or with email) because I don't have to worry about what time it is, if I'm waking someone, interrupting a meal, etc.

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