Sunday 6 May 2007

Mel's Sunday Update

Well its Sunday night and I'm home from mum's.

The funeral was ... well ... a funeral. I've been told by a wise woman that funerals bring out the best and worst in people. She was right - I had the misfortune to see the worst behaviour exhibited by some people I am forced to acknowledge as relatives this week.

On the other hand, I have a lot of respect for a few relatives who showed their true best nature in their hearts. Really knew *why* I love these particular people so much. And I am honoured they call me friend as well as relative.

As mum has said in her blog, we sat and reminisced and stitched on and off over the weekend so here's my update of progress during the couple of days we were at the funeral and after.

Home again now ..... and the cat is happy to see me and mad as heck that I left her alone at the same time !!!!!!


Natalie Mikesell said...

It looks beautiful! This one is moving up my want to stitch list! I am sure that your mum was very happy to have your support this past week! {{{{{Hugs to both of you!}}}}}

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks so much Nate - I'll play catch up with everyone else's blogs and lives tomorrow - sooo tired tonight but yes so happy I could "be there" for mum.

Hilary Syddall said...

Glad to see you back (with so much stitching done as well!) Huge hugs to you both as you will be needing them for a long while yet!

Mariann Mäder said...

Looks nice, Mel! I'm glad you're back and Trubby is taking you in again, LOL! Can they show how they are annoyed when you leave them?

Sorry to hear you've met bad behaviour from people at the funeral... in my experience the funeral is usually going well, but right afterwards the people get nasty, especially if there's something to be inherited...

Melissa Hicks said...

Mariann, that's what happened. The actual service and graveside were fine. A couple of people were loud in their avarice later, before during and most especially after the wake. Nasty people.

Gina Martin said...

Welcome back Mel. Your dogwood square is looking quite lovely!

Michele Anderson said...

Glad to have you back Mel! I love your Dogwood Square!!


Denise Hicks said...

Dogwood looks great Mel, we did more stitching than we both thought at the time

Donna Williams said...

I'm sorry to hear there was upset at the funeral. I don't understand why people can't let stuff go at that point in time. Far as I'm concerned, I may be mad a family member but for the duration of the funeral and mourning period, all that stuff gets put on hold. Isn't the place or time. Many hugs to you and your Mum for having to deal with the rotten eggs. I'm glad the good eggs outnumbered them, though. Loss is not easy, so just take everything one day at a time.

And wow.. look at the stitching you got done! Is that a Moonflower design? Or one of Tracy's?

Karen R said...

Glad you are back, Mel - it's been quiet with you and Claire both offline. And as for funerals, my mother is that person who is always inappropriate (she has no filters, says whatever in front of whoever); if she should outlive me, my DH and my sister know she is NOT to be told until after I am ashes and in my Mason jar awaiting delivery to the mesas in New Mexico. Sad but true. You know what they say - every family has one.

Dogwood Square is looking wonderful! I'm glad you and your mum had time together to think and talk about your Nanna, and get some stitching in, too! Every stitch is a bit of healing.

Paula Hubert said...

Lots of hugs for you - and yes, every family has to have at least one of THOSE people... I think I've got a couple on each side! I'm glad you and your mum had some quiet time together.. and it looks like you both got tons done!

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