Wednesday 9 May 2007

Wish me Luck

Today's picture is of my Nanna as a young woman.

I'm off to Sydney today.  I've been selected for interview for the two positions I applied for in the holidays.

I really really do want one of these jobs.

Although I've discovered they will be a 2 hour commute from home, each way each day, the jobs appear to be perfect for me and as I'll be sitting in a train for most of that time, good stitching and reading time.

Also these positions are at a University so I'll be able to get back into studying - it was only when I saw their night-time short course listings today that I realised how much I miss studying !!!!!

They do short courses on languages (good for the Europe trip) and history (including reading Egyptian Hieroglyphs and Magic in Ancient Greece). 

And if I wanted to go to a show, see a musical or comedian, or play, then its just a short walk down to the State Theatre after work on a Friday ......

So for many reasons I really really hope I get one of these jobs !!!!!


Claire EJ said...

Goodness, you so look like your Nana. With me, it's all round the mouth area and the shapes it makes.

The courses sound fab. I have done some online courses and miss real studying too. Hieroglyphs would be great! And fun too.

Huge good luck wishes.

Karen R said...

Great pic of your nanna!

My fingers and toes are crossed for you; I think after the trouble you've had the last couple of months alone, you are in need of and very deserving of a new position! Much luck - I'm sure you'll WOW 'em! 2 hours each way would suck if you had to drive, but if you have public transport, think of the things you can get done! I may send you some stuff to finish off :)

And night courses, too - you can't beat that. I miss school - I never finished college (well, let me put it this way - I'm on the 25-year plan), but would be a professional student if I ever became independently wealthy!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks sweetheart - and thanks for the compliment too - I didn't think I looked anything like nan - wait til I find a picture of Dad's Aunties - apparently I'm a reincarnation of one of them !!!

Anyway I'm off now .....god I HATE interviews !!!!! I don't want to do this - I don't want to go - I feel like crap - its raining.. meh !!! There rant over and out of the system.

Chat to you all tonight when I get back !!!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh me tooo !!!!!!! Me so very much tooo !!!!!

Its only an hour's drive on good roads - but then you include peak hour traffic and finding a place to park etc etc ... it becomes a very stressful two hours on the road. So better to take the same time and be more comfortable !!!

Thanks for the well wishes!

Mariann Mäder said...

Can't wait to hear from you, Mel! I've been thinking of you the whole day on Monday - how did those interviews go???

Fingers and toes are crossed over here, too! If you want the trip on the train (and if it's in a train then stitching time is certainly guaranteed!) then this should be very good for you! So - hoping, hoping, hoping with and being anxious for you!

(((((((((((((((MEL)))))))))))))))) - I want you to be happy with your work again!

Hilary Syddall said...

Everything crossed for you Mel! here's hoping one (or even both!) comes through for you (both would be good because then YOU have the choice) :-)

Michele Anderson said...

Hi Mel,

Your Nanna was a beautiful woman! And you do look a lot like her!!

Crossing everything I can that one of these jobs pans out for you! It sounds like it will make your life much fuller being at the University. Good Luck!


Paula Hubert said...

Your Nanna was a gorgeous woman! :) And yes, I do see a resemblence very easily in the two of you! So... how'd it go? I didn't get to check in last night - but sending a late, great burst of "You need to hire Gothy" vibes!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Good luck!! I will keep my fingers corrsed for you all day. The positions sound like they would be a great fit for you!

Melissa Hicks said...

Morning all, As Mariann knows I went for an interview with a specialist librarian employment agency on Monday. They called me in because they had three jobs (one cataloguing and 2 acquisitions positions with the Uni of NSW) and they'd like to interview me for them. That is the ONLY reason I came home Sunday night instead of Monday from mums.

Well I get there and start the interviewing and then part way through the description I discover the cataloguing position is only temporary for two months. Yes full-time and at the salary range I want, but only for two months. And the acquisitions positions, oh sorry we made a mistake, they were both reference positions and required night work until 11pm. I'm not working to 11pm and then driving or commuting another two hours home. UNSW is not in the heart of Sydney, but rather past that an on the other side of the city - much harder and longer to get to.

So Monday was a wash. They *did* give me a general interview and added more information to my profile. They did say I had a fairly unique set of skills, most librarians tend to be technical OR customer service, they work in public OR university OR government settings - I've worked in all of them. So if the right job becomes available, I shouldn't be fighting too many other candidates for them. And I am the *only* person on their books with oral history experience. Then the standard, "if you haven't heard from us in a month's time, just give us a ring to keep your name fresh in our minds, blah blah blah"

Yesterday I was interviewed for the two positions at the University of Sydney that I put the applications in for while I was on holidays. They rang me 5pm last Friday, while mum and I were were taking a break from the wake. Timing I tell you !!!!

Anyway I caught public transport up and found my way around all by myself - very proud of that - always been a bit daunted by public transport and getting around the heart of Sydney.

Had the one interview for both positions. I think I did pretty well. I definitely sold myself and I had an answer and examples for every question. A couple I thought back on later and thought of other things to say and other ways to phrase them. But all in all I did a pretty good interview.

Of course now the nerves have hit and I wonder did I sell myself too well - did I sound too desperate for the job - did I explain enough *why* they should hire me, or just get across that I think they should? Did I sound too arrogant in answering the questions ????

Anyway they said were probably going to make a decision that afternoon after the interviews were over and then contact the referees. They contact the referees for the selected candidates and then if all OK, contact the winning candidates first and then the unlucky ones. If any hassles then they'll move down the list and select their referees etc. I'm hoping to hear back Friday or Monday.

I'm hoping so very very much that it's good news !!!!!

Laura Landis said...

Well, Mel, I'm late reading this so I'll just jump in and tell you I'm sorry Monday was such a wash, especially since you came home from Mum's early. I hope the other interviews give you the result you want. Sending good, positive thoughts your direction!

Debbie Lord said...

Mel, I was late reading this as well, hope you get one of jobs you interviewed for at Uni of Sydney, fingers & toes crossed for you

Hilary Syddall said...

Sorry the agency was a bit of a waste of time (there have been a number of times where I have been for an interview with an agency and they don't even have the job any more!), but the University sounds a lot more hopeful (and yep been there when you get home from the interview and go "aaaargh!!! why didn't I say yadda!!")

Paula Hubert said...

Well - I see now why you said last night it was a long post! I've got lots of things crossed for ya!! :)

Karen R said...

I'm pulling for you to get one of the UoS positions! I'm sure you did just fine - I think everyone reviews those things in their head; as many times as I revise an e-mail or a post, I could drive myself nuts with reliving those kinds of conversations!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all - neither I or my referees were contacted today - so its not the best, but I'm still hopeful .....

Claire EJ said...

Phone? email? real letter? It can take time......don't give up hope yet.

Melissa Hicks said...

Phone - we will be contacted via phone ......that's what they said after the interview .....

Claire EJ said...

Ok, I can be an optimist if I try.
Maybe they had SUCH GOOD candidates that they are carefully deliberating.....maybe it takes more than one day....
There, optimism for you rather than my usual cynicsm.....wretched "n"..I swear I am gonna throw this laptop out the window,,,,TG for guarantees.

Hilary Syddall said...

I'm with Claire on this one! hang on in there it ain't over till the fat lady sings (and at the moment I ain't singing!)

Karen R said...

I think you still have plenty of hope - they might've said "next day", but might've used it just as a figure of speech. If the first interview came away with the fact that you do have some unique skills, that can only play to your favor. You never know, they might be dickering around to see if they can afford you - those bean counters can take their sweet time :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks for the positive vibes ladies - I'll keep my chin up and hope ......

Melissa Hicks said...

Received the following late yesterday but didn't check my jobs account until this morning.

Dear Melissa,

Thank you for attending the interview for Librarian - Humanities. Whilst the Selection Committee was impressed by your application, on this occasion it will not progress further.

Karen R said...

Wow, that's blunt. Gosh, I sure was hoping this was going to work out for you. Well, maybe this means that the one you've been waiting for is still around the bend! Keep your chin up, and keep looking - it's out there!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Karen, I got really depressed there for a little while - I really wanted *that* job you know? And then to face the thought of going back to NP {sigh}

But about an hour later I received a phone call from the woman at the employment agency and she may have a cataloguing job at the UNSW instead. She asked if I was interested and she'll get back to me with more details on Monday.

What's the phrase - when one door closes another one opens? So I'm back to hoping and praying. This woman from the agency hasn't inspired much confidence in me - she's been wrong so often - and its just a cataloguing job, not *the* job - but at least its something to hope for again ......

Michele Anderson said...

Alright!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you that the call on Monday works out to be just as good of a job as the others!!


Claire EJ said...

And if it's not a's a window...of opportunity :)

Many hugs and luck as always.

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