Wednesday 13 June 2007

I'm back .... kinda ....

Hi all, well I'm back kinda ... I still don't have any electricity but I *do* have my phone line back.

So I'm sitting here absolutely freezing in the dark with nothing but the PC, monitor and modem connected to the extension cord from the neighbours place.

I've uploaded pics of the storm damage into a new album called appropriately (but unimaginatively) Storm Damage.

The other main news is that I GOT THE JOB  !!!!!!!!  The last interview I went to (last Thursday in the middle of the first day of the storm, with the flu) was a fantastic job, right in the area that I want to work in, and its a promotion in responsibility and salary and I got on very well in the interview with the guy who will be the supervisor for the position. Well he contacted my referees today and then rung me tonight and offered me the position !!!!

I am sooooo happy !!!!!!  Freezing but happy !!!!!!  I'm going to wait until I get the official letter in the mail before I submit my resignation though.  Going to be a tough few days wearing a huge grin to work and not explaining why I'm smiling .....

In stitching related news, I put the obligatory 10 stitches in Faïence (The Castle) and I started on Party Cat before the power went out.  I'll post pics of both projects when the power comes back on and I can use my scanner.

Off to scamper into bed to warm up now.  I've finally run out of hot water, so no warming shower before bed.  Thank goodness I have such a huge feather doona on the bed !!!!!


Karen R said...

WOOHOO!!!! Congrats on the new job - I am so very happy for you!!!!! You go, girl! Storm or not, you can't hold a good librarian back!!!! Glad you are feeling better, and hope your power comes back soon!

Hilary Syddall said...

Yay!!!!!!!! virtual fireworks of celebration going on! You are going to love taking that resignation letter in when you can (how much notice do you need to give and will you get a few days break before the new job starts?)

Karen R said...

Handing in my resignation letter at my previous long-term employer was one of the best days I can remember. Except my husband still works there, so some days, when it's going bad for him, it's a lot like I'm still there, and it's still a s#&%hole. Those three weeks I had to hang out were the longest ever, but somehow, much easier to bear than the 9 years before that :) Funny how that works, huh? WOOHOO!!

Julie Balla said...

Many, many congratulations. You deserve it. And i'm sure the warmth from your smile will keep you warm till the electricity comes back!

Paula Hubert said...

WOOO HOOOO!! Unfortunately, I think the huge amounts of confetti I'm throwing in the air are about to catch fire with Karen's fireworks!! I'M THRILLED!! (Yes, I'm shouting and doing a giant Snoopy Dance in the office!)

Melissa Hicks said...

Awww Somayya that is such a sweet nice thing to say!! Oh I'm blushing !!!!! Hilary, I have to give two weeks notice. Bill (my new supervisor - oh god it feels good to type that) suggested that I hold off on handing in my resignation until I receive the official letter of offer in the mail. But at this stage we are looking at 1 July if all the paperwork comes through fast enough.

30June is the end of financial year for us, so if we time the swap over then, then I only get one group certificate from each employer for each financial year. So I will probably be hanging out another three weeks, and yes Karen I feel I'll be able to cope with *anything* over the next three weeks !!!!!!

Thanks sooooo much ladies !!!! Alll your support over the last few months has really really helped keep me sane and un-depressed. And yes that goes for the other regular readers of my blog too! You are all my good friends, and you've been there when I've needed you lately !!!!

Hopefully for the next few months at least I'll only be posting good things about work from now on ...... Time to get some of these commuter stitching projects lined up :) :)

Hilary Syddall said...

Three weeks - no time at all! Hopefully the electrics will be back soon and then life will be fantastic!

Mariann Mäder said...

WOOOOHOOOOOO Mel!!!!! That's phantastic! Such great news and it will hopefully help you over the cold and the storm damage a great deal! Haven't looked at your pictures yet, but the two you've posted here are already quite horrific.

So glad you can get out of your current job! I hope you already got the letter and have been able to resign! When will you start your new work?

Going to look at your pictures now...

Debbie Lord said...

Mel, congrats on the new job!!!! Glad you've got some communication back, hope your power comes back soon.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Mariann and everyone. I went out to dinner tonight - a farewell dinner for one of the other librarians who handed in her resignation a couple of weeks ago. It was sooooo hard to keep quiet about my own good news. I was the only one at the dinner still without power so the guest of honour joked that she set up the dinner specifically so I could have a warm place and a hot meal :)

It was a really good night. I expected to be home after my landlady had gone to bed (she's a commuter so gets up very early and thus goes to bed very early - compared to me) but she had already dropped the extension cord outside her window and left me a note saying so - so I could still plug the cord in and get back on the computer tonight. Its very bizarre sitting here and seeing my breath as I type - I feel like I'm a struggling Uni student again ....

Anyway I had a fantastic day in the mail today - my order from the Needlework Show arrived .....I wont list what I bought because at least half of it is for mum as presents when she gets back into stitching again ....

And the other present in the mail was from Teegs and deserves its own blog post .....

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh and to answer the rest of the questions - silly Mel - I wont have the official letter until probably early next week, and then I have to give my work two weeks notice - so its looking like I change jobs early July at this stage. It will be as soon as possible. The day I receive that letter in the mail is the day I hand my two weeks notice in.

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