Tuesday 30 September 2008

New Job honeymoon is over

Had a staff member walk into my office 5 mins before official start time, and abuse the heck out of me.

I have officially reported it and asked for an independent mediator at all times that I have to speak with this staff member until I can feel assured that the behavior will not be repeated.

My crime? I've been here two weeks and I do not just know the minutiae of what each of  17 staff do.  Gee is that why I have these one-on-one meetings set up all week - so I can find out?

What does he do that he feels so threatened by me and this process that he has to be that aggressive that quickly?

Sorry buddy - you do not establish dominance over me that way!


Rosanne Derrett said...

Dickhead syndrome in action? That does not come up to attempting to establish dominance but is bullying pure and simple. What a flaming idiot!

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup! Apparently this is known and therefore accepted behaviour. Not in my team it isn't!

I'm arranging mediated sessions for all one-on-one meetings with him and asked our HR dept to investigate anger management training ....

Karen R said...

What are people thinking??? Well, I hope it was a one-time thing....

Melissa Hicks said...

It better be a one-time thing - I get worried when management shrug it off with "oh he's like that".

Even HR were exceedingly surprised that I want to do anything about it. Apparently all my predecessors (and the current management) just avoid him so that he wont display such behavior.

I'm a kindergarten teacher aren't I?

Karen R said...

Maybe you should request combat pay....

Melissa Hicks said...

{grin} At least it was only verbal abuse ... Ok next meeting starting in 5 mins. Lets see how *this* one goes ....

Melissa Hicks said...

5:00pm update - out of all meetings and see an email from my Manager. She's spoken with HR and they've decided to do nothing about this morning's incident.

Apparently "that's just the way he is, and you need to learn how to not set him off".

You could say the bloom has gone off the rose at this point .....

Well actually I could say a heck of a lot more, but most of it would get *me* fired. Not him though.....

I've walked home and cuddled Trubs and I'm still very angry.

I'm off to hunt down some chocolate ....

Claire EJ said...

I would be worried too.
If he's someone they avoid, they obviously know there's a problem and anger management sounds a good way to go.
Good luck with it love...funny how these problems always seem to be lumped onto you.

Melissa Hicks said...

Nah I'm just the one stupid enough not to back down ....

Which is strange because if anything goes pear-shaped in my personal life I just walk away.

Maybe because as a supervisor I feel responsible to provide a good workplace for the others ....

Claire EJ said...

Which is what makes you a good supervisor.

Melissa Hicks said...

And a shit team player ....

Claire EJ said...

Here if you need me.

Paula Hubert said...

ARGH!!! I wonder what his connections are that he stays there? Unfortunately we have a sort-of-similar situation here; No real anger issues, but the CEO's son has no idea how to interact with people, and there's just nothing that will be done about it.

Here's to hoping that a solution presents itself that won't require HR!

Sisu Lull said...

And the small, mean side of me is wondering "As manager, what could I do to make his life miserable in little ways?"
I am a shit team player too. Or so I have been told. And that I need to tell people they are screaming morons in a nicer way.

Karen R said...

Team work is everyone doing it MY way. What? I don't have a problem with that....

Claire EJ said...

There's a nicer way? nah....

Melissa Hicks said...

See Karen - that's why we get on so well - we have the same attitude to being a supervisor :) :) :)

HR are getting a HUGE mouthful on corporate culture in the Leadership meeting next month!

Rosanne Derrett said...

Why is it that when a man speaks his mine it is admirable but when a woman does it's considered shrewish? I speak my mind and I don't give a damn what sets said, More power to anyone who does the same!

BTW, Mr Angry needs a good smack. How can anyone keep their job because everyone is frightened to approach him? Madness!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Because everyone would rather placate him than actually tackle the problem. And because he has been he soooo long (around 20 years) his behavior is considered "acceptable" and I am the new person trying to "rock the boat".

Claire EJ said...

So new job, same shit...exactly the same shit as the last place, sighsssss.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - I just have to decide whether to rock the boat harder by telling University HR about the accepted workplace culture here - and making even more enemies.

or whether to shut my mouth, sit in my office, put up with his shit, write procedures and policies that will continue to be ignored by all of team (as is the current situation - the manager wrote an email instructing them what to work on before I started and every single one of them has cheerfully admitted ignoring her instructions) and collect my pay.

Melissa Hicks said...

Perhaps today's Unshelved was written for me:


Karen R said...

Yeah, I think it was!!

Maybe this guy's the set-up, maybe you're going to have to knock him on his ass - literally or figuratively - in order to "establish your position" - the female-in-the-workplace equivalent of males peeing to mark their territory. Maybe if you can figure out a way to put him in his place without him knowing you've done it, the rest will fall in line.

At the least, after a couple more weeks, if things are still like this, I would definitely have a meeting with the higher-ups and tell them that you cannot do the job you were hired to do without some bloodshed - you either have the authority to crack the whip as loud and as hard as you want, or you don't....

Who knew libraries were places of such controversy & intrigue?? What happened to that idyllic image of the friendly librarian, keeper of all knowledge? LOL Good luck making this work out!

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm having this meeting this afternoon .....

Sisu Lull said...

You can try what I did, and assault him with a 5 lb steel barrel lid! Oh wait, that got me sent home. I'll keep thinking on it. I HATED not being taken seriously when I was a unit supervisor/trainer just because I was female. Some idiots had to have it pounded into their thick hides that I would not be walked on. I say, stick to being you. You'll feel better about being true to yourself than you will about a false peace with Mr. Dickweed. Wish I could sneak a tazer through customs.......

Melissa Hicks said...

My Manager is going to sit in on the meeting I will have with Mr Dickweed early next week. She *says* she will support me 100% and inform him his behaviour was unacceptable.

She says she needs to do this for me to retain any respect by the other team members. She tells me it is *all* we can do because RMIT will not support management in any personality or mental health issues.

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