Friday 8 February 2008

Odd Dream

Hmmm woke up out of an odd dream today - could be an interesting plot for a book - but then I think its just a rehash of many others I've probably read somewhere.

Now in my dreams I often have multiple viewpoints at once - sometimes I;m in the story, sometimes I'm a ghost following the main character and sometimes I do the omniscient God-thing.  In this one is I start as the ghost inside a female character and then follow the main character - like I'm a reader following a main character.  In the (  ) below are the thoughts I as a reader had as the events were unfolding.  Or when I'm explaining settings that occurred to me as intrinsic while in the the dream but needs to be explained now.

We were in a spaceship passing (circling?) a planet. Very close to passing through their atmosphere.   I'm talking with a man - he is my partner/husband? Person I have a very strong attachment with - an equal bonding.  I hold one of his hands with both of mine during our conversation.  On one hand he wears a silver ring with an amethyst carved into a rosebud set a stone in this ring  Well actually yht e ring is simply to hold this huge honking rock - its a good inch square rising up from the band.  Gorgeous rosebud carved in purple stone ....

Scene changes.  Three men fall (are pushed?) from the craft and fall towards the planet below like meteors.  Surely they will crash, We lose sight of the two late teenage boys (I have a fondness for one of these boys - why?) and we follow the man through his journey. Its my man!  He splashes down in the water , in the basin of a volcano but he survives. Its a miracle.  He starts swimming to shore and is picked up by locals in a boat (Canoe? Longboat?).

The locals seem to be tribal English medieval.  (Hm how do I explain that - they appear to be a large tribe or village, with a headman, and a shaman/priest jointly ruling, the rest of the clan/village are peasants, so early agricultural.  Think middle ages without the Norman invasion, all the villagers are equal and provide services for the community - all other than the headman and the priest/shaman.  There is no aristocracy or courtiers etc.  Anyway back to the story.)

He is taken to the village and proclaimed a hero.  He is their next King returning to them.  He is puzzled.  While waiting in the (garden???) for the shaman he looks around and sees alters or memorials with jewellery displayed.  These are rings, silver rings with a purple stones - just like his, the stones are in the shapes of rosebuds.  Near them are coronets or circlets.  Silver and unadorned except for the purple stone in the centre forehead.  This time the stone is a slice carved into a six petalled flat rose (think Tudor rose emblem stylized with a couple more petals added).

The shaman arrives (returns) and tells our hero that his ring proves he is their lost King, The ring allowed him to survive the fall and the water, to be rescued. 

Where is my father then? asks our hero.  "And my wife, I must be with my wife".  The shaman leaves. 

My attention (as ghost) is drawn to a patch of dirt with a ring half buried. Unbeknownst to the main characters I pick this ring up, it is simply the silver circlet without a purple stone.  (Is this our hero's father's ring?  Is there treachery afoot?)

The shaman returns to our hero carrying a linen band sewn into the shape of the coronets.  The front is decorated with black work in a lovely dark blue and green variegated thread.

Our hero knows instantly that this is for his wife.  Her returning (or arrival) was foretold too.  She is their awaited queen.

He asks about the boys to be told they must have perished as they don't have the rings.  Our hero wants to take some of the rings and find the boys and rescue them but is told by the shaman that this is impossible.  THe rings on the meorials belong to former Kings and Queens and cannot be touched.  There are no "spare" rings ....

Meanwhile up on the ship, the long range scanners have picked up images of the two boys emerging from the forest/jungle.  Again I am in the body of the woman. We must rescue the boys .... They are hurt, one of them is limping, we must help them ....

And there the dream annoyingly, like so many dreams, morphs into a different dream and we leave that part of the storyline.

The next scene I am still in that woman's body, no in this part of the dream I *am* that woman.  This is set later than above but I don't know how much later.

I am tall willowy, long pale bold hair, very pale skin, Scandinavian bone structure.

{This is a stereotype I have swooned over in guys for most of my adult life - but I've never been a female version in a dream before.  Usually in dreams I'm me, usually a few inches taller, quite a few pounds lighter and with naturally red hair.  In this dream not only do I have an unfamiliar form but the persona and attitudes of the woman are quite different to mine.)

I'm in a room with my partner / our hero.  And two other couples.  We are all on our 30-s to 50s indeterminate age.  My partner and I are wearing medieval garb.  The other two couples are wearing clothing from different time periods.

These are my family. We are three couples and treat our partner as a loving partner, but we treat the other five people in our  group and if they were siblings.  My bothers and sisters.

I am speaking with the two ladies, one seems older, the other my age or slightly younger.  My partner is of course talking to the other two men.  I seem to be getting along a bit better with the older of the women.  We are chatting and discussing the day's menu.

THe younger of my sister's wants fresh fruit for dessert due to my older sister's penchant for eating porridge for breakfast.  My older sister cannot understand why my younger sister should care, as they do not eat the porridge only her.  She wants mty partner to make some of the medieval sweets he is renowned for.

I point out that yes we eat like that at home (our time stream??)  but while in this place with my family I like to eat a wider variety of foods than is available at home and I'm craving an Asian stir-fry and fresh mango :)

There was more, the dream went on from that point but I've just forgotten the rest .... I couldn't hold onto more than that upon waking - sorry.

Any thoughts or comments on the juxtaposition of stereotyped characters and places?


Karen R said...

Hmmm, really curious as to how the space ship got in there. Did you feel the fall into the water, or only "see" it? You sure remembered an awful lot of detail - I so rarely remember anything I dream. What did you eat before you went to sleep? And maybe it's coincidence, maybe not, that Amethyst is the birthstone for February??? Seen any jewelry store ads or displays full of Amethyst lately? But I'd have to agree with your "alter-ego" wanting stir-fry instead of porridge :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Paul's accused me of making stories up as I go along because I *do* tend to remember a lot of details from my dreams ....

I think its because sometimes there's a trigger point, and if something triggers a memory of the dream then whole chunks of it flood back into my consciousness for a little while before seeping out again. If I'm near a computer or notepad I can usually get the salient points down before they fade .....

This morning I had internet connectivity problems and I was struggling so hard to keep hold of the first part of the dream while I rebooted the modem, that I lost most of the second part of the dream.

I've always wanted to get myself a lovely leather bound journal that I can keep by the side of the bed so I can scribble down dreams when I first wake up. But of course enver got around to getting one :)

As to your other questions - I have no idea about the spaceship. I don't know how our hero got there - if he really was a descendant of that tribe - was it cosmic coincidence? was he really searching for that planet? Had he left home and was now deliberately returning?

What's happening on the spaceship? How did end up falling or being pushed out? He should have died - I thought he would die. What politics treachery is afoot on the ship?

I only saw his fall - I was an observer, I never got inside the head of our hero. And who were the two younger men/late adolescents? Why did my alter ego feel fondness for one of them? What's the dynamic there?

Sooo many unanswered questions ......

Sisu Lull said...

You should write down you dreams Mel, could make for interesting stories. I used to have very vivid and very real dreams, but the last was more than 7 years ago. Twice I woke up with injuries that I had dreamt of because the mind controls the body. It would be interesting to see if your mind is setting any sort of pattern. You might find that if you chronicle all your vivid dreams.

Paula Hubert said...

Wow - I don't doubt a bit of your details; when I do remember my dreams I remember them in detail as you do. As for any suggestions, no idea, honestly... but they'd be great characters if you could develop them into a novel :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Sisu - I sometimes have dreams that years later turn into Deja Vue. Nothing big or exciting just a feeling of I've seen this before.

Like this morning - I can't remember my dream but I am left with a lingering image of walking through a University Campus and the quadrangle before me is in full glorious Autumn - the trees are full of leaves in glorious vibrant reds and oranges and yellows and some rusts ... the grass below is covered in these leaves so much that they almost form mounds, like snow banks, but there are still plenty of leaves on the trees too. In my dream I was lamenting not having my camera to take pictures of such glorious colours.

I have never seen this place - but I know I will somewhere in the future. Maybe years into the future. But I also know I will take my camera everywhere with me for the next few months :) :)

Melissa Hicks said...

it would be nice - but my brain doesn't work that way - it takes me on a journey - just like I'm the reader - not the author.

Great when I get from beginning to end - but that soooo very rarely happens.....

Karen R said...

But have you ever had vue ja de? The feeling that there is no way this could have ever happened before?

Or Deja Moo? The feeling that you've heard/seen this bulls$%# before?


Melissa Hicks said...

I have that *every* day I'm at work :) :) :)

Karen R said...

Yeah, me too :(

Sisu Lull said...

What I meant was carrying stuff through the dream world and into the real world. I once dreamt that my leg was caught under a burning log. When I woke up I had a 3" x 6" burn on my leg. That sort of thing. But I don't believe it is anything mystical or magical, just an example of how much control our mind, especially the subconscious mind, has over our bodies. Too bad I never figured out a way to dream myself skinny, LOL.

Melissa Hicks said...

Woah !!! that's too much for me !!! I don't have mind control that good - thankfully !!!!

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