Tuesday 11 December 2007

Son of Hector !!!!

As many of you know I bought a living tree for Christmas last year, a Norwegian Spruce in a pot, and for some unknown reason I named him Hector.

Well after Christmas I had a few hassles tying to keep Hector alive, I put out on my balcony and watered him lots and repotted him into a bigger pot and fertilised him. 

But to no avail ... I think the Australian summer was just too harsh for him.  Come Autumn (fall for your furriners) he started to perk up and it looked like he was going to make a come-back !!!

Then one June Long Weekend we had massive storms, so, knowing the restorative power of pure rainwater, I put Hector out the back patio.

The next morning I woke up to find that half of my backyard had landslided and Hector was buried.

Hector is *still* buried!  The owners and insurance agencies are still arguing and still have not cleaned up the landslide.  So Hector is still buried.

On Monday on my day off, Paul accompanied me out, and we bought a baby Norwegian Spruce - named then and there Son of Hector.

Pics are in my Christmas folder of Son of Hector and Paul after we had trimmed the tree.

He's small but very very cute and hopefully he will last until next Christmas!


Claire EJ said...

Too funny, as we just bought "Cousin of T'ree" hence named "T'reetoo"........

Poor Hector, sad he got buried but maybe he'll be propogating little treelets under the landslide?! Hope so.

Melissa Hicks said...

I can't wait until they clean up enough that I can dig under and see how he is .... and if he's managing to still have some alive roots or as you said - sent out little babies that might germinate someday .....

Claire EJ said...

Here's hoping! Any news on the land being sorted? Or is the landlady hoping for a very generous Santa!

Melissa Hicks said...

They've come to a verbal agreement but sher hasn't received the cheque yet .....

Claire EJ said...

Well hopefully that's a plus!

Paula Hubert said...

Well I hope the cheque follows soon! I'm glad to hear there's some sort of an agreement at least.

Melissa Hicks said...

Its far less money than the owner wanted but its also more money than the insurance company wanted to hand over - so I guess its a compromise. However being the jaded cynical type I am - I'll believe the insurance company is willing to part with *any* money when I hear the owner has the money in the bank !!!!

Tracy H said...

I love your new theme with Santa cookin' on the barbie! And are those little roos pulling the sleigh? Perfect. I think your Son of Hector is just fabulous and hope the Hector the First makes his comeback.

Claire EJ said...

Ya never know, this coming year could see the resurrection of the garden! Would be marvellous to have it back to normal. Fingers crossed for it.

I popped out to look at T'ree today and wow has she grown! Definitely enjoying life by the garage!

Melissa Hicks said...

Piccie please - when the weather is viable :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - the sleigh is being pulled by Six White Boomers (large kangaroos)

Early on one Christmas Day, a Joey Kanga-roo
Was far from home and lost in a great big zoo
Mummy, where's my mummy, they've taken her a-way
We'll help you find your mummy son, hop on the sleigh

Up beside the bag of toys, little Joey hopped
But they had'nt gone far when Santa stopped
Un-harnessed all the reindeer and Joey wondered why
Then he heard a far off booming in the sky

Six white boomers, snow white boomers
Racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun
Six white boomers, snow white boomers
.. On his Aus-tra-lian run

Pretty soon old Santa began to feel the heat
Took his fur-lined boots off to cool his feet
Into one popped Joey, feeling quite OK
While those old man kangaroos kept pulling on the sleigh

Joey said to Santa, Santa, what about the toys
Aren't you giving some to these girls and boys
They've all got their presents son, we were here last night
This trip is an extra trip, Joey's special flight

Soon the sleigh was flashing past, right over Marble Bar
Slow down there, cried Santa, it can't be far
Come up on my lap son, and have a look around
There she is, that's mummy, bounding up and down

Well that's the bestest Christmas treat that Joey ever had
Curled up in mother's pouch all snug and glad
The last they saw was Santa headed northward from the sun
The only year the boomers worked a double run

Most famously sung by Rolf Harris and played on Christmas Day *everywhere*

Claire EJ said...

And switched off as soon as I hear it come on....THAT man drives me nuts! He's wonderful, but there's too much of a good thing.

Melissa Hicks said...

For one day a year I can cope - its kinda not Christmas Day until I hear that song ......

Claire EJ said...

LOL....Same here with the song by Slade

Karen R said...

Okay, somebody find me a recording of this online somewhere (yes, I can google it myself - if I remember :) )

Melissa Hicks said...

I'll upload a version to this site tonight when I get back home. Don't dare do music at work :) :)

Paula Hubert said...

You mean that whole "Shhhh" thing that librarians are stereotypically doing in movies and such is real? {ducks and runs the other way}

Melissa Hicks said...

{LOL} Not bloody likely !!!!

No I just have a nosy bunch of retards under me who I've been trying to get motivated to do an actual day's work. So any"weakness" like catching me playing on my blog is more justification for them to continue their slack ways.

Claire EJ said...

Yeah, best to actually look as if you are working with that bunch of twits.

Paula Hubert said...

yeah, I see the point in that.. but I thought my answer was more fun! :)

Claire EJ said...

Course it was more fun! Much more.

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