Friday 7 July 2006

To do list - Friday 07 July

Well I suppose I should write this down somewhere just for my own records and making sure I remember everything I have to do. Feel free to ignore (or let me know if you think of something I've forgotten to do). Remember this is just TODAY'S to do list.

* Lease a Post Box at Post office near my work and then arrange a forwarding of all mail to that box - the mail box in front of the new house is quite a way away and cannot be seen from the house. I've decided I don;t want the postie dropping off parcels of scrummy fabric and threads where I can;t see them!

* Buy more Trubby food.

* Put Mozart in for framing. I finished him back in February and was going to frame him myself, but then visited early and I couldn;t get time to myself to block and mount, yada yada yada. I'm taking the frame and mount in to the framers and they can do it for me.

* Buy some storage boxes.

Back home:
* Ring the telephone, electricity and internet companies regarding disconnecting and reconnecting, and advising my new postal address.
* Ring car and home insurance agencies and arrange the change in cover and advise new postal address.
* arrange rest of Dad's care parcel so can be sent as soon as Mozart is ready.
* pack rest of SCA stuff to be sent interstate. Some friends of mine are starting a new shire and I've decided they can have my clothing and feasting gear etc etc on permanent loan as part of their new hospitality.
* start de-cluttering and packing the room of death. Start with the filing cabinet.

* relax and stitch.


Donna Williams said...

What a noble gesture! Where's the new Shire?

And my gosh, what a busy day you are having today! I keep making lists of things to do before Mom and I leave next Thursday, but they are nothing compared to yours! Makes me tired just reading it.

Melissa Hicks said...

Teegs, well these are friends of mine :) And its a permanent loan - I *can* get anything back if I ask for it. and I figured its better that the stuff is out where people can use it - rather than mouldering in my cupboard. Just because I had a bad experience at the end of nine years in the Society, doesn't mean I discourage anyone else from Playing.

The group is centred around Ballarat in Victoria - its called Cairn Fell. Not sure I have the spelling right.

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh and BTW, I got most of my list done. The only thing I missed was getting the SCA garb packed. Another friend of mine has some half-made chemises back from when she was Playing. So she;s bringing them up in a week or so's time and I will pack them in with my stuff to send.
I also finally took my Nanna's long stitch in to get framed. Nan made it years ago, and its been rattling around in my cupboards for over 10 years. I finally unearthed it, washed and ironed it a month or so ago, and I took it to the framers yesterday when I took Mozart.

Gina Martin said...

Mozart looks great! I'm glad to hear you completed most of your list. Doesn't it make you feel like you've accomplished a great deal?

Paula Hubert said...

Woo hoo! Congrats on making most of that list.. it was definitely a productive day! Will we get to see your Nanna's piece when it's back from the framers?

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - I'll have to take a pic with my 35mm as its too big for my scanner - or maybe mum might bring her new digital camera with her when she visits ..... My Nanna's piece is a long stitch in wool she did many years ago. She now has fairly advanced dementia and she broke her hip a fortnight ago so prognosis is not looking good. I thought I should get a tangible reminder of her "good days" on my wall. Especially before I lose it again in another move.

Melissa Hicks said...

It sure does Gina! I've been sleeping badly lately with too many thoughts going round in my head! That night I slept like a baby - it felt good to get some stuff done.

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