Tuesday 22 May 2007

Mel's 'I'd better pop my head up before someone yells at me' blog update

Well its Tuesday lunchtime and I'm at home with half my face numb and drooling again. Yup went to the dentist again today.

Last Thursday I unexpectedly had an upper right molar/wisdom tooth pulled.

Today we started root canal work on a bottom left molar.

What did I do to annoy the teeth gods?

So what have I been up to - well lots and nothing!

Last week mum and I spent Monday at the State Library and Records offices on genealogy stuff, Tuesday visiting one of mum's cousins down the south coast (three hours drive each way). Wednesday writing a kick-ass job app for a management position that is two levels too high for me, Thursday at the dentists. Mum went home Friday. I worked Saturday, had Paul over for a visit Saturday night. Went to work Sunday. Spent Sunday night doing some stitching !!! Yep I started Snoopy from Hilary's RR.

Woke at 1:30am with a toothache that wouldn't go away. Later that morning I went back to work - yes back to NP. {sigh} Spent most of the day in emails with the boss and HR over my bosses plans to move me out of NP and into relief work {blah}. Last night I finished the cross stitching on Snoopy and looked at the backstitching and went to bed.

And laid awake for hours with a toothache again.

This morning went to work for an hour and a half and then off tot he dentist. Home again.

I did find out that I think I've thwarted my boss for now - I'm staying at NP until further notice. I hope more jobs come through soon that I can apply for.

Might go have a glass of milk through a straw and then play Civilisation or have a nap until the anaesthetic wears off and the soreness goes out of my face again. Then back to work tomorrow.

So you can see I've been very busy but nothing worth blogging about so sorry I've been really really quiet.


Claire EJ said...

Yeouch...horrible few days. I so hope the tooth heals quickly, I miss you being around.
I guess NP is better then messing around every day but still....not a happy Bunny I'm sure....
Big gentle hugs...

Melissa Hicks said...

Its was the office politics that worried me more than the actual relief work. The relief work is graded lower than the level I'm being paid. I was accused of the same thing when I was in Tech Services and it was used against me - why is she getting paid so much for only grade 1 work ... well excuse me I worked my ass off in that job and I got kicked in the teeth - why would I willingly leave myself open for the same accusations and possible reduction in pay ??????

Thankfully HR saw my point of view on this - this time.

Claire EJ said...

There's a relief!! Didn't realise there was "pay" involved too...makes it very messy and realistically, it's nobody's business what you get paid for whichever job you are doing at the time.

Hilary Syddall said...

Ouch Mel - no wonder you haven't been around as much as you would like! I hope your teeth get the hint and settle down nice and promptly (blasted things!), I also hope that Snoopy wasn't a problem for you AND that you get the job you applied for (personally I think you undersell yourself!) - oh and lastly well done for sticking up for yourself with your boss and HR :-)

Huge Dragon sized hugs coming your way!!

Karen R said...

Wow, feel better! I hope you get some more interviews soon, too - I detest office politics, and we're having a lot at the moment, too; it makes my brain hurt. Glad to "see" you again - it's been quiet!

Mariann Mäder said...

Yuck! tooth ache is something of the worst! I hope you're soon through with that root canal! Had one 20+ years ago and don't want another, if not necessary. So glad they don't downgrade you with the pay for the moment and I'm sure hoping something comes your way that's good for you and at which you will be good!

Tracy H said...

Hope you're all patched up for good, Mel. Having strange dental work done is my number one bad dream at night, second only to bad dreams about my old job. You are having these bad dreams while you are awake!

P.S. - only stitch with DMC when you are drooling. You wouldn't want to have any flossies bleed onto the linen. ;-D

Paula Hubert said...

Sorry to hear about the tooth stuff! And hopefully that kick ass job app will get you out of there! (Yeah, I know you said it's two levels too high, but hey... it would be a job you could grow into, right?)

Natalie Mikesell said...

Hope you are all better soon and that a job comes through for you :)

Debbie Lord said...

Mel hope you feel better soon and you get a job you like, hugs to you

Michele Anderson said...

Hugs Mel!! Hope you feel better soon too! Been in reading mode so not on the puter as much, reading Amanda Ashley's Sunlight Moonlight and using my Bookworm bookmark!!


Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone! My mouth is getting better but I'm still on soft foods. Gotten past soup finally and had a risotto for lunch today! YUM !!!

As for work, well I could go into more detail about the politics of the place, but honestly, you aren't that interested and would just get as depressed about it as I do .... so we'll just pass right on over that topic and move onto stitching.

Yes I actually did some !!!! I finished my section of Hilary's RR last night, so I'll take a pic tonight and pop it up somewhere ....

I have tomorrow off work and I'm paying the dentist, picking up two more pieces from the framers, then out to lunch with a work colleague and then out to dinner and a trivia night with another set of girls from work. So should be what I need to lift my spirits back up out of the doldrums I've been in for the past week .....

And then some stitching for the weekend because I'll be too broke after Friday to even think about doing anything else :) :) :)

Melissa Hicks said...

{LOL} It was DMC on Aida and I had a tissue handy at all times just in case :) :) :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Its a job I could do right now. I know I have the skills and background and personality for it. But its difficult to explain that in a written application when I haven't done it in exactly the way that they ask for it. i.e. manager of a Technical Services section for four years in an academic environment. I've been manager Technical Services in a public environment, I know current Technical Services practices inside out, I've been manager of a federal government department section for four years, and I worked in an academic environment for a couple of years over 10 years ago.

So yeah I can do the job, but whether *they* see it that way or whether they say - nope, not done four years as a manager in an academic environment and not read any further. Well only time will tell ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Stitched bookmarks are like that aren't that Chele !!! I read much more when I'm using the stitched bookmark mum gave me last year .....

Laura Landis said...

No fun, Mel!! What a mess to have to deal with the toothache and the lousy boss all at once. I hope you're feeling better and that something great comes along soon for you!

Paula Hubert said...

Ahh - ok, makes better sense now. I think maybe some of your fellow "operatives" and their black flossies should descend on them and beat a bit of sense into them so that they hire you! :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooooh Paula - now *there's* a thought !!!!

Its now Friday morning - I have the day off work and have a round of social engagements to get to. My mouth is still getting better and my boss has been put back in his box for a week or so - so all is good at this stage .....

Thanks all for your warm and supportive comments - and thanks to Claire for getting me out of my pity-party and back communicating with people ....

Michele Anderson said...

Gads I am so behind even on Multiply, in response to your response on bookmarks! I have read 5 books since I got the RAK'ed bookmark!! I can squeeze in 5 minutes of reading inbetween the Walkiing Away the Pounds 3 Mile for AB's tape and the 2 or 3 miles on the treadmill. I wouldn't dare try to stitch while I glup down some more water because I am usually drenched in sweat! Reading is so much easier to have the time for anywhere, anytime, even just a paragraph.


Michele Anderson said...

Gads I am so behind even on Multiply, in response to your response on bookmarks! I have read 5 books since I got the RAK'ed bookmark!! I can squeeze in 5 minutes of reading inbetween the Walkiing Away the Pounds 3 Mile for AB's tape and the 2 or 3 miles on the treadmill. I wouldn't dare try to stitch while I glup down some more water because I am usually drenched in sweat! Reading is so much easier to have the time for anywhere, anytime, even just a paragraph.


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