Friday 10 November 2006

Mel's Day

Well I've had a wonderful day since leaving work last night. I came home and made soap again - some nice guest soaps to give away as Christmas presents to coworkers, family, friends etc in my favourite fragrance.

And a really really good recipe too - very rich and decadent using coconut oil, lard, rice bran oil and macadamia nut oil. It should feel like you are washing your body in silk! Scented silk :)

Then I spoilt myself and had pancakes for tea. I mean honestly, who cares about weight issues *all* the time:) then watch some Bones and then off for an early night in bed.

the neighbours from hell were evicted last Monday !!!! i only found out about it yesterday! Oh I had the best night's sleep last night! No banging around - I was the last one in the street to turn my lights out - I slept through until after 7am this morning! No being woken up by one f'wit calling out from the car-park to the other one who was still in bed - or honking his horn for 1/2 an hour at 5:30am! I knew they were quiet the last couple of days but they sometimes do that when the cops have been around - but no they are gone !!!!!! GONE !!!!! The owner (their mother !!!!) got the POlice to come around and forcibly remove them and their belongings from the property while we were all at work on Monday !!!!!

This morning was a leisurely sleep in followed by checking my email and I received an email from the owner of FantaCat designs saying she was sorry and replacement charts would be sent out to me. she didn't mention anything about being contacted or not from my business owner who sold me the charts. So that was encouraging! She also asked me again about Rhiannon - she didn't seem to understand the problem I had with the chart that I emailed her about in July. well lets see, what problem is there with "The chart doesn't match the cover picture - can you ask the designer to look over the chart and re-chart the area above the ear so that it matches the cover picture.

Anyway I got tired of the whole thing this morning after I had emailed her, so I sat down with an enlarged print out of the cover pic and the chart and I re-charted the darn thing myself. Then I got out Rhiannon and some black floss and I restitched that area based on my guestimations of where the chart should go - I redid the stitching three times, but I was finally happy with it, and altered the chart correctly.

I've sent scans of the problem area and my proposed solutions to FantaCat designs so now I'll wait and see what her response is.

After that I was really really tempted just to keep going on Rhiannon, but I knew this was my only day off and I needed to get things done, so I put it all away and went down to the local shopping centre. I got my hair re-cut and coloured. Given that ai have a job interview on Monday I needed to get that attended to!

Then I spoilt myself with some lunch at the food court. I took my mobile phone into a repairer and got the battery replaced so it now actually works! My mobile has been (ummm well erratic is an understatement) for about 4 weeks now! Then I went and explored the options for pay TV so I could watch the cricket this summer and decided it would be a waste of my money really - pity.

Then I went to Bras 'n Things and spent a voucher I had on a new set of lingerie. And then just for the heck of it I went into Games Wizard and asked them about old style turn-based role-playing computer games. I remember in the late eighties doing all of the Ultima scenarios, and spin-offs like Martian Dream etc. Bards Tale, Space Quest - you name it. Unfortunately there's not much of that style being made these days - and those that are not turn-based single-player games - they are the online MMORGS. And I'm just sooo not into those!

Anyway I finally got a sales assistant of my own vintage who actually remembered the types of games I was discussing and he pointed out a copy of the box set of the Baldur's Gate series. Very similar to what I played but these were made only 5 years ago or so - and they were int he cheap bin - so I bought the whole boxed set for under $20 Yay!!!

Then I started the grocery shopping but by the time I bought the bird food, the at food and breakfast supplies I was running out of room in the basket, and ptrpbably money in the bank so I left it at that - still spent over $50. Then I dropped into the health food store and bought a new brand of gluten free hamburger buns - wholemeal. Going to try them out by making myself a hamburger tonight. Oh and I also bought some alphabet shapes gluten-free pasta! They are sooooo cute !!!!!! I'm going to surprise my mum with alphabet soup when she next visits

Then came home, put everything away and decided to install Baldur's Gate I. I've just realised its getting dark..... I've stopped for now - so I thought I would blog about my utterly fantastic day!

And now I'm off to make dinner and start the domestic duties that I should have been doing all day instead of charting corrections to cross stitch designs, shopping and playing computer games .....

Sometimes its really really nice to indulge yourself !!!!

Mood: Relaxed and happy!


Paula Hubert said...

Wow - what a fabulous day! I feel better just reading about it! Congrats on the improvement to the neighborhood, I hope the next tennants are nice, normal folks!

I don't know if you've used the gluten free pasta before, but if not, my aunt recommends only using the amount that you need. She says the texture isn't great as leftovers. (But I imagine with soup, that will probably be a different matter anyway!

Julie Balla said...

What a wonderful day, you deserve it. Hope you continue to get good night sleeps too.

Melissa Hicks said...

Paula, yep I know all about gluten free pasta products - most of them go very very gluey on the outside and if you overcook them you're trying to eat glue stew - soft, squishy and slimy!

There's an art to learning how to properly cook each manufacturer's brand as they are all composed of different ingredients and need to be handled differently. It usually takes me 3 or 4 goes to get it right - so next cool miserable day guess who's making alphabet soup :)

I've been gluten intolerant for 14 years (mis-diagnosed as IBS for the first 11!) but my mum has been a full-on Coeliac since 1982 (when she almost died of malnutrition before someone correctly diagnosed her). Back then there was no public awareness of the disease and none of the country doctors knew it even existed! We were so scared, even at 11 years of age I knew mum was dying!

Anyway my mum is a pragmatic practical woman, and if she's cooking dinner - then she's cooking one dinner and we eat it or we starve - so I've been eating and cooking gluten-free for quite a few years :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Well two in a row and counting !!! This is wonderful - those neighbours were the only problem with my new house - I love the house and I love the surroundings - and now the rest of the neighbourhood is wonderful too!

Happy Mel. Happy Happy Mel.

Hilary Syddall said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!! great news on the eviction! hopefully this means life will be quieter for you (nice and relaxed for the interview!)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh yeah - life has been nice and quiet - and I'm sleeping much better - not waking feeling anxious every time I hear a noise outside :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh yeah - life has been nice and quiet - and I'm sleeping much better - not waking feeling anxious every time I hear a noise outside :)

Natalie Mikesell said...

That sounds like the kind of day you needed Mel! Good luck with the interview and congrats on getting rid of the noisy neighbors :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Nate - wish me luck everyone - I'm off now to begin the train journey to Sydney .... its going to be 1.5 or 2 hour train journey depending on which train I get, and then a 15 minute walk from Central Station. The interview isn't until 10:30am but I plan on getting there an hour early - to factor in time for travel delays, my misunderstanding directions etc. And finally factoring in time to sit with a cup of tea somewhere close, soothe my nerves and read over my notes.

I know I shouldn't get excited but I want this job sooo badly! Any interventions with kindly deities would be very very nice :) Thank you!

Donna Williams said...

I wish I knew a deity I could ask for you, luv. I hope you get this job, but will you be doing the train thing every day? Living in the land of "if you don't drive a car, you don't go", I can't imagine doing public transportation every day. Running joke here, my first public transportation trip ever was in London with Claire. Had to cross an ocean to try it out... I liked it...sorta... not so sure about the Underground, though.

Anyway, I know I'm late, but I hope your interview went well. Many hugs.

Paula Hubert said...

I'm hoping it went well, too! and Teegs, you made me laugh about the public transit thing; other than when I was in college, I hadn't used it until I went to the UK, either! (I have in several cities in the US since, but not regularly, since we don't have any in our area!)

Julie Balla said...

Know I am late, but good luck - and let us know how you get on.

Melissa Hicks said...

Hey guys, Well it was my first ever trip on a train by myself. And I managed to get there *and* get home in one piece - so that was a bit of a milestone :)

I grew up in the bush where "If you don't have a car then you go on foot". I remember walking the 7 kilometres each way every time I went to visit the nearest kid that was my age :) For some reason I didn't ride my bike and I can;t remember why now .....

Anyway as to yesterday - no I'm afraid it was not good. They asked for one set of skills and criteria in the application and a completely different set in the actual interview. The interview focused on experience in an academic library environment and emerging technologies in an academic environment. I work in a public library and just dragged it screaming and kicking into the 20th century - the 21st century is still a bit beyond us. What I was hoping for with this job was exposure to the new technologies - it appears in the interview that they want someone already thoroughly immersed in cutting edge techniques. This is *not* how I read the application paperwork {sigh}

I also asked and found out at the end of the interview that the last person in the position left months ago and a casual has been doing the job every since. I strongly suspect the interview was conducted in such as way as to make the casual appear to be the best candidate for the job. I hate these ones - I used to have enough contacts in the industry to avoid wasting my time with the "we know who we want in the position but we have to go through the formalities of advertising, interviewing etc etc" job adverts.

Oh well - it was a day away from work and I know I can getting to Sydney via the trains by myself now :) And I know that it can be done in under an hour - that makes the situation much more palatable, so I'm going to continue to look for positions in the Sydney CBD area ...

Paula Hubert said...

Well - you learned a valuable bit of information, so that bit was good. I'm sorry that it turned out the way it did.. I'm sure that given the scenario that the application paperwork was written for, you'd have done fine! Here's to hoping the right job for you is lurking around the next corner, waiting to jump out and surprise you!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Paula - I'm hoping so too :)

Julie Balla said...

Oooh I hate it when they do that - why do they waste everyone's time and energy!!!!!! Anyway, the right job for you is out there somewhere, just keep looking.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Somayya! I'll buy a Lotto ticket this week too - just in case the right job for me doesn't involve earning a wage :)

XXXX YYYY said...

That is fabulous news!!!

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