Monday 15 September 2008


I'm at work and am allowed to check home email etc at lunch times and in personal time (ie before and after I clock off).

First work day going well so far - completely overwhelming with new people and places but I think I should fit right in here :)

I've literally worked my mobile phone to death during the move though.

The txting function is completely gone - so no more txts from me until I can afford a new handset.  Also the phone part of the phone appears to be going too - so if anyone who regularly rings me wants the new home phone and doesn't have it - drop me a PM.

Otherwise phone too will be working when I get around to affording a new handset ...


Donna Williams said...

I wondered. I sent you a text last night, figuring it would reach you about the end of your work day,but now I know you didn't get it. Or couldn't answer. Glad the first day was good.

Karen R said...

Glad to hear Day 1 is going as well as it is :) Sorry to hear about the phone; my display has been broken for months (I drop-kicked my phone into the building, trying to juggle all my stuff into the office one morning) - I refuse to pay $$$ to fix a free phone, so I can't text or retrieve messages - voice mail only if I see it on the LED side first. I can only call the 3 numbers I have stored and know exactly where they are, since I can't read the address book. Stupid things - when did we become so dependent on them???

Paula Hubert said...

ARGH about the phone. Glad to hear, though that the first day went so well!

kay jones said...

Whoops about the phone. Glad the first day went well.

Melissa Hicks said...

{grin} I got my plan and phone back in 1999. Still have the same SIM card but I've replaced the handset three times now .... four when I replace this one .....

Without the internet is *has* been the only week to keep in touch with some of you .....

Melissa Hicks said...

Lunchtime second day - still going well! looks like my major functions here will be getting the staff used to the new library computer system (training and self esteem building) and then working out how to use the system more efficiently and effectively, possibly suggesting some changes to the workflow as we go...

A good job - full of positive changes and challenges....

Melissa Hicks said...


WE HAVE THE INTERNET BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula Hubert said...


Karen R said...

Welcome back to the world - literally :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Thank you - I am soooooooooooooooo happy to be back !!!!!

Claire EJ said...

So cool to have you back online.
If you haven't done so already, PM me the new numbers please:)
Hope work is still cool.
Brain frazzled here after the huge long weekend.

Melissa Hicks said...

Will do honey. Heading off to work shortly - at 7:30am :) :) :)

Mind you getting to sleep after 3am was probably not the best move .... but the conversations were good to have :)

Nancy Murdock said...

Welcome back to cyber world, sounds like things are really falling into place!

Mariann Mäder said...

I notice I've been heavily out of the loop, dear! Great to hear you've got your broadband back! What would we do without it :-)

Good to hear the new job's interesting as well. So it's nothing like the one in Sydney? Didn't you originally think it's similar?

Melissa Hicks said...

It is the same job in that I am the Team Leader for all book and DVD acquisitions and cataloguing.

What is different from Sydney, is that here I get to actually look at workflows and the software systems to make things more efficient. In Sydney I had to manage staff to be more efficient.

Claire EJ said...

So here, it seems to be the right way round to be more efficient.
Babes, you sound so happy. I love it.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yeah I am happy. It would have been nicer to have Stephen back sooner, but frankly we weren't expecting it until next year and I organised this place at this location to be on my own for a while, so its just the Universe hiccuping and then going back the way it had planned ....

I'm off to finish watching Hellboy and then off to bed ....

Mariann Mäder said...

You just have to like it that you don't have to be in bed by 9pm to have enough sleep, don't you?

It's nice to see you still online at a humanly normal evening time. But that's just me, even the thought of going to bed and sleeping at something like 9pm makes my skin crawl, because I know I'd lie awake for at least two hours before I could actually sleep, so no use going to bed before 11pm. Except in dire need of sleep, LOL

Paula Hubert said...

I forgot to comment on your other entry about Stephen not getting the job - it's too bad, but it got you guys thinking and discussing. And for the time being - you're enjoying your own space, which is great!

I'm just thrilled that this has worked out to be such a GREAT move for you so far!

Melissa Hicks said...

Quite frankly - the way the Universe has been whacking up both across the head with large pieces of metaphysical timber, I'm just shrugging and letting it do its thing.

I'm even philosophical enough to acknowledge it was probably the right move not to get together the first time as we have both matured and become different people since then, It may not have worked out last time - I think it will this time, once the Universe finishes aligning itself.

It may well have decided that we do need a bit more time apart to get things and selves settled and comfortable before moving us to the next stage. Who knows.

I just know it will get sorted, its just having patience and enjoying life between now and then - because moving in or marrying a person is not the be all and end all - it is merely another step along the journey - so life has decided we need to spend more time on the current step first - so I'm going to enjoy it :)

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