Saturday 24 March 2007

Fire Wing Friday

Well I have three other projects that are a higher priority and have deadlines looming, not to mention finishing off FireFlower ..... but well it *is* Friday and this is a little easier than the 32ct black most of my other current projects are being stitched on.

I have a bit bigger blob there now. That is the dragon's head, not that you can tell :) First time using Needlepaint threads - very very nice !!!! I need tog et more of these - they have a good feel to them!

Another hot and probably sleepless night looming - fourth in a row - I can't wait - Sunday night we are finally supposed to get a cool change through ..... sleeep! I'd trade stash for sleep!


Claire EJ said...

Sigh.......Hope you get some tonight....I really do.

You can tell it's the dragon's head...there's a gap for an eye LOL.
Good progress.

Hilary Syddall said...

It is starting to look like something! I would trade almost anything for some relief from the pain so I could stitch :-(

Karen R said...

It looks great so far; I haven't used the Needlepaints, yet, either - I think I have a couple of skeins laying around from a Fiber OTM club.

I hope you get some sleep tonight! My DH has taken up snoring in the past few months, and my sleep has really suffered. I didn't used to be such a light sleeper... I can't function at all if I don't sleep right - I am envious of people who only need a few hours a night; imagine how much stitching and reading we could do if we could get by on a couple of hours?? Cool breeze thoughts coming your way....

Melissa Hicks said...

Mum can get by on a few hours - and I used to be able to too - but not any more. I need a minimum of six solid restful hours.

I didn't get it again last night - far far far tooo humid for me and I wake up feeling like I'm boiling in my own skin! Also had another night of dreaming about work and stressful things. I'm as tired now as when I went to bed seven hours ago. My eyeballs feel like they're hanging out of my head on stalks!

Anyway enough whinging. Time to haul this carcass into the shower and then off to work today. We have a state election today (big whooopty dooooo) and one of the polling places is literally outside the back door of the library I'll be working in today. Think of a horseshoe shaped building with a courtyard 5 metres across in between the two arms. The library is in the front arm and the polling place is in the back arm, with its entrance coming through the courtyard.

I don't expect many extra loans today but I do expect to see a *lot* of extra foot traffic coming through the library ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh many many hugs of sympathy Hilary !!!!!! I thought the injections were helping ???

Melissa Hicks said...

Did I mention I was tired :) :) This is a good project to work on when you're tired - lots of chunks of one colour - only problem is that I did miscount my rows and had to frog back a couple of times. This particular part of the chart goes over two pages and at one point I'd coloured in 15 rows on the left page and only 13 rows on the right page ....

I'll get more done next Friday ....

Hilary Syddall said...

The injections work for a few days but then the pain comes back worse than ever.

Frishawn Rasheed said...

((((HUGS)))) to you Tigger...I hope that you are able to rest so that you are bright eyed and bushy tailed to stitch.

Debbie Lord said...

Looks lovely Mel. I'm sick of this humid weather as well - this is supposed to be Autumn (or Fall)!! Hate to see what Winter's going to be like.

Finished the housework a few hours ago and still feel like a damp rag!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Hey Debbie - the cool change came through late this afternoon - had some spits of rain as I left work - P and I went food shopping and came home to a black out. So instead of an evening of home made pizza and a DVD we sat out on the balcony watching the darkness creep across the horizon with a bottle of wine each and a few plates of assorted cheeses, nuts, pickled vegetables etc .......

Gorgeous but now that the electricity has come back on I' too sozzled to be safe in the kitchen - so I'm checking the emails while we listen to the Beatles White Album and P cooks home made pizza..... and we continue drinking the wine .....

No stitching for me tonight :) :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Debbie, meant to add - you are a few hours north of me - so that cool change should be hitting you now !!!! Hope it is !!!!

Tracy H said...

Oooh, and from the opal mists a dragon is emerging!

Melissa Hicks said...

Ooooh how poetic!!!

Not only are there opal mists in the fabric - but it is raining outside and the landscape is wreathed in mist ..... what gorgeous weather compared the last week !!!!! I don't want to go to work today !!!! I want to sit on my balcony and stitch!

Paula Hubert said...

The stitching is looking great, Mel... I hope you're still enjoying some cooler temps!

Melissa Hicks said...

I am I am !!!!! Mel dances around the lounge room - Autumn has entered the building !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Whew... and she's sent Spring our way, too - so we're both happy campers!

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