Monday 23 April 2007

RAK and Soup

After such a horrible afternoon yesterday I've had a rather good day today. The Police didn't want a statement right now after all. They'll take it later if they need to.

I was very domestic this morning, got Mount Washmore taken care of, and Spring Cleaned the Bathroom, Toilet and Laundry. Lunchtime went out and checked the Post Office and received a lovely gift from Claire !!!!

She sent me a set of Q-Snaps !!! I've never seen these before, let alone used them !!!! As soon as I got home I hauled out Tracy's Dogwood Square, and thread pack from Carrie's threads, hacked off a piece of 28ct white Cashel linen and set them up and went for it on the Q-Snaps !!

Wow - these are fun to use!

Its been raining here all day - cold grey and wet - so what do you make for dinner? Soup!

Leek and Potato Soup
2 leeks
4 large potatoes
1 onion
ground spices - coriander, cumin and cardamom
3 cups chicken stock
half cup of cream
black pepper

Chop and saute the veggies and spices in a little oil and butter. Place in a saucepan, add stock and simmer until the potatoes are cooked. Remove from heat, add cream and black pepper. Stir and serve. Garnish with chives before eating.

Probably different to everyone else's version but very very yummy. I have a very full tummy and am warm. Going offline now to stitch some more and watch Supernatural ....

Felling so much better than I did this time last night !!!!!

THANK YOU CLAIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gina Martin said...

What a wonderful gift! I love my qsnaps.

Hilary Syddall said...

Oooh lucky Gothy on all fronts!

Karen R said...

Yummy - I love leek soup (though I'd have to leave out those mushrooms - they all taste like dirt to me). And I just got my first q-snaps last fall - I'd be lost without them now, let me tell you! I still need to get a smaller, square set - I have the two biggest ones, I think, which are nice because I can see the entire thing I'm working on, but I'm still having to use a hoop for the small stuff, like my ornaments. Next time Hobby Lobby has them on sale, I'm going the first day - if I have to wait until Friday when I get paid, there's nothing left :( Hence why I have the two big sets. Glad today was much better than yesterday!

Claire EJ said...

I sent Mel the 8" ones. I use those for everything. Sometimes, I might add a pair of 11" sides to make it an 8x11 which works perfectly for me.

So glad you like them!! have fun honey.

Mariann Mäder said...

I'm sure you'll love the q-snaps the more the longer you use them, Mel! So glad you got something to cheer you up after that horrible afternoon yesterday.

Your leek and potato soup sounds very yummy! Mine is MUCH simpler :-) and I'm with Karen - I could do it without the mushrooms (though I do like those). All the rest, yumm!

Paula Hubert said...

Oh Mel, I adore my Q snaps! I have every size, plus the extension pieces, and I mix and match to suit my needs. I only have to use a hoop for some of the smaller ornies I do (when I bought a specifically sized cut of fabric for it and it doesn't fit on the 6" Qs), but it's not often!

Melissa Hicks said...

Recipe please ???????????????

Melissa Hicks said...

I made up my recipe on the spot - and although its really really yummy, it doesn't taste like the old Leek and Potato recipe my ex used to make - so a more traditional recipe would be nice ..... please?

Melissa Hicks said...

OK I had a long post mostly written and then Firefox shuts down on me - grrrrr! Here's the short and sweet version:

I'm enjoying the Q-snaps.
They are lighter than my hoops.
As they are square the stitching aperture is larger
There's no screw hanging off one bit to snag the floss

However they don't seem to keep the same drum tight tension that my hoops do. Also I stitch by holding the frame with my left hand and moving the needle with my right (moving my right hand over and under the fabric with each stitch). Sometimes the snap that I'm holding shifts a little, loosening the tension.

I think maybe I just need more practice with the Qsnaps.

Thanks again Claire - they are truly a wonderful gift !!!! Off to breakfast and then the bedroom so I can stitch!

Paula Hubert said...

Mel, mine keep good tension (or is it maybe that I don't keep my fabric quite as tight as you do?) In any case, a couple of things to try - try a piece of scrap fabric under the snaps, that should help them "grab" better. For a couple of my older pairs that have been well loved, I put them in the top rack of my dishwasher and run them through. I've also heard that folks who don't have a dishwasher use very hot water (simmering, not boiling) and that helps tighten them, too.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Paula - Claire mentioned the really hot water - I'll try them in my dishwasher next time I run it. It could just be that I'm used to having my material held very very tightly too :)

Hilary Syddall said...

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