Friday 16 January 2009

Death of Newspapers?

Interesting article ...


Jim Westlake said...

Perhaps he has a point but I hope that the papers are with us a while longer if for no other reason than there are lots of people out there who do not use IT based solutions for their news and entertainment. It won't be long though before most of the population who buy papers will use the net though.

Blog Terrorist said...

I hope the bloody "Sun" is the first to go. It's read by the "men in white vans" mentality, and doesn't so much report the news as make it up as they go along. Media scaremongering for the public who don't have the brain cells to figure out they're being manipulated into outrage over something and nothing.

Rant over. Can you tell I'm not a big fan of the tabloids? HAR

kay jones said...

Oh heavens what the hell shall I use to light the Rayburn with?

Mariann Mäder said...

I have to agree that there would not be much I would miss, BUT - I would only really miss the quality products. But I'm afraid it's actually the quality papers that will go down the drain and leave us with the yellow press stuff - because you need a reasonable amount of brain reading them and that excludes about 2/3 of the population worldwide. The rest is less interesting as a target for ads. People today are not willing to use time and brain in everyday life. The faster everything becomes the less we're willing to sit down quietly and do something that's not done with in twenty seconds.

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