Monday 12 January 2009

Woooo! I have an excuse :)

According to this article all of my depression, loss of short term memory, overspending, weight increase etc, can ALL be attributed to the fact that I have moved from a rural area to an inner city environment!

Well that might be a slight stretch - but it is a very interesting article.  Have a read....


Twana Bentley said...

That is an interesting article. When I get stressed to the point that I'm going to tear somebody's head off I generally go for a walk. Since moving into town walking doesn't calm me down like it used to. Never gave a thought that it might be due to the venue.

Melissa Hicks said...

Well I'm certainly going to try walking home through less inhabited places and see if it makes a difference - once I find such a place that is ....

Kerry Dustin said...

Can you detour through the Exhibition Gardens. I used to walk home from school through them (I went around in the mornings - they just didn't seem as friendly, silly though that is - and I was a teenager) and it was always lovely.

Melissa Hicks said...

That's exactly what I was planning to do this afternoon on the way home :)

Blog Terrorist said...

I moved from the country to a town to get away from the stress of the countryside... does that count too?

crabby man said...

What's my excuse???

Karen R said...

Well, I didn't move to the city, but the city has spread out and engulfed me, so it stands to reason that some of my stress is the fact that I'm feeling really, really crowded. Especially when I didn't use to have my blood pressure rise until I got to the interstate - now, it's all I can do to get to the interstate, so by the time I get there, the damage is already done. Horse ranching in Wyoming continues to look better & better...

Shawn Medrano said...

I think that might be a lot of why I don't like Ft. Jackson, Columbia is right outside the gate and I'm not a fan of this big city (which is actually smaller than you'd think it would be). I miss the calm and quiet of a smaller area.

Mariann Mäder said...

>> it's become clear that such unnatural surroundings have important implications for our mental and physical health, and can powerfully alter how we think. <<

As we have votings four times every year here in Switzerland we also got used to reading and hearing about the different statistics on voting behaviour and one of them is the contrast between voters in the cities and voters in rural areas. The city definitely produces entirely different models of thinking!

Personally I think it's the combination of lack of natural surroundings and speed. Everything today must be fast, fast, fast and that tempo is just getting too much for our brains. Evolution can only go so fast and we don't adapt to these new demands well enough to keep up!

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