Thursday 15 March 2007

Lifestyle change

As most of you would know - I'm having a very difficult time at work. After speaking with the rostering librarian today, I've put in a request for time off work.

Combining annual leave, flex days, rostered days off and public holidays I would effectively be taking four weeks off (Tue 3rd April until Monday 30 April).

This still has to be approved - but four weeks !!!!! Oh bliss!

I don't have much in the way of savings or disposable income after not having any overtime since mid-December so I wont be going away or having a spending splurge. Instead I will spending four weeks finishing sorting my house, going to the gym, getting myself back into shape mentally emotionally and physically. Most importantly, I will use the time to search for another job. I plan on seeing some temp agencies in Sydney and hopefully having some job interviews during this time.

Possibly take a weekend (maybe Easter) and visit mum - oh and of course do some major stitching !!!!!

Just working through this today has made me feel so much better - the situation at my work is affecting my health, both physically (migraines) and mentally (depression). Knowing that it may be only for a few more weeks will make the rest of this month go sooo much easier.

Knowing I am about to start three weeks of overtime Saturday work will help the finances in April too !!


Natalie Mikesell said...

I hope this comes through for you! I know how hard it is to get through other things in your life when a major aspect of it is causing depression. Good luck with the beginning job search :)

Hilary Syddall said...

Oooh well done on making this decision Mel and I hope you get all the time off you want!

Paula Hubert said...

Great decision, Mel... I hope it gets approved! I'm planning on a week's vacation at home this year myself... and I'm SO looking forward to it. Sending lots of good "hire Gothy" vibes your way, too!

Karen R said...

You sound like you're in a similar boat as I am. I took on another job responsibility last fall, totally unrelated to what I've been doing for years, on top of my usual, and since, my stress level has quadrupled! I used to like to come to work (well, mostly), and now I'm pretty much hating every minute of it - except when I have time to talk to you guys here! I have my review any day now, so we'll see how that goes; I'm expecting great things, or it's going to get ugly. They seem to wonder why the last 3 people doing this extra bit are no longer employed here...?

Enjoy your time off - a few days can do a lot for your head, but a month? Hey, how about I send you a couple of projects to finish up for me with all that time to fill??? :) I'm green with envy!

Mariann Mäder said...

Mel - that gives you a month of different thoughts an a chance to take a break - very good! I'll be helping to cross stitches for you while you go on interviews (hopefully some for really good jobs!)! You have made a really good decision!

Hugs flying your way!

Melissa Hicks said...

Gee - I think there's something wrong with my multiply setting - it sends me an email whenever there's an update in your albums but not when people reply to mine. I've checked and the box is ticked, but at the moment the only way I can tell if anyone has responded is to go into my own posts and look .....

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all for your good thoughts. I have a lot to do to get my branch ready in the next two weeks to be put into the hands of the incompetent useless piece of deadwood I've been given as an assistant.

I was formally informed by my boss last week that I'm S's babysitter. S is a "pet project" and will not be fired. However he needs a babysitter and I'm running the only branch left that he can be placed in, that hasn't had staff making formal complaints about him.

I informed S as soon as he turned up that I wouldn't tolerate any shenanigans from him and I didn't care if he had "issues". The first time he threatened me or the patrons, or I even thought he might do, I would be ringing the police. Not the boss, not our HR department but the Police and filing charges.

Both him and the boss blanched and told me that I couldn't do that! I said watch me!

The piece of filth threw a chair at a staff member at one branch, and a full coffee cup at another, missing her, but smashing it into the wall behind her showering her with flying bits of crockery and hot liquid.

He's also incompetent. But they've made their own beds. As long as I can get HR to step in and approve my leave, then they will be forced to her this useless piece of human excrement run the branch without a babysitter for a whole month!

This is why all previous attempts for me to go on leave have been denied - they don't want to leave S without a babysitter.

Tough luck! I have my own "issues" I need to get my head around.

Melissa Hicks said...

And a heap of projects I want to put some serious stitching time into :) :) :) :)

Hilary Syddall said...

well they can't deny you your leave so let them sweat!

Melissa Hicks said...

Good luck with it Karen! They screwed me over like this last year - I did a fantastic job for the 12 months I was in Tech Services. My supervisor rated me as outstanding (the highest level possible) 7 out of the 9 categories. My boss overruled that and rated me as barely competent. The boss doesn't even understand the nature of the work I was doing but even the patrons wrote to their mayor about the increase in service, all of that was due to behind the scenes work. But no I got pulled out of that job and put into this one instead ....

We have the highest staff turnover and staff dissatisfaction levels of any library in our region! I attend one going away party a fortnight and we only have 72 staff.

Anyway enough whinging from me. I've got two weeks and then I'm off for a month. And if that isn't enough I become eligible for six weeks long service leave the day I get back (Monday 30 April). I was going to save that for Mariann's visit here next year, or my trip to Europe the year after, but I will take it now if I have to!

Melissa Hicks said...

The boss will deny it, and then I have to ask HR to step in so it will be another week or more before the approval goes through.

But yes an evil malicious part of me wants to see what S will do when in charge for a month - the boss will be wetting himself in terror.

Hilary Syddall said...

hmmm maybe you should get back at the end of April and within the week put in for the 6 weeks leave!

Melissa Hicks said...

{evil grin} I can go straight to HR and submit my request for the long Service Leave while I'm still on annual leave :)

Hopefully in a very short time you guys wont have to delete or wade through posts about me whinging about my work!

Hilary Syddall said...

ooooh cruel Gothy (I love it!) your supervisors will be seriously wetting themselves!

Karen R said...

Mine's doing it, too....

Laura Landis said...

Oh, Mel, how awful to be so miserable at work! I hope it all works out for the best. I'll keep you on my list!!

Debbie Lord said...

Mel, know what that's like, not pleasant at all. Hope you find another job that you like. {{{{Hugs}}}

Gina Martin said...

I hope it all works out the way you want it to.

Melissa Hicks said...

I found out late yesterday afternoon that my leave was approved :) The flip side is that the boss has removed me from the overtime register for that period of time - so I really do have nearly a month off from work! And I will be broke broke broke !!!

S will be in charge of the library for the entire time I'm away and he's already panicking He's very devious about ignoring me and going his own way - but when it will be *his* neck on the line as Branch Manager .... well that has him scared witless :) :) Gosh I'm mean sometimes .....

I'm working long hours at the moment trying to get my housebound deliveries all ready to go for that four weeks - basically instead of arranging each one week ahead of time, I'm arranging six weeks of deliveries in the next few days .... long hours but I will feel better for it.

I'm not leaving my poor defenceless (literally) housebound borrowers and their needs into his useless and indifference clutches .....

Lets see what other news - P decided to become a normal human being and started a 9-5 Mon-Fri job yesterday instead of stuffing around with his freelance training job. The training pays more per hour, but there's less of it so in the long run this is a better financial decision for him, even though it cramps his style to work a 35 hour week ..... my heart bleeds for him (as I generally work a 42 hour week and have done so for the last 14 years).

Its 4:22am and too hot to sleep ..... I hate this weather - bring on the cool change - noooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Sorry imitation of Trouble there - she says NOW! and noooooooowwwwwwww!

OK that's enough drivel - off for a cold shower and then back to bed for another hour so so before getting up for the day ....

Hilary Syddall said...

Congratulations on getting the leave agreed - by the no overtime comment has your boss removed you from the rota on the run-up and if so can he actually do that?!

Melissa Hicks said...

Just during the month - I have overtime arranged on the weelend before my and the weekend after I get back - just not during he actual time off and yes unfortunately he can - Council have decided to enforce longer time offs on staff for "mental health" reasons - so when we take time off we must do it in a block and take at least two weeks.

No more taking off a day here and there ..... another reason I'm leaving the organisation (as soon as I can). I need those occasional days off for job interviews, long weekend to visit mum etc etc ....

Paula Hubert said...

I'm glad your leave got approved, and I'm hoping it will be a productive break for you - both in terms of feeling better and in finding another job in a better environment!

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