Friday 30 January 2009

KAY !!!!!!! IT ARRIVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just had a neighbour from up the street walk in on my buck naked.  Well don't walk into an open doorway without checking first!

However he did bring me two packages that had been mis-delivered.  One is Kay's 2009 RR and the other is also from Kay and when I opened it I saw a Happy Birthday card!

The missing one finally arrived !!!!!


Melissa Hicks said...

Ah no - on closer inspection this is a new package - noothing stitched and no chocolate.

But some very very cute little presents !!!!!

A kitty Cat card
Twinings "a moment of calm" tea bags
2 LED light up smiley badges
a zany pen with a big rubber frog on the end
2 pairs of very cheery cat socks
and lastly a beautiful kitty cat tea towel !!!!!

Thank you so much for the pick-me-up parcel Kay - they are all gorgeous and have truly brought a smile to my face. I might have to wear the badges to the Watchmen movie :)

And leave the teabags in a prominent position on my desk :)

Mariann Mäder said...

Sounds like a few very welcome kitties :-)

Glad you had something nice happen to you this morning, Mel!

Nancy Murdock said...

Sounds like a nice package for you. Wonder if your neighbor will try and deliver anything else? LOL

Karen R said...

Sounds like a great package!!!

Sisu Lull said...

What a great parcel! And what were you doing naked if your door was open? LOL.

Blog Terrorist said...

I want to know more about the naked neighbour....

Melissa Hicks said...

The door was open but the front gate was firmly shut. He opened the gate and walked straight in the front door. I had just gotten out of the shower, dropped the towel and was moving across the room to where my clothes were. In this insane heat I've been living downstairs.

Melissa Hicks said...

Not him naked sweetie - me. And no-one wants to see that!

kay jones said...

Well thank heavens something has arrived. Thought you could do with a cheer up. The only thing I forgot to put in was the chocolate.

Twana Bentley said...

Can't imagine not locking up while in the shower. Is Australia that much safer to live in than the US?

Melissa Hicks said...

There are parts of Australia that are better and worse - just like there are parts of the US that are better or worse.

But as a complete over-generalisation, people I have met, who have lived in both places, have all said YES !!! Australia to them feels like a much safer country to live in.

Sisu Lull said...

There was a stat on TV the other day that in the US, the murder rate was like 70 per 10,000 population and Australia was 1.7 or something like that. I don't remember the exact figures, but I know it was a huge difference. I think Australia was the lowest on the scale for violent crime of the 1st world countries they listed.

Melissa Hicks said...

That's because its too bloody hot for anyone to be bothered being violent :) :) :)

Generally speaking Australians tend to be a laid back sort of crowd. We grumble and whinge but that's about it. Even 99% of our protests are incited by foreigners new to the country or professional rabble rousers.

About the only protests in living memory that weren't were the Uni Students when they made us pay fees for University courses back in the 1980s for the first time ever.

Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

HHMMMM - Me thinks Mr. NT must!

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