Saturday 2 September 2006

Mel's Sunday update - early

Morning all,

I'm spending today doing some house cleaning (and yes getting back to the unpacking - maybe) and then Paul is coming over tonight for dinner and another "talk". As I've spent all week working on his birthday present, its going to be packed away now and not brought out again until after he is gone. So I may as well post my weekly update now.

The pattern: Ruritania Alphabet from World of S
The fabric: Peacock Fantasy by Stitches and Spice (32 ct hand dyed Belfast linen)
The thread: Bejeweled by Crescent Colours.

As my relationship with Paul is not as it once was, I will only be doing the P instead of his whole name, with charms and beads that I had originally planned.

Anyway, this way I get onto more projects faster :)


Melissa Hicks said...

Sorry about that - the first time it didn't load the actual progress pic! All fixed now.

XXXX YYYY said...

Ooh, fabulous looking fabric. I went to to do a currency exchange and a fat quarter is way reasonable compared to some other companies. I need this fabric, need it NOW. What for? dunno, but love it.
I still keep seeing new swirly alphabets and think of you EVERY time.
Good luck with Paul and the *talk*! I hate that kind of situation. Do you think you can resolve anything? Do you want to now? (slap me if I'm too nosey).

Natalie Mikesell said...

I do love that alphabet :) I worked a little on MIX part 9 yesterday (just on the one corner that I have part 8 done on) and no beads on it yet, but it looks great! Can't wait til you can work on that, you will love this part :) Good luck with your "talk". I'll be hoping you guys are both able to settle things to a point that you are both happy! Whatever that may be. And like Claire said, that fabric is wonderful! I have to order some of her fabric sometime soon!

Paula Hubert said...

If the talk doesn't go well, you could always donate that "P" elsewhere . Seriously, it looks great, and I love both the fabric and the alphabet. I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way.. that you can resolve things in a way that brings you peace and happiness, whatever that may be.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all, and thanks for the offer Paula, I'll keep it in mind :)

I mentioned to a friend a few weeks ago, that when you are having communication problems ina relationship and you have no idea what is going on - then sometimes its because the other person could be stewing about an incident or comment or situation that you didn't even realise was a problem!

Well I was right, but it was in my *own* relationship! And I wasn't aware of the problem until it erupted in betrayal and nastiness. The situation hasn't been resolved, but at least we can both now understand how the nastiness occurred and what the underlying problem was.

I still feel very hurt and betrayed by Paul's actions over my moving weekend, and I'm still not sure what I want to do about it - especially as he still feels justified in his actions - sooo .... but at least I now know *why* he behaved the way he did.

Mind you, I truly believe things wouldn't have happened that way, (and would already be resolved) if his mum kept her nose out of it! I'm fully aware she's been supporting and encouraged/suggested the bad behaviour!

And mother's don't go away - do they! So I really don't know what I want to do ... just take it a day at a time I guess.

Paula Hubert said...

{{{Mel}}} good luck! I know how mothers can be... unfortunately J's mum is difficult in some of the same ways you've talked about. Luckily for me, she lives further away and I don't have to deal with her so often. And also luckily for me, J is strong minded enough to live his own life and prevent some of the interference-type issues.

Melissa Hicks said...

The fabric is truly beautiful - I do indeed have a second piece of it to stitch a LongDog on (haven't decided on St George, St Sylvestre or Rosemarkie - if mum ever returns my chart), but I will be using the Gloriana Seaweed thread - all bought - just need the time to choose the chart and start.

Melissa Hicks said...

Paula - Paul moved back home to live with his mother a few months before I met him And he truly cannot see how manipulative the woman is - one of the reasons I do not want a deeper relationship with him. (Well deeper than what we had).

Mind you, she wants him to herself too - so maybe I should just let her win and hope one day he will see it for himself? Who knows! Anyway off this computer - breakfast calls!

Donna Williams said...

Sadly, no they don't! I was lucky with Vick. Being the oldest, and having had her interfere in his life to such disastrous results before me, he already knew what a calculating, pot stirring old hag she was. Now, don't get me wrong, she was his Mum and he loved her, but he was well aware of how manipulative she was. Took ME a while to catch on, though. So that created drama for us of a different nature. In my family, what you see is pretty much what you get, so I had no defenses in place for head games.... ah.. the horror stories I could tell!

Hugs, and lots of support, Mel!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Teegs! Well its always been Paul and his mum against the world - even when he was a very small child! All her partners had "problems" apparently drunks or serious drug users or gamblers etc, so he's had to be the man for his mum - look out for her, protect her - that's been his role since he was old enough to talk - and he still cannot see it.

So when he believes his mum's word over mine about *my* motives and wants - I am not very surprised - terribly upset! - but not very surprised.

However he did spend 36 hours here at my home this weekend (in the guest bedroom) and his mum was not mentioned once, nor did she call! So that's a first - he's definitely trying to work out a way to remain friends. So that's a positive.

Donna Williams said...

Men can be so blind where Mom is concerned! I think it sounds promising that he's at least trying to work out a way to remain friends. The best relationships are based on friendship. It's to be hoped as he gets older, he will eventually see some of the "stuff" that he's not seeing now.

Hugs to you, Sweetie, I know it's not easy!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks sweetie,

Sometimes its nice to know that I'm not unique or going crazy, that others have had similar experiences.

Paula Hubert said...

Nah - you're not going crazy at all! Like I said, there's a very uneasy truce in my household. James at least sees a bit of what his Mom is about now that he lives further away. He freely admits that he's got a great MIL (and I've heard him say it when he didn't know I was around lol). But vent away - I've got lots of hugs and sympathy! (Not sure I've got any great advice, but I'm always willing to lend support.)

Melissa Hicks said...

Well I should be right now until the weekend - I wont be seeing Paul until at least Saturday (depending upon other plans such as DancingKauri providing a roast dinner) - so there shouldn't be anything along those lines to vent about :)

I getting along well with Paul's present too - all going well I should have it finished Friday night - I'll try and scan a photo in then anyway, as I am working Saturday *and* Sunday this weekend. And his birthday is Tuesday. Why can I feel a sleepless night or two coming along - I just wish my eyes would last longer, they don;t hold out beyond 10:30pm these days!

Paula Hubert said...

I'll wave the pom poms in your direction - hopefully they'll be able to send the "stay awake and stitch" vibes far enough!

Melissa Hicks said...

Well they didn't last night - I was asleep by 9:30pm !!! I missed Bones *and* Stargate !!!

I literally fell asleep on the lounge with the hoop in one hand and the needle in the other ....

XXXX YYYY said...

Yikes, new season or old season episodes??? Can hardly contain the excitement knowing that Bones started season 2 last week in the US. And Stargate should be back soon too. Haven't had an update from Gateworld in a while so might head there now.

Melissa Hicks said...

Old season dearie - I think we're still up to Season 9 of Stargate and it was episode 4 or 5 of first season Bones.

Melissa Hicks said...

OH NO !!!!! Just heard - Stargate has just been axed. In some ways I'm not surprised, but still very very disappointed!

Paula Hubert said...

You have no idea how much better you make me feel! I haven't fallen asleep with a needle in my hand for a while, but I've done it a few times. The last time was just after J and I began dating - I was working 3 jobs, had just come off a rotation of overnight shifts at the 911 Center (which was always a bad month for me) and had worked 3 weeks straight. I sat down on the sofa to stitch, and fell asleep just as I pulled the needle through the fabric. I was out for about 4 hours in that position and only woke up when J walked through the door. I had sore spots for a couple of days becuase of the odd way I was sitting :).

XXXX YYYY said...

I suppose really it was inevitable. Season 8 was supposed to be the last, then season surprise, 10 really is the last for now.....I still miss Jack O'Neill.....the dynamic between him and the rest of SG1 was so compelling. Ben Browder is such a hottie, but as a leader, hmmm, he's still Mr Farscape to me :) I'll miss Teal'c and his rippling muscles the most.

XXXX YYYY said...

OOh you're almost into character development time :)

Melissa Hicks said...

That'd be right - trust me to miss the character development episode!

XXXX YYYY said...

Sleeping when exhausted is so much better for you than character development. Says she at four flipping thirty am. Really cross that I can't sleep with a headache getting worse by the minute, grrr.

Melissa Hicks said...

Claire - you've done a few of those 4:30am starts recently haven't you ..... many sympathetic hugs!

XXXX YYYY said...

LOL, those aren't starts...those are in betweens.....I go back to bed til about 7, have breakfast and then attempt another two hours if possible

Melissa Hicks said...

Blah! Good luck honey - hope you have a great weekend! And you start getting more consistent sleep!

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