Wednesday 17 September 2008

Is it Strange ???

My beloved just visited for around 18 hours.

My cat misses him tonight more than I do .....


Karen R said...


Melissa Hicks said...

Maybe I should have phrased that "she misses him tonight EVEN MORE than I do" ....

Is it wrong for my cat to love my partner more than she loves me ????

Jodie Hill said...

Nah... we had a dog once who adored my sister's boyfriend - to the point he ignored everyone else but the boyfriend and would sit at the end of the couch, stare out the window and cry when he'd leave. He'd sit there until he'd fall asleep, then wake up and resume his vigil until his stomach got the better of him...

Trubs probably doesn't understand that he will be back, where you know he'll be back...

Stephen Silk said...

And I'm the only person other than Mel that she misses apparently.

And did you change to this theme for any particular reason dear? :-)

Claire EJ said...

poor Trubs....tis hard on a cat when someone they love isn't home...

kay jones said...

Delbert loves me dearly but just come and stand 50 yards away with a bar of chocolate in your hand and he will give you undying love. Now thats animals for you.............

Rosanne Derrett said...

Mel, you should know what fickle cat torties are. They like who the like and that is the end of it.

Kay, as for Delbert - he is a lab and ruled by their stomach! Phoebe on the other paw is very much my dog which is typical of her breed. She has a small pack of two women and three men. Outside of them, she is really standoffish which again is typical. When Col was remanded in custody, she got depressed for a week and really clung to me because she loved him so much. Tonight, she yanked my arm out of it's socket trying to get to Lyn and when she left. She cried for a good ten minutes behind the front door when it closed. Silly girl!

kay jones said...

Shhhhhh whatever you do dont let Delbert know he's aLab. He's totally convinced he's human.......

Rosanne Derrett said...

Would not dare say a word to him. After all he is a small human with excess body hair and a communication problem. Phoebe doesn't think he's human but a human/cat/dog hybrid unable to speak properly in any language!

Melissa Hicks said...

Whereas my cat is a small Queen in a fur coat who gets annoyed when her staff have communications problems! its not *her* that doesn't understand - its US!

Melissa Hicks said...

Some days of the month that is ME!

Melissa Hicks said...

Ummmm yes - you are the only person who has shared my bed that she will give the time of day to! She usually very possessive of me around others.

She will display affection towards mum and Alison - but they are required to give blood sacrifices. Only you are I are exempt from the blood sacrifice clause.

As to the theme - I've changed it twice in the last two days. I like this one - its cleaner and easier to read than the others. But the lack of headers showing is annoying - I shall probably change it again shortly.

(Or learn enough code to change the header colours away from the header background colours)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh I'm a good Mel! I walked to work this morning and just picked up a low-fat low-carb protein shake for breakfast.

Diet and exercise looking good so far for the day!

(and the breakfast was the cost I saved on the tram ride so all in all cost-neutral)

Mariann Mäder said...

Yup, that's a downside... Just have to mark the area to find the button, LOL :-)

Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

I went away for the weekend last week and my dogs did fine...when hubby goes away (like he is this weekend) they don't settle - won't sleep and generall ydrive me batty. It's like they love him more, but the minute he gets home they want to be me with me and not him...funny creatures, but we love them to death!

Sisu Lull said...

When I had a kitty, she despised my boyfriend. She would hiss at him and then run and hide when he was visiting. She even discovered how to turn off my answering machine while he was leaving a message. When I taped over the power button, she popped the recording tape out and detroyed it. I should have listened to her. He was an ass.

Claire EJ said...

Clever puss...their instincts are usually good.

Melissa Hicks said...

I told Stephen that *he* had to be the one to tell Trubs that he didn't get the job. I wimped out of that task!

Paula Hubert said...

That sounds like Molly - although she doesn't eat when I'm not home. But when J isn't there - even when he works an overnight shift - she seems to be "on patrol".

A good friend of ours stopped in while J was in Dayton this year. Ruth is in and out of our house constantly - and Molly adores her. But while J was away she stood between me and Ruth and barked and chattered the entire time Ruth was at the house. It wasn't anything aggressive, more of a message that "I'm in charge here at the moment, and you need to know that!" Odd little dog....

Of course, the minute J gets home, she runs to greet him, but in about 5 minutes is sound asleep.. as close to me as she can get! LOL

Karen R said...

Sounds like Lucy - she paces and is in a constant state of agitation when DH isn't home - especially when he's across the street, where she can see him - and then as soon as he walks in, she's all over him for a few minutes (usually whacking ME with her tail - damn dog), and then she settles down with me. She knows who feeds her, and who plays Throw It with her :)

Sisu Lull said...

Harley could care less about DH being gone, but she freaks if both kids are 'missing'.

Jodie Hill said...

Sam is still a basket case when Erik goes to school, he's sitting by the front door as I type this. Maggie was worried about him for the first week or so...Neither dog could care if DH is gone, but when I get home from work, both are usually waiting for me.

Melissa Hicks said...

Trubsis never like this about any of the previous - even the husband! She has always been *my* cat - she will tolerate mum and Alison but everyone else is just an annoyance for her.

Not Stephhen - no she loves him!

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