Friday 19 December 2008

It is a truth universally acknowledged ...

Well alright its two truths that are pertinent to me that I always need reminding ....

* Housework is a heck of lot more fun when done to loud rock music

* I am soooo much less stressed in a clean and tidy environment.

This is a general statement about living quarters, kitchen and wok places.  It does not relate in any way to creative endeavors which must appease the Gods of Chaos before anything meaningful can be accomplished.


Tina Starke said...

I think Trubs prefers chaos; much more interesting to her!

Melissa Hicks said...

Trubs DEFINITELY prefers me to have a clean desk. She likes to walk along my desk and gets very cross when papers and whatnot slip and slide out from under her paws ......

Jim Westlake said...

I must be very creative then.

Hilary Syddall said...

Yep to both of these! I am trying to clear stuff out that we moved with last year - I am fed up of living in a tip, it stops me stitching for one thing!

Hilary Syddall said...

The BOFH saw the picture and said "I'm guessing your friend had just got up from the office chair", cats loving pre warmed seats of course!

Mariann Mäder said...

I was thinking the same, Jim!

Order is for the less gifted - genius can see beyond the chaos :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

Trub was sitting on the chair in protest because the desk was too messy that she nearly fell off it a couple of times.

Jeff Lock said...

Yeah, right on. I must get back to cleaning the house before we go away for our Christmas break.

Becky - said...

Browsing around on my "extended network" Had to comment since you use and Austen quote for your blog tittle! I can relate to the less stress when things are tidy train of thought...but yet, I'm still horrible about actually doing the tiding up!

My kitties like to "help" me at my desk too.

Karen R said...

I clean my areas - the others are on their own. Sadly, the kitchen is one of my areas. As is the laundry room, and one bathroom - though I am often forced into a drive-by cleaning of the other bathroom, just for sanitary reasons. Boys - blech!

Jim Westlake said...

Glad to see I have an ally. Now if only I can persuade Jen of the merits....

Melissa Hicks said...

Yep - tis one of my favourite quotes and one I co-opt for other reasons on a regular basis.

Surprisingly I did NOT use it when announcing my recent engagement. Probably too busy going squee to think clearly - the lad does that to me on a regular basis.

Melissa Hicks said...

Jim, this is why when M de Bears and I finally get a place of our own (like when you and Jen finally get a new place of your own) we are getting a four bedroom. One for us, one for guests and then a room each.

Whatever goes on in that room - whatever condition it is in is solely up to that person and is beholden to no other. So I can have my creative days and my anal retentive cleaning days in there without bothering him and he can hide in his when he's sulking.

Melissa Hicks said...

That;s me all over. I love a tidy house - I hate doing the actual tidying.

Lori M. said...

One of my favorite quotes by Jane Austen, from my favorite of her books. I even stitched it!
I like things orderly and neat. I try to keep on top of the house work so that it's never a big project. This way I don't ever feel overwhelmed by a really large task.

Melissa Hicks said...

I try - sometimes I don't try very hard :)

I'm still battling with the moving from a larger house to a smaller apartment. I have a junk room that everything that can't fit anywhere else has been squashed into. And now I have someone visiting who will need that room to sleep in.

So I'm doing a bit of moving things around and unpacking boxes and stuff from the move. Stuff that's a bit more than the average weekly clean ...

Mariann Mäder said...

Excellent solution! I would probably not do well with another like me, because nothing would ever get done if both are to complacent about it. It's not bad when you get a neater person as your partner, forces you to a modicum of order :-)

My goal is to keep a place that's sanitary and NOT ever have anything rotting anywhere! That's something I can't stand. But the rest doesn't disturb me in the least. I can oversee dust until I start sneezing.

Melissa Hicks said...

The way I put it - my house may sometimes be messy - but it is ALWAYS sanitary! Clean floors, no mould in the bathroom, garbage emptied daily, plates in the dishwasher even though its only run once a week.

Just because I can't see the top of my desk due to paper clutter and unwary guests have to check the lounge for scissors and floss before sitting down and then bed is not made *every* morning ..... that's acceptable to me :)

Mariann Mäder said...

I couldn't live without my dishwasher! Plates go in there as they come and that helps a lot. I always swore I'd never move into a flat where there's no dishwasher. Someone once asked me why I needed a dishwasher when I was living all on my own, but I always claim that washing dishes in the machine only once a week uses a lot less water than filling up your sink twice a day or so AND rinsing dishes under the running water.

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm with you all the way !!!

Also Mr S hates washing dishes so why deliberately go into a situation that will cause arguments ???

Keep the dishwasher and we'll run it twice a week with two of us :)

Mariann Mäder said...

And I'm with Mr S on that all the way, LOL!!!

I don't mind drying, but I HATE washing the darn dishes!

Karen R said...

It depends on what I'm wearing - since I have yet to wash dishes without soaking one part of myself. Personally, I'd rather wash dishes than fold laundry any day. But I have my much-used dishwasher, though as fast as we fill it up, I still always have a sink full of pots & pans and that kind of stuff - it just won't fit unless I run it every day. Nope....

Paula Hubert said...

I agree, too! Right now my sewing room is a disaster area - brought on by trying to finish too many gifts in too short a time! I can't wait to spend some time getting it straightened back up and then actually sitting and working in it!

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